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  • Jun 15, 2012, 07:31 PM
    Does anyone know how to get rid of the smell of urine from carpet & mattress
    I have been trying everything to get rid of the smell of urine from my daughter's mattress. Of course I have three young children and well.. we're going through the potty training "season" with that said the one time I forget to put the mattress protector on it, an accident happens.

    Now we have a Chihuahua and he's 10 months. Well... I would have thought that by now he'd be potty trained... Wrong... He's temperamental is what I'm learning. He is our travel dog and is always with us in the car and when he doesn't go in the car with either my husband or the entire family, he does his business on the carpet, even if we are only gone for about 1 hour. We take him out before we leave the house and walk him ensuring he goes #1 and tries to get him to go #2, and he just has this fedish of doing his business on my carpet. So now it comes to me trying my hardest to get rid of the smell on my carpet. I have my little bissell green machine and I've used the pet solution to try to get rid of the smell in the carpet, but to avail my sensative nose can still smell it. I'v read to try using baking soda and then adding water and making a paste, well... I did that tonight on my carpet and I can still smell the "sweet" smell of urine as crazy as that sounds. I'm to my wits end and am ready to send this little doggy packin. My next step is after I get the smell out is caging him when we go out to avoid the little mishaps.

    Any help on how to rid this smell before I rid the dog?
  • Jun 15, 2012, 07:37 PM
    I moved your question to "Dogs" because it's that kind of a problem, not an interior home decorating problem.

    The first thing you have to do is solve the peeing problem, and I know the dog experts will have the perfect advice for you. Meanwhile, a mattress has many layers of stuffing, so if there have been multiple episodes of peeing, nothing will remove the smell from a mattress. It would be best to buy a new one, and use a waterproof pad under the bottom sheet. Have you tried Fabreze on the carpet? The dog experts will probably give you better advice than mine because they know about organic products that work.
  • Jul 12, 2012, 12:20 PM
    I don't know about dog pee, but for my daughters mattress when she was younger we used peroxide, it's a daunting task but it worked great. Soak the stinky spots with hidrogen peroxide and let is sit for a few minutes rub it out with a soft bristle brush and try to soak up as much of the wettness you can with a towel or a vac. Repeat the process a few times then let your mattress dry completely, I laid mine out in the sun, for about 24 hours, (you may be sleeping on the floor) the persoxide kills the smell of urine. I sprayed my mattress down with fabreeze after wards, and also put dryer sheets under the bed sheet. Perhaps you should also invest in a mattress protector, I promise you will only want to clean your mattress once.
  • Jul 12, 2012, 01:00 PM
    Easier to get a new or used mattress and cover it with a plastic sheet.
  • Jul 12, 2012, 04:58 PM
    On my mattress I used diluted vinegar. It made the mattress smell like salt and vinegar crisps for a day or two but after that no odor at all. It also works to kill bacteria and mold growing inside (which being wet with urine is a possibility).
    On carpets I do the same thing but then use baking soda over the top. Just dry baking soda, you sprinkle it over the carpet and leave for several hours before vacuuming. Baking soda is great for absorbing odor and moisture, you can even keep a bowl of it in your fridge to keep odors at bay.

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