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  • Jul 23, 2012, 08:32 PM
    Should I try and get my ex back?
    Hey guys I need some advice on whether I should give up on my ex girlfriend or not. We had been going out for about 2 and a half years but seeing each other for 3 years. The first year and a half was great. We never fought and got along perfectly. Over time things started to get a little bit boring and I guess we got into a bit of a rut. I have my flaws and was a little bit jealous and not as affectionate as she would have liked. She broke up with me a bit over a month ago because "things weren't the same and she was unhappy in the relationship". On one side of the coin I am only 22 and think that I'm likely to find another love down the track. On the other side of the coin she was a really great girlfriend and great person. I feel that I can fix some of these problems and we can be happy again, but she doesn't think so. I've told her I still love her and she says she still loves me. I've told her I would try and change but she doesn't seem to agree. I've been trying to give her time to herself but I can't stop thinking about what could be! I don't want to just give up on her. Or should I just move on?
  • Jul 23, 2012, 08:48 PM
    I'd talk to her man, if it's meant to be it'll happen. If not, you'll find new love.
    Good luck man!
  • Jul 24, 2012, 04:15 AM
    If I was you I would meet up with her and have a chat and see if you can come to some sort of agreement you still love each other that's half the battle... im 24 and been in a 4 year relationship that ended in April this year and I'm not completey over my fiancée... I didn't want to finish my relationship but she didn't want to be engaged anymore I found out that the hard way in text messages to her mate I wish I was still with her... but she has shut everyone out my family and my mates she moved on pretty quick too... it was only a month after we broke up and she was seen holding hands with someone else... if you love something try and hang on to as long as you can mate
  • Jul 24, 2012, 04:54 AM
    Thanks for the opinions guys. We talked last week and she said that she still thinks she made the right decision. I asked her If she thinks we could ever be together and she said she doesn't know. I don't know whether to put in the effort and pursue her, or let her go for a while and let her see if the grass really is greener on the other side?
  • Jul 24, 2012, 05:56 AM
    Right now you need to leave to it doesn't mean you have to block her on Facebook or anything... but don't contact her trust me I've learned that the hard way... but if you post things on fb and one of your mates has tagged you in a picture that shows your having a good time not purposely as if your trying to prove a point she might see it and thinks she really misses you or it could go the other way... I know its hard mate I'm going through the same stuff after 4 months of the break up I was on brink of drepression... I still care for her but I've got to move on cause I know I'll never get her back
  • Jul 24, 2012, 06:31 AM
    Self focus is the key... no matter who is right or wrong. Start doing things that you always wanted to do... go after your passions... as a first step, just wish for it to happen... just one wish and only once and then detach from it. Donot wait FOR her or anything. Just wait. If you want for fishes to come to your pond... keep your pond still.. in a state of chaos there will only be mud and debris... and as a second step be self centered in a healthy way and miracles will happen.
  • Aug 21, 2012, 12:28 PM
    Look at it this way...

    You may be able to change things... But in the end you always fall back into routine again. The first year or two of a relationship is exciting, you are still learning about each other, after that you know the person pretty well. Once you are over the excitement, if you aren't compatible then you just aren't compatible.

    Plus, do you really want to be with someone who's heart just isn't in it any more?

    The grass is greener and it sounds like you realize that already. This is the only life we get, there are no dress rehersals, this is it, if you aren't completely happy then find someone else who can make you so.

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