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    mudweiser's Avatar
    mudweiser Posts: 2,750, Reputation: 707
    Ultra Member

    May 11, 2009, 11:01 AM
    Asbestos in tampons?
    I got this email? Is it real?---


    Really Woman's Business

    If you are a woman and use pads, but especially if you use tampons, read
    This and pass it on to your friends. For the men receiving this email,
    Please forward it to your friends, significant others, sisters, mothers,
    Daughters, etc. Thanks!

    Check the labels of the sanitary pads or tampons that you are going to buy
    The next time and see whether you spot any of the familiar signs stated in
    This email.

    No wonder so many women in the world suffer from cervical cancer and womb
    tumours. Have you heard that tampon makers include asbestos in tampons? Why
    would they do this? Because asbestos makes you bleed more, if you bleed
    more, you're going to need to use more. Why this isn't against the law since
    asbestos is so dangerous? Because the powers that be, in all their wisdom
    (not), did not consider tampons as being ingested and, therefore, did not
    consider them illegal or dangerous. A woman getting her Ph.D. at University
    of Colorado sent the following

    'I am writing this because women are not being informed about the dangers
    Of something most of us use: Tampons. I am taking a class this month and I
    Have been learning a lot about biology and women, including feminine

    Recently we have learned that tampons are actually dangerous (for other
    Reasons than TSS). After learning about this in our class, most of the
    Females wound up feeling angry and upset with the tampon industry, and I for
    One, am going to do something about it. To start, I want to inform everyone
    I can, and email is the fastest way that I know how.

    HERE IS THE SCOOP: Tampons contain two things that are potentially harmful:
    Rayon (for absorbency), and dioxin (a chemical used in bleaching). The
    tampon industry is convinced that we, as women, need bleached white products
    in order to view the product as pure and clean. The problem here is that the
    dioxin, can lead to very harmful problems for a woman. Dioxin is potentially
    carcinogenic (cancer-associated) and is toxic to the immune and reproductive
    systems. It has also been linked to endometriosis and lower sperm counts for
    men. For both sexes, it breaks down the immune system. Last Agency (EPA)
    reported that there really is no 'acceptable' level of exposure to dioxin
    given that it is cumulative and slow to disintegrate. The real danger comes
    from repeated contact (Karen Couppert 'Pulling the Plug on the Tampon
    Industry'). I'd say using about 4-5 tampons a day, five days a month, for 38
    years is 'repeated contact', wouldn't you? Rayon contributes to the danger
    of tampons and dioxin because it is a highly absorbent substance. Therefore,
    when fibres from the tampons are left behind in the vagina (as usually
    occurs), it creates a breeding ground for the dioxin. It also stays in a lot
    longer than it would with just cotton tampons. This is also the reason why
    TSS (toxic shock syndrome) occurs.

    WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES? Using feminine hygiene products that aren't
    Bleached and that are all cotton. Other feminine hygiene products
    Pads/napkins) contain dioxin as well, but they are not nearly as dangerous.
    So, what can you do if you can't give up using tampons? Use tampons that are
    Made from 100% UNBLEACHED cotton. Unfortunately, there are very few
    Companies that make these safe tampons. They are usually only found in
    Health food stores. Countries all over the world ( Sweden , Germany ,
    British Columbia , etc.) have demanded a switch to this safer tampon, while
    The US has decided to keep us in the dark about it. In 1989, activists in
    England mounted a campaign against chlorine bleaching. Six weeks and 50,000
    Letters later, the makers of sanitary products switched to oxygen bleaching
    (one of the green methods available) (MS magazine, May/June 1995).

    Or maybe even move to something sustainable like The Keeper - look it up on the net.

    It's a reusable product and if you're comfortable with it or similar products it might

    Be a option for you and the environment.

    WHAT TO DO NOW: Tell people. Everyone. Inform them. We are being
    Manipulated by this industry and the government, let's do something about
    It! Please write to the companies:

    Tampax(Tambrands); Playtex; O.B; Kotex. All the 1800 numbers are listed on
    The boxes. Let them know that we demand a safe product: ALL COTTON

    REMINDER: In order not to lose the impact of this email, I suggest that
    Anyone who wants to forward it to their friends, PLEASE copy this mail and
    Paste it to a NEW message. That way it will not distort the whole message
    With all the forward arrows. Please do this with consideration and

    Jackie Major
    Royal Perth Hospital
    Curlyben's Avatar
    Curlyben Posts: 18,514, Reputation: 1860

    May 11, 2009, 11:07 AM
    That's a big fat NOPE. Asbestos in Tampons
    mudweiser's Avatar
    mudweiser Posts: 2,750, Reputation: 707
    Ultra Member

    May 11, 2009, 11:10 AM


    Thanks Curlyben.

    I hope other women see this thread so they don't start to post silly threads because of dumb chain letter.

    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
    Uber Member

    May 12, 2009, 02:03 AM

    Lol Muddy, I thought it must have been an American thing :p
    mudweiser's Avatar
    mudweiser Posts: 2,750, Reputation: 707
    Ultra Member

    May 12, 2009, 10:35 AM

    Grr.. where is j_9's input.

    ::waiting... waiting... ::

    kp2171's Avatar
    kp2171 Posts: 5,318, Reputation: 1612
    Uber Member

    May 13, 2009, 10:48 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by mudweiser View Post
    Grr.. where is j_9's input.


    For what...

    Mkay... I'm trained in chem and bio. Have worked in fields that dealt with similar packaging, tho' not tampons.

    Asbestos? You've got to be kidding me. If you think its true, take one tampon, have it checked by an independent lab. Backed by another. If it's there you have a class action lawsuit thatll make erin brokovich wetter than niagra falls.

    I'm sorry... corporations can be evil, but I'm not buying that one. Too easy to detect and prosecute.

    Dioxin might have been a risk at one time with bleaching, but it isn't anymore. If there are trace amounts from tampons, it is below the threshold levels from other natural sources.

    Not saying it isn't possible to absorb some trace amouts of dioxins from tampons... but that's like blaming sea water from your vacation at the beach for your high blood pressure, when it's the damned daily helping of supersized french fries that are doing you in.

    Sorry... I don't buy it.

    There are too many greedy schmucks out there who would **** themselves if they had real data to sue.

    And as for those too honorable for **** sake... fine. Prove it.


    I am more than able to analyze most chem lab data.

    Until you have proof, you have a bunch of noise.

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