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    hunneybee471's Avatar
    hunneybee471 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 15, 2011, 05:16 AM
    Lung cancer
    My husband is finishing his last chemo this week , he has 4th stage lung cancer that is in some ribs and a lession on the brain , we found this out in July , he is really doing pretty good except he has no energy and sleeps about 16-18 hours a day,all this sleeping really got worse in just the last 2-3 weeks , is this just a progression of the cancer... chris
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Dec 15, 2011, 05:25 AM
    I am so sorry for yours and your husband's situation Hunneybee. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to tell if this is due to the progression of the cancer or the chemotherapy causing this.

    The best advice we can give would be to discuss this with his oncologist. Make a list of questions and don't leave until your questions have been answered and you understand fully what the doctor has explained to you.
    krafteame's Avatar
    krafteame Posts: 48, Reputation: 11
    Junior Member

    Jan 27, 2012, 08:04 PM
    I am sorry You and your husband are going through such a hard time. I am a retired Hospice nurse so I will try to help you the best I can. I have found the "not knowing", or "not understanding" what is going on makes everything harder. I am also a 6 yr cancer survivor too so I have experienced both sides of this cruel illness. Now lets get to what you where asking, You said he is sleeping more now? A lot of times (I have no way of knowing if this is the case with your husband) what happens is with cancer the person has what we used to call the "Good day/Bad day" pattern. At first the person has more alert days than sleepy days. But as time goes by and their body is tired from the treatments and disease process they begin to sleep more and more. Its like when a baby is first born, they sleep all the time, they have no need for solid foods too. But then they begin to be more alert and are awake a little more and then a little more until they are awake most of the time.They also begin to take more formula and then a little at a time they have need for solid food until they eat meals. When someone has stage 4 ca the process I just described with the baby is reversed. The person is more alert at first, then they sleep a little more, then a little more until they sleep most the time. Their appetite decreases a little at a time until they do not want food but they except things to drink. Your husband may just be doing what his body is letting him know it needs. Being a caregiver is a very very hard job. It is physically draining as well as emotionally draining. Remember to take care of yourself also. You cannot take care of your husband unless you take care of yourself too. So make sure you arrange some "you" time. Have you discussed Hospice with your husbands doctor? It would give you and your husband valuable help and support. This is something you and your doctor should discuss. His doctor would be able to let you know if and when Hospice would be appropriate.

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