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  • Jan 3, 2008, 01:51 PM
    Will I ever find my true love?
    Dear whoever you are I really want to know if I will find my true love. I just get lonely sometimes and because I see my friends who have boyfriends or they just think there hott and I just want to no if there is mr. right out there for me that will love me until I die and thinks I'm gorgeous no matter what and I want him to be my best friend that I always will care about and love. Please help answer my question I really want to know who he is
  • Jan 3, 2008, 01:56 PM
    I've been asking the same question about myself, but Im sure you will. You just have to be careful because too many men like to play games so you have to know what to look for and be patient.

    Oh and try not to get head over hills for the first one to pay attention or be nice to you. Too many of us women do that. If they really really care for you, it will show in all of their actions and how they treat you. They would do what it takes to make you happy unless its something unsafe.
  • Jan 3, 2008, 01:57 PM
    Unfortunately, we are not psychics here, but given time and patience, there is someone for everyone.

    I assume you are young, give it time.
  • Jan 6, 2008, 08:42 PM

    Originally Posted by futurestar212
    Dear whoever u are i really want to know if i will find my true love. I just get lonely sometimes and because i see my friends who have boyfriends or they just think there hott and i just want to no if there is mr. right out there for me that will love me until i die and thinks im gorgeous no matter what and i want him to be my best friend that i always will care about and love. please help answer my question I really want to know who he is

    Will there someone out there for every one.. just keep up looking.. and don't go on looks.. look are not everything... in this world.. I
  • Jan 7, 2008, 03:44 PM
    I have the same problem, just focus on it! Forget guys, flaunt what you got! If they don't have the guts to ask you out that's their loss! Like always say... "got it flaunt" both inside and out! Good luck, don't think about it and before you know it the boys will be hooked on your confidence!

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