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  • Oct 26, 2007, 10:36 AM
    Going bald
    I have a male cat he is over a year old. He started going bald on his hind legs and it worked up to his tail and above his tail on his back. At first I thought he had fleas but I went to look at him there was only one flea. Then I was still worried about the fleas and gave him a bath. So then I thought maybe he's going bald cause of an allergic reaction to the shampoo, so then I switched to the kind that you use on kittens. Just recently his neck started going bald also his neck has scabs all over it. Need some advice. He is so bald on his but that you can see his stuff:o .
  • Oct 26, 2007, 10:39 AM
    Please take him to the vet. The cat may have an allergy to something, for instance to flea saliva and is scratching so much that he is becoming bald. There are other possibilities too.
  • Oct 26, 2007, 07:04 PM
    Definitely time for a vet. It sounds like it could be mange, or some other skin conditions I can think of. You need to figure out what's wrong so that you can do the appropriate cure.
  • Oct 27, 2007, 05:02 AM
    Yes, take him to the vet. I agree it sounds like a flea allergy. I was told by the vet that it only takes 1 bite to set off intense itching for days. The experts say for every 1 flea you see 100 are hidden.

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