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  • Jul 9, 2012, 12:29 PM
    My dog Molly is sick and I don't know what to do please help me!
    My dog Molly hasn't been eating or drinking she's been throwing up non stop I forced her to drink water and pedylite and she will keep it down for a little while but then runs out side throws it all up I don't know what to do anymore I can't take her to the vet cause I don't have the money for it please some one help me I don't want to loose my Molly!!
  • Jul 10, 2012, 08:06 PM
    Keep her on the bland diet, boil chicken and some white rice and feed it to her in little amounts at a time. Keep her hydrated. Look around to see if she's getting into anything. Look at her gums. If they are normal colored good, if they are too pale, she might have worms. Call a vet and ask if you can do payment plans, most vets will do this for you. Look around for anything she might be getting into that could make her sick... chemicals or house plants she could be chewing on. This is gross, but when she poops, look at it and see if you see anything that looks like worms in it. Either long and stringy or small and rice shaped. If you see any of these , she must get worm meds from a vet. I hope any of this helps. She might just have a stomach bug, but if it gets too bad, call and ask a vet about payment plans!
  • Jul 10, 2012, 08:11 PM
    She hasn't been eating or drinking and can't hold anything down... and, of course, you can't take her to a vet.

    Start digging a hole to bury her in.

    FIND the money for a vet because she WILL die without the proper care. You took the responsibility of owning a pet, now be responsible and stop her from suffering and care for her like you should be.
  • Jul 10, 2012, 08:22 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    She hasn't been eating or drinking and can't hold anything down...and, of course, you can't take her to a vet.

    Start digging a hole to bury her in.

    FIND the money for a vet because she WILL die without the proper care. You took the responsibility of owning a pet, now be responsible and stop her from suffering and care for her like you should be.

    I can't stand people who get on here and lecture pet owners about not having money. How do you know she didn't just lose her job? Or that she's not a kid who's parents can't afford the vet? Stop judging, and start helping, or don't reply at all
  • Jul 10, 2012, 08:28 PM
    Call an area animal shelter to find out where they take their animals (usually low-cost vet), and if that vet (or some other vet) would consider working with you regarding his fees, maybe with a payment plan. Or surrender Molly to the shelter and let them care for her/get her to a vet.

    Molly is our prime concern right now, whether you have money for her care or not.
  • Jul 10, 2012, 08:34 PM

    Originally Posted by Ashleypooh View Post
    i can't stand people who get on here and lecture pet owners about not having money. how do you know she didn't just lose her job? or that she's not a kid who's parents can't afford the vet? Stop judging, and start helping, or don't reply at all

    And who, exactly, are you to tell me what I can and can't do here? Do you own this site? No? Then don't presume to tell me what questions I am allowed to answer and how I can answer them.

    The fact is, there are way too many people that come on here that have an animal that desperately needs care but won't get it because the person can't or won't pay a vet. What kind of crap is that? You take the responsibility of caring for a pet but then when it gets sick and needs help... oh well, I gots no money!. that is BS! So that animal is going to suffer and die.

    I have been in a position where I had no money to take my dog to the vet but I sold things to do it. I have seen others on here that have been through the same thing. There is no excuse for not being able to help these animals in some way. Work with the vets, sell your stuff, or find someone else to take care of the animal... having no money to get it to a vet is no excuse as far as I'm concerned.

    As far as judging and not helping? LOL! I read your advice... "Keep her hydrated"... did you read the question? The dog can't keep anything down. It's as good as dead.

    The only helpful advice here is to get the dog to the vet. So while you sugar coat things and get all uppity about me "judging" and all, I am being bluntly honest because I base my answers in reality and not fantasy. The reality is that I hate to know that an animal is suffering and going to die.
  • Jul 10, 2012, 08:58 PM
    You can try pepto bismol to help stop the vomiting. Pepto is safe for dogs, but should never be given to cats.

    Dosage is one teaspoon per 20 pounds.

    After that try syringing very small amounts of pedialyte, just a teaspoon or twos worth at a time and gradually increase the amount.

    Hoping it is just a stomach virus, ours have just been through a about of it. Vomiting, shaking, lethargy... Rushed to the vet and was given... Pepto Bismol.
  • Jul 10, 2012, 09:05 PM
    Shazzy, can dogs have aspirin? Pepto contains aspirin.
  • Jul 11, 2012, 07:16 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Shazzy, can dogs have aspirin? Pepto contains aspirin.

    Yes, asprin is safe for dogs, it's cats that absolutely cannot have any.
  • Jul 11, 2012, 07:31 AM

    Originally Posted by Ashleypooh View Post
    i can't stand people who get on here and lecture pet owners about not having money. how do you know she didn't just lose her job? or that she's not a kid who's parents can't afford the vet? Stop judging, and start helping, or don't reply at all

    You know what I can't stand? People who come on AMHD, post fewer than 10 times and then attempt to tell the regulars how, when and where to answer.

    So you are saying that if she's a kid OR just lost or job OR just plain old doesn't have the money she should allow her dog to suffer? That is what you said, you know.

    It makes sense to you to force an animal to drink, then the animal throws up the water and the bile? Do you have a clue how fast dogs dehydrate and how dangerous "forcing" a dog to drink can be?

    Vet bills are part of owning a pet. That's the harsh truth, like it or not.

    "Stop judging and start helping or don't reply at all." Unless you're a moderator I would suggest you stop trying to run AMHD.
  • Jul 11, 2012, 03:26 PM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    And who, exactly, are you to tell me what I can and can't do here? Do you own this site? No? Then don't presume to tell me what questions I am allowed to answer and how I can answer them.

    The fact is, there are way too many people that come on here that have an animal that desperately needs care but won't get it because the person can't or won't pay a vet. What kind of crap is that? You take the responsibility of caring for a pet but then when it gets sick and needs help...oh well, I gots no money!...that is BS! So that animal is going to suffer and die.

    I have been in a position where I had no money to take my dog to the vet but I sold things to do it. I have seen others on here that have been through the same thing. There is no excuse for not being able to help these animals in some way. Work with the vets, sell your stuff, or find someone else to take care of the animal...having no money to get it to a vet is no excuse as far as I'm concerned.

    As far as judging and not helping? LOL! I read your advice...."Keep her hydrated"...did you read the question? The dog can't keep anything down. It's as good as dead.

    The only helpful advice here is to get the dog to the vet. So while you sugar coat things and get all uppity about me "judging" and all, I am being bluntly honest because I base my answers in reality and not fantasy. The reality is that I hate to know that an animal is suffering and going to die.

    Of course she should take the dog to the vet. But if she can't, in the meantime, I gave her helpful advice. If th dog can hold down water on a bland diet, then she should keep it hydrated. Clearly , if she's not able to afford a vet, she might not have a whole lot to sell to take the dog to the vet, and vets can be very very expensive. When someone says ' I can' take her to the vet', and you basically snarkily say ' take it to the vet' , that doesn't really do much for them now does it? I have been in the same position before, where my cat was very sick but as I was a kid of very poor parents, we couldn't do anything about it and I had to nurse her back to health naturally. And guess what, she lived! I'd rather give her helpful advice that yes includes the vet but not only, than let her flounder around on her own about how to take care of a sick dog. All my points were helpful, including asking about payment plans, something you neglected to mention in your post, and something that doesn't occur to most people to try. You can say whatever you want on here, but it doesn't make you helpful or right
  • Jul 11, 2012, 03:36 PM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    You know what I can't stand? People who come on AMHD, post fewer than 10 times and then attempt to tell the regulars how, when and where to answer.

    So you are saying that if she's a kid OR just lost or job OR just plain old doesn't have the money she should allow her dog to suffer? That is what you said, you know.

    It makes sense to you to force an animal to drink, then the animal throws up the water and the bile? Do you have a clue how fast dogs dehydrate and how dangerous "forcing" a dog to drink can be?

    Vet bills are part of owning a pet. That's the harsh truth, like it or not.

    "Stop judging and start helping or don't reply at all." Unless you're a moderator I would suggest you stop trying to run AMHD.

    So now you are telling me what to do? Although you just lectured me on doing just that? There is a reason I mentioned the bland diet, it might stop the dog from throwing up and make it able to hold down water. And just like regular bills, if you can't pay they won't provide the service. So if she doesn't have the money, she can't put the vet's office at gunpoint to help fix the dog. Just because you've posted on here many times doesn't make you an expert or better than other people when it comes to advice, it just means you visit the site often. Never said anything about allowing the dog to suffer, but I am not going to assume that the owner is allowing it to suffer either. Sometimes people just don't have the money for a vet! It sucks, and yes those people should think about owning an animal they can't afford to take care of, but that's not going to do anything for the current situation.
  • Jul 11, 2012, 03:45 PM

    Originally Posted by Ashleypooh View Post
    Of course she should take the dog to the vet. But if she can't, in the meantime, I gave her helpful advice. if th dog can hold down water on a bland diet, then she should keep it hydrated. Clearly , if she's not able to afford a vet, she might not have a whole lot to sell to take the dog to the vet, and vets can be very very expensive. When someone says ' i can' take her to the vet', and you basically snarkily say ' take it to the vet' , that doesn't really do much for them now does it? I have been in the same position before, where my cat was very sick but as i was a kid of very poor parents, we couldn't do anything about it and i had to nurse her back to health naturally. And guess what, she lived! I'd rather give her helpful advice that yes includes the vet but not only, than let her flounder around on her own about how to take care of a sick dog. All my points were helpful, including asking about payment plans, something you neglected to mention in your post, and something that doesn't occur to most people to try. You can say whatever you want on here, but it doesn't make you helpful or right

    I'm going to object, and then I'm going to ask that this thread be closed because bickering helps no one.

    And so - "if th dog can hold down water on a bland diet, then she should keep it hydrated." The dog CAN'T hold down water with nothing else in its stomach and the dog won't eat. Where do you see that the dog "can hold down water"?

    "if she's not able to afford a vet, she might not have a whole lot to sell to take the dog to the vet, and vets can be very very expensive." Yes, Vets can be very, very expensive. I think the OP already knew that. That's part of owning a pet. I don't get the connection between not having money right now and now having a "whole lot" to sell - ? OP isn't destitute. OP doesn't have extra money for a Vet right now.

    Yes, advice that the dog must/should see a Vet IS helpful to the person - "When someone says ' i can' take her to the vet', and you basically snarkily say ' take it to the vet' , that doesn't really do much for them now does it?" You are talking to experts here. The dog needs to see a Vet OR the owner needs to rehome the dog or turn it over to a rescue. It's as simple as that. The dog is sick and it could be anything from an intestinal blockage to a virus to kidney failure and back again. The dog is suffering. You can't see that?

    "I have been in the same position before, where my cat was very sick but as i was a kid of very poor parents, we couldn't do anything about it and i had to nurse her back to health naturally. And guess what, she lived!" The cat had the same symptoms this dog has? Otherwise I don't see the relevance. One experience does not an expert make. Don't assume you hold the patent on growing up "poor," if that's your point. What "natural" and presumably free remedies do you suggest here? For that matter, what "natural" and free remedies did you use when your cat wouldn't eat and couldn't hold down water?

    You suggested that the OP ask the Vet about payment plans - is that what you did when your cat was sick and you were "poor?" Unless the OP is a dunce (which apparently OP is not) I'm sure she's thinking about payment plans as we "speak." In MY area if you don't have the money for a Vet no Vet will "trust" you to make payments - it's unfair and unfortunate and true. I don't work for free and Vets don't, either.

    "... than let her flounder" - I'm sure this is a typo because a flounder is a type of fish. I'm sure you meant founder.

    Ever FORCE a dog to drink - hope the water goes down the correct "pipe" or you have a very dead dog on your hands.

    You are entitled to your opinion. Goodness knows, like a lot of things, everyone has one. You are NOT entitled to belittle or insult RESPECTED members of the AMHD family or dictate who will answer and in what manner.

    This dog didn't vomit twice - this dog is sick and needs medical care. Maybe you can stand by and watch it suffer. The rest of us on AMHD cannot.

    I don't agree with your advice. No problem, happens all the time. I DO disagree with your attitude.
  • Jul 11, 2012, 04:03 PM

    Originally Posted by Ashleypooh View Post
    So now you are telling me what to do? although you just lectured me on doing just that? There is a reason i mentioned the bland diet, it might stop the dog from throwing up and make it able to hold down water. And just like regular bills, if you can't pay they won't provide the service. So if she doesn't have the money, she can't put the vet's office at gunpoint to help fix the dog. Just b/c you've posted on here many times doesn't make you an expert or better than other people when it comes to advice, it just means you visit the site often. Never said anything about allowing the dog to suffer, but i am not going to assume that the owner is allowing it to suffer either. Sometimes people just don't have the money for a vet! It sucks, and yes those people should think about owning an animal they can't afford to take care of, but that's not going to do anything for the current situation.

    You have no idea what my background, experience and education are, so please stop guessing and judging.

    Let's see, the dog can't hold down food or water and you're recommending a bland diet? Have I got that right?

    The dog can't hold down food and/or water but you don't think it's minimally uncomfortable and possibly suffering?

    And, again, how did you save the cat that had these same symptoms?
  • Jul 11, 2012, 06:18 PM

    Originally Posted by Ashleypooh View Post
    Of course she should take the dog to the vet. But if she can't, in the meantime, I gave her helpful advice. if th dog can hold down water on a bland diet, then she should keep it hydrated. Clearly , if she's not able to afford a vet, she might not have a whole lot to sell to take the dog to the vet, and vets can be very very expensive. When someone says ' i can' take her to the vet', and you basically snarkily say ' take it to the vet' , that doesn't really do much for them now does it? I have been in the same position before, where my cat was very sick but as i was a kid of very poor parents, we couldn't do anything about it and i had to nurse her back to health naturally. And guess what, she lived! I'd rather give her helpful advice that yes includes the vet but not only, than let her flounder around on her own about how to take care of a sick dog. All my points were helpful, including asking about payment plans, something you neglected to mention in your post, and something that doesn't occur to most people to try. You can say whatever you want on here, but it doesn't make you helpful or right

    Ashley, are you a vet? Can you diagnose online? If so, you're a miracle, because not even a vet can give a diagnosis online.

    Having said that, I'd like to know what you recommend. So far none of your suggestions will actually help this dog if it's very sick.

    Yes, we say "go to the vet". Do you know why? Because a vet is the only one that can help this dog! You can't! We can't! We can guess, and then what? If we guess wrong the dog dies!

    So no, we can't give an answer because we can't see the dog, we can't run tests, and we're not vets, and even if we were, we couldn't give a diagnosis online!

    You're out of line here! The only person that can help this dog is a vet! If the OP (original poster) can't afford a vet then she shouldn't have a pet! That's the bottom line, and any answer other than that is dreaming! We're dealing with reality here, not dreams. :(
  • Jul 11, 2012, 06:21 PM
    May I add that responsible pet owners will move heaven and earth to get their pet to a vet even if it involves rehoming. I was faced with that possibility and was prepared to do it because I love my dog
  • Jul 12, 2012, 08:53 AM

    Originally Posted by mogrann View Post
    May I add that responsible pet owners will move heaven and earth to get their pet to a vet even if it involves rehoming. I was faced with that possibility and was prepared to do it because I love my dog

    I well remember this and when my back was against the wall I took a THIRD job - yes, one full time and two part time jobs.

    One paid for Vet bills.
  • Jul 13, 2012, 08:40 PM
    It seems like people here are not seeing most of my replies. Of COURSE she should take the dog to the vet, I don't have a problem with anyone telling her she should. I had a problem with the way it which it was said, which was in a rude way, as if the person is just sitting there watching the dog suffer without much of a care. I suggested the bland diet because perhaps what she was feeding the dog was hard to digest and that's why it was still throwing the food up. My cat had a horrific fever and throwing up, serious cold type stuff. At the time, I was in school, a kid, and my family was living in a camper because my father couldn't work as his heart was almost completely destroyed by a heart attack. Without a job he couldn't keep the house and so we had to live in a camper for a few months on a relative's property. My cat got sick, and we just didn't have any possible way of taking her to the vet. So I kept her cool with a wet rag, tried to feed her some bland food/ broth, kept watch on her so she wouldn't try to eat anything weird that could make her worse etc etc. She did recover (sleeping with me the whole night). She might have gotten better without my attention, but I did help keep her comfortable at least. So I sympathize with people who feel they can't take a pet to get seen. If there is any way possible, yes she should take it, even if it requires asking people to help with payments, but if she's one of those people who are stuck in a horrible situation and just can't, I can always hope to help her with advice about tending a sick animal.
  • Jul 14, 2012, 05:03 AM

    Originally Posted by Ashleypooh View Post
    It seems like people here are not seeing most of my replies. Of COURSE she should take the dog to the vet, i don't have a problem with anyone telling her she should. I had a problem with the way it which it was said, which was in a rude way, as if the person is just sitting there watching the dog suffer without much of a care. I suggested the bland diet b/c perhaps what she was feeding the dog was hard to digest and that's why it was still throwing the food up. My cat had a horrific fever and throwing up, serious cold type stuff. At the time, i was in school, a kid, and my family was living in a camper b/c my father couldn't work as his heart was almost completely destroyed by a heart attack. without a job he couldn't keep the house and so we had to live in a camper for a few months on a relative's property. My cat got sick, and we just didn't have any possible way of taking her to the vet. So i kept her cool with a wet rag, tried to feed her some bland food/ broth, kept watch on her so she wouldn't try to eat anything weird that could make her worse etc etc. She did recover (sleeping with me the whole night). She might have gotten better without my attention, but i did help keep her comfortable at least. So i sympathize with people who feel they can't take a pet to get seen. If there is any way possible, yes she should take it, even if it requires asking people to help with payments, but if she's one of those people who are stuck in a horrible situation and just can't, I can always hope to help her with advice about tending a sick animal.

    We're seeing your replies - if one person reads this, decides to rely on home remedies, does not take an animal to the Vet you have done a grave disservice to an animal.

    She recovered "sleeping with [you] the whole night"? My dogs sleep with me every night and they aren't sick.

    I'm sorry you had a rough childhood. Again, you don't hold the patent on suffering.

    The dog couldn't keep anything down, including water, and you recommended a bland diet. That's where the problem came in.
  • Jul 15, 2012, 04:30 PM

    So I sympathize with people who feel they can't take a pet to get seen. If there is any way possible, yes she should take it, even if it requires asking people to help with payments, but if she's one of those people who are stuck in a horrible situation and just can't, I can always hope to help her with advice about tending a sick animal.
    Ashley, I did read your posts, and I understand why you're giving the advice you're giving. What you don't understand is that you got lucky with your cat. Very lucky. Your cat lived!

    The poster in this question has a dog that's not eating, not drinking, and vomiting, pedialyte isn't working. This is not the time to try home remedies. This dog will die without treatment, within days, possible even hours. I'm not guessing, I'm telling you what will happen. Broth won't help, bland food won't help, only a vet can help, and I hate to say it, but even a vet may not be able to do anything.

    So, the problem that I have with your posts is that you're encouraging the poster to try a home remedy instead of insisting on the vet. Your suggestions won't help this dog! But the OP doesn't know that. The OP came here for answers, wants to avoid the vet, and doesn't realize that you're not an expert, nor are you a vet, and that this situation is life threatening.

    So even though you say that the vet is a good suggestion, you give other options, and that's what the OP is looking for, so the plea to see a vet is ignored, and home remedies that won't work are likely what the OP is doing instead.

    I have to ask. How will you feel if this OP comes back says "Ashley, I did what you said, and my dog died"?

    The vet is the only option! Only! No home remedies can help. So the OP has a few options. She can try your home remedies, watch her dog continue to go downhill, and then watch her dog die (frankly, it's already been 6 days. If the dog didn't see the vet it's likely already passed away). She can go to the vet, or she can re-home her dog or take the dog to the humane society where it will get the treatment it needs.

    That's why I'm upset about your posts. You don't have to like why we post the way we do, but frankly I'm sick of people that have pets, but can't afford their pets, yet they obviously have a computer, internet, and instead of getting off their arses and going to the vet they're surfing the web hoping to get answers, which isn't possible! No one, not even a vet, can diagnose an animal online. No one!

    You may think I'm rude, but I really don't care. My only reason for being here is to help the animals. If the owners aren't willing to do that, they don't deserve, nor will they get, my sympathy. This isn't a bakery, I don't sugar coat things.

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