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  • Mar 21, 2009, 11:52 AM
    Cell Phones
    How do I convince my mom into getting me a cell phone? I literally am the only kid in school without a phone. I want the Voyager from Verizon and my Dad has a 15% discount because of where he works! Now he said yes but only if it is OK with your mom. Uggggh well guess what. It wasn't. So I would like the Voyager from Verizon with unlimited texting and I DON'T want to share it with ANYONE.
  • Mar 21, 2009, 03:03 PM

    How old are you? Are you going to be able to pay for your phone yourself each month or your portion of the bill if you are on your parent's plan? Your mother probably wants you to pay your portion of the bill with your money. Get some sort of part time job if you can and then I'm sure mom will say okay if you tell her that you'll pay for your portion of the phone bill. And then if you get the phone, pay for it each month. It will help you learn the value of money and earn your parent's admiration for you paying your own way on the phone.
  • Mar 24, 2009, 07:12 AM

    I am obviously from another generation so I will not ramble on about kids with cell phones.

    There is a good reason why cell phones are banned in the schools.
    - you are supposed to be paying attention in class and not texting everybody in the world.
    - cheating on tests using texting is one of the reasons they are banned in the school.

    Since I am a tax payer (without children), I have been paying for other families kids to go to school and I do have something to say about it. PUT MY MONEY TO USE. GET AN EDUCATION SO THAT MORE OF MY TAX MONEY WILL NOT BE WASTED BY THE GOVERNMENT SUPPORTING YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
  • Mar 24, 2009, 07:41 AM
    Anka Software

    Why do you want a cell phone, apart from everybody else in school having one?

    List down the reasons, if good enough your mom will be convinced too.
  • Mar 24, 2009, 07:46 AM
    Chuckhole: does not matter how old she is... She is young and is going to start wanting to go places, without her parents. What happens if she goes somewhere and something happens, and she does not have a phone or any money to use a pay phone. How will her parents ever find out.

    CSUfan4:You might just want to start off with a pre paid phone. they are just as good. I know they sound kind of lame. But hey you still have a phone to call and talk on. They have nice looking phones that are prepaid. Thats what I started off with. Try to let your mom know you are trying to be responsible. Yea do chores around the house to help your mom pay and get some minutes on your phone. They are not very expensive. Maybe within time your mom will let you get the phone you want. Knowing that you worked for it and you are trying to be responsible.

    By the way you dont have to tell anyone that it is prepaid. All kinds of phone carriers have prepaid phone plans also.

    Hope this helps!
    Jessica :D
  • Mar 24, 2009, 01:56 PM

    If you want a phone you can get a prepaid phone from Virgin Mobile for around $5 a month if you pay with a credit card. It's $15 every 3 months. THere is texting and calls. If you want to yak it up, don't go with a prepaid phone though as it can run into $$$$.
  • Mar 26, 2009, 08:14 AM

    Originally Posted by daddysgirl86 View Post
    Chuckhole: does not matter how old she is... She is young and is going to start wanting to go places, without her parents. What happens if she goes somewhere and something happens, and she does not have a phone or any money to use a pay phone. How will her parents ever find out.

    Hope this helps!
    Jessica :D

    This is the reason parents want their kids to have phones and it is a perfectly good reason. My memory has not failed too much to remember that when I was a kid, I spent a lot of time waiting on a ride or something else because I could not call anybody.

    However, the reason that kids want the phones is entirely different than what the parents intentions are. I am in the Information Technology field so I am not bashing technology. I know what side my bread is buttered on. Technology is not always a good replacement for the simple things in life like verbal communication skills. Computers do not replace the ability to think and reason. And I know some parents and grandparents out there that have children that will not talk to them except via a text message. For some, it has gotten to the point of rudeness and disrespect.

    My cellular phone is one with ALL the gadgets on it - unlimited Internet, texting, company email to the phone, etc. etc. and my professional life would be harder without it.

    To you kids: If you ever want a company paid cell phone like this, you BETTER GET AN EDUCATION and pay attention in class. This is what is important.

    To CSUfan4: In today's economy, I wish you luck. It is getting pretty tough out there and luxury items are the first to go.
  • Apr 17, 2009, 08:15 AM

    To you kids: If you ever want a company paid cell phone like this, you BETTER GET AN EDUCATION and pay attention in class. This is what is important.

    just 2 let u know chucklehole i have a GPA of 4.0 ever since i was little. & i have been on high honors since 2nd grade. So, right now i am doing well in school. {i also am working above grade level in math& tutor 3rd graders after school every Tuesday.
  • Apr 18, 2009, 12:23 AM

    How can I search my husbands cell phone record? He erases incoming calls

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