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  • Apr 8, 2019, 03:48 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    My congratulations! You are, in my experience, very much the exception.

    As for the wall, we need to build it for the simple reason that everything else does not work. It will.

    Thank you! As far as border control, we haven't tried technology yet along the entire southern border, nor are there enough well-trained immigration agents at enough checkpoints. Walls fall. Technology sings (and doesn't go rrr rrr and cause cancer).
  • Apr 8, 2019, 05:14 PM

    Thank you! As far as border control, we haven't tried technology yet along the entire southern border,
    Been there. Done that. It doesn't work.


    nor are there enough well-trained immigration agents at enough checkpoints.
    You mean Mr. Obama didn't hire enough??


    Walls fall.
    Not new ones.
  • Apr 8, 2019, 05:20 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Been there. Done that. It doesn't work.

    Not true!


    You mean Mr. Obama didn't hire enough??
    Who's he? Get with it. This is 2019.


    Not new ones.
    Walls can be gotten under, over, and around.
  • Apr 8, 2019, 06:55 PM

    Walls can be gotten under, over, and around.
    I guess that explains why jails and prisons do not use them.


    Not true!
    You liberals had eight years with Obama to employ all these magnificent tech advances and yet you found no need to do so. This is just a delaying tactic. "Oh! Oh! We know about all these wonderful techie thingies that will work just like, you know, awesome!" No, we are not going to fall for that one.
  • Apr 8, 2019, 07:13 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I guess that explains why jails and prisons do not use them.

    I sure hope your wall will be a Christian one.


    You liberals had eight years with Obama to employ all these magnificent tech advances and yet you found no need to do so. This is just a delaying tactic. "Oh! Oh! We know about all these wonderful techie thingies that will work just like, you know, awesome!" No, we are not going to fall for that one.
    How did I get to be a liberal -- because I think a wall is stoopid?
  • Apr 8, 2019, 08:25 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    I sure hope your wall will be a Christian one.

    Walls are neutral


    How did I get to be a liberal -- because I think a wall is stoopid?
    Got it in one, you are not stoopid after all
  • Apr 8, 2019, 08:51 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Walls are neutral

    This will be a wall dripping with evil and ill will.

    What about cages and separating kids from parents? And we will have to print up a lot of flyers to distribute in Central American countries and Mexico to alert people that we no longer believe in the words carved onto the Statue of Liberty and no longer follow Jesus' commands.
  • Apr 8, 2019, 11:54 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    This will be a wall dripping with evil and ill will.

    What about cages and separating kids from parents? And we will have to print up a lot of flyers to distribute in Central American countries and Mexico to alert people that we no longer believe in the words carved onto the Statue of Liberty and no longer follow Jesus' commands.

    I think you need to avoid dragging Jesus into your rhetoric. I see nowhere that Jesus expected you to allow your country to be overrun, he said to take the message to the ends of the Earth, not invite the inhabitants of the Earth to come to you. As to leaflet drops, great idea, it beats dropping bombs. It isn't that you don't believe the words but they were written long ago, when your country was empty except for your unfortunate native americans, and you can no longer afford sentimentality
  • Apr 9, 2019, 04:25 AM

    This will be a wall dripping with evil and ill will.
    Getting a little carried away, aren't we?


    What about cages and separating kids from parents? And we will have to print up a lot of flyers to distribute in Central American countries and Mexico to alert people that we no longer believe in the words carved onto the Statue of Liberty and no longer follow Jesus' commands.
    Why is it that when we want to have border security, you suddenly become concerned with the commands of Jesus, but when we talk about abortion you are strangely silent concerning His commands? You sure are selective in your outrage. Just one way in which you qualify as a liberal.

    I don't think Jesus would have a problem with us securing our southern border. Building a wall does not mean we don't want to continue to have immigration. It just means we would like to do so in a lawful manner.

    As for separating kids from parents, do you want to put the children in jail with the parents? They are not being put in cages. Their parents should be completely ashamed of themselves for dragging their kids into this illegal entry.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 04:36 AM
    The country is still empty and the brown people aren't pouring in. That's just the exageration the right puts on everything. A lie perpetrated by a lying cheating racists whose followers love that kind of BS to feel better about themselves but are a minority. Walls and immigration are there priorities while the majority are trying to get health care and educate their kids for the 21st century economy.

    The dufus needs a platform for the election and he sure has no answers for what Americans are concerned about, so he has to make one up at a cost to taxpayers, like everything else he does. Even repub lawmakers are moaning and groaning and resisting, but he is doing what he does best sucking up face time and feeding his base red meat, that is really BS. He has proven his dufusness yet again though, by putting himself first and the nation last by drumming up an emergency at the south border by refusing to process those that seek asylum humanely, thus creating a bottleneck that he uses for his purpose to scare his base.

    But then processing a million brown invaders is scary to some in a country of 360 million, but hardly a crisis, or emergency, but what else can he talk about? Not health care, not education, not schools, not roads, bridges, nor infrastructure. Not energy, or middle class issues at all. He has little choice but to find something to talk about, and it's always gloom, doom, hate and division, as he purges the government and makes a mockery of law, order, and good orderly direction.

    Shocked that he has followers at all, but not at the noise they make, or the fever pitch they allow themselves to be whipped into.


    As for separating kids from parents, do you want to put the children in jail with the parents? They are not being put in cages. Their parents should be completely ashamed of themselves for dragging their kids into this illegal entry.

    The point of humane process, and blaming the victims fleeing death completely goes over your head, as well as the LAW says asylum seekers are legal.

    We both know Jesus would be at the southern border rendering aid and comfort to the weary traveler.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 05:00 AM

    by a lying cheating racists whose followers love that kind of BS to feel better about themselves but are a minority.
    Or perhaps they just disagree with you. And maybe Trump is not a racist (what a tired, over-used word that has become) but just a man who wants to secure our southern border. It is possible that those who disagree with you actually have good reasons to disagree with you and are not a band of racist xenophobes. That kind of wild, unthinking accusation is part of what is wrong with American politics. Too much hate or anger driven rhetoric.

    As to what Trump can talk about, he can certainly talk about the economy. He can talk about placing judges who believe in the rule of law. He can talk about dwindling food stamp numbers. He can talk about millions of Americans who now have jobs thanks to a revived economy that is so strong that there are now over seven million unfilled job positions in the United States. And yes, he can talk about the fact that we are finally making progress in securing our southern border. And no, I don't agree with the insane idea that saying that makes me a racist.


    We both know Jesus would be at the southern border rendering aid and comfort to the weary traveler.
    So are you there rendering aid and comfort?
  • Apr 9, 2019, 05:03 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    The point of humane process, and blaming the victims fleeing death completely goes over your head, as well as the LAW says asylum seekers are legal.

    We both know Jesus would be at the southern border rendering aid and comfort to the weary traveler.

    Yes and we know that his message wouldn't be Make America Great Again. The question isn't whether you accept asylum seekers, the question is how many economic migrants can you accommodate. You already have millions of economic migrants
  • Apr 9, 2019, 05:39 AM
    They all contribute to the whole. So what's your point since ALL Americans are immigrants, and economically dependent, unless you are rich already. Quiet as it's been kept, the vast majority of those asylum seekers will be deported anyway after their cases are heard, and yes they do show up to court in hopes of their claims being granted. That's the way it's been done for a long time now until the dufus showed up to gum up the works by hyping the rapists, and drug dealers and gang members (LYING, as he always does).

    You just cannot make reasonable policy decisions on lies and BS.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 06:32 AM

    You just cannot make reasonable policy decisions on lies and BS.
    I'm sure you made that same point during Obama's eight years.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 07:28 AM
    Yes I did and you can go back and check if you like. I encourage you to do so.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 07:49 AM
    I never would have guessed it. You have been Obama's chief supporter and defender on this board.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 08:50 AM

    from JL: Why is it that when we want to have border security, you suddenly become concerned with the commands of Jesus, but when we talk about abortion you are strangely silent concerning His commands? You sure are selective in your outrage.
    Why is it that when we want to have a discussion about abortion, you suddenly become concerned with the commands of Jesus, but when we talk about our southern border, you suddenly disregard His commands? You sure are selective in your outrage.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 08:57 AM

    a revived economy that is so strong that there are now over seven million unfilled job positions in the United States.
    So let's get those million asylum seekers to become US job seekers!!!!
  • Apr 9, 2019, 10:41 AM
    Would a wall prevent people trekking toward the US-Mexico border?
    Trekking to the Border is where they suffer the greatest maltreatment.

    Build the Wall, if it would keep people from putting themselves in Danger.
  • Apr 9, 2019, 11:08 AM

    Originally Posted by waltero View Post
    Would a wall prevent people trekking toward the US-Mexico border?
    Trekking to the Border is where they suffer the greatest maltreatment.

    Thus, we have to warn them by distributing flyers while they are still in their home countries and warn them that at our border they will be beaten, spit on, drugged, imprisoned, and permanently separated from the children and loved ones who came north with them.


    Build the Wall, if it would keep people from putting themselves in Danger.
    By the time they've reached the wall, it's too late.

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