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  • Oct 23, 2006, 06:15 PM
    Small spot on penis
    Hi, sorry if this has been asked before (I tried searching but couldn't find what I was looking for).

    Just in the past few days I noticed a really small, maybe 1mm in diameter spot on the shaft of my penis. It is slightly raised and has a darkish head to it. I'm worried that it may be a wart although I am not sexually active and never have been (I'm only 17). My question is whether it is possible to spread normal warts to the genital area - I have a small wart on one of my fingers and am not sure whether this is where the spot is from (if it is actually a wart).

    Also, I have a second bump which is a little more raised but has a yellowish, pimple sort of look to it. It has been there for about 2 weeks now and isn't painful or itchy at all. I don't pop it or anything but am getting a little worried, is there anything that may define it as being a sebaceous cyst apart from "looking like a lump"?

    Thanks for the help
  • Oct 23, 2006, 06:21 PM
    Yes, it is possible to spread a wart from one region of the body to another. Warts are a virus and eventaully clear up on their own.

    That said, however, when it comes to your sexual organs it is always best to have a doctor rule out anything serious (tumor, etc.)

    I realise it may be embarrassing, but if you find a male doctor, he has a penis too and would be concerned if he found the same thing on his.

    So, please see a doctor, a urologist if possible, just to make sure you are completely healthy.
  • Oct 24, 2006, 08:11 AM
    Actually the hpv virus that causes hand warts, is not the same as the one that causes genital warts. So no it you can't spread them from your hand to your penis. However I agree that you should get it checked out at the doctor. I just had to go to the doctor to get a bump checkd out, it was nothing serious. The whole experience is not even half as bad as you think it is.
  • Oct 24, 2006, 04:50 PM
    Thanks for the help guys, I guess I will have to work up the courage to tell the parents :(
  • Oct 24, 2006, 05:03 PM
    Read this thread. Godson did a great job. But read the WHOLE thing.
  • Oct 31, 2006, 05:25 PM
    Thanks. I am getting really worried. I know I should see a doctor but I am finding it incredibly hard to tell me parents. I am almost certain it is genital warts except I have never had any sexual experiences! I just don't understand, I know I'm not the only one with this problem but it's really annoying that I haven't even had a chance to have sex and I've already got this crap. Is it possible to have genital warts without any sexual interaction? Also, I know godson said that the virus doesn't spread from other places to the genital area but at the moment it's the only way I can think it has spread. :(

    The email idea from godsons thread is really good. I think if I tell my mother that will probably be my route too.

    Thanks again guys. :o
  • Oct 31, 2006, 07:41 PM
    Jerry, I think the kind of genital warts you are thinking of are ONLY sexually transmitted.

    You need to have this checked to make sure it is nothing serious.

    Make an appointment with a male urologist. He has a penis and he sees them all day every day!!

    If you have warts on your hand and it has spread this is only a virus and should go away on its own. But you need to be seen to be sure that is what it is.
  • Oct 31, 2006, 07:57 PM
    How would I go about making an appointment with an urologist? Would I usually need a refferal from my normal doctor?

  • Oct 31, 2006, 08:03 PM
    It depends on your insurance. You may need a referral. If your normal doctor is a man, then see him first. This could be something very simple, but needs to be checked out.

    Just remember that men doctors see penises all the time, they have one!! As you have seen on this site, this is not uncommon and is usually something very simple.

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