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  • Nov 22, 2006, 12:56 PM
    Fordyce's spot (White Spot on penis)
    I have quite a lot of small white lumps on my penis and scrotum, after doing research and looking at pictures I think these might be Fordyce's spots, but I have found one spot which looks similar to the rest but maybe the littlest bit bigger and has a yellowish head, is it possible for the penis to get normal spots because it looks like one! It is on its own near the top of my penis, can I just label it another Fordyce Spot (I have not had sex).
  • Nov 22, 2006, 01:05 PM
    How old are you? This could have a great deal to do with what this is.

    Personally you cannot label it that, your doctor must do the diagnosis. It is possible this is what it is, but your should confirm that with a proper diagnosis from your physician.
  • Nov 22, 2006, 01:07 PM
    I am 15 years old, it just looks like a regular yellow spot, is that possible
  • Nov 22, 2006, 01:20 PM

    Can you talk to your dad? Remember he has a penis too, and he may even have these. If you can't get to the doc, at least talk to your dad first. Then if you can get to a doc, make sure it is a guy, that way it won't be quite as embarrassing.
  • Nov 22, 2006, 01:22 PM
    I will try and ask my mum to arrange an appointment for me tonight if I can build up the courage, have you ever heard of this and can you give me a possibility of what this might be please?
  • Nov 22, 2006, 01:26 PM
    It is most likely nothing at all, just some body oil trapped under the skin, much in the same way as when you get a whitehead on your face.

    However, when dealing with your reproductive and urologic organs it is best to make sure that is exacly what it is.

    Good luck. And remember, she changed your diapers when you were little, so she already knows what is there. Also, she will be happy that you can trust her to come and talk to her about something so personal. It would make her proud to know that you are taking charge and care of your own body. I know I was proud of all of my children when they came to me with something embarrassing.
  • May 20, 2007, 07:47 AM
    Hi I av 1 spot on my penis and its bigger than a spot I don't know what it is :confused:
  • Jun 3, 2007, 11:02 AM
    I have the same om mine I have no idea what's wrong and I don't have a dad to ask and I feel dead embarrassed.
  • Jun 3, 2007, 12:39 PM
    so do I and I'm only turned 16, and have only had sex a cuple of times wiv ma girlfriend and have used a condom every single time and the last time we had sex was 2 and a half weeks ago n its turned up today afta cumin home from my m8s house... I had a spot on my penis about half way up that was like an acne whitehead on your face n I've squeezed it n its almost completely heald, its only happened today thou, but I was at a m8s house before hand and obv hadn't had a shower for like 3 days n I was swetaing a lot down there.. Could this be y?? =s is it like a normal whitehed and dunt have to worry?? =s
  • Oct 26, 2007, 12:00 AM
    Yea I'm 14, about to turn 15 in a few days, I think I notice these about last year and I asked my dad, he said he had it, and he had it somewhat bad but he said it'll go away in a while, and I just did research on this stuff tonight, I heard that it is lucky for us to have this because it helps pleasure females in sex and funny I heard that they have these on dildos haha, great to find out other guys have this, at least I know its not a STD or something, but hey every other kid or teen, out here who have these, I'd say chill and talk to your dad, if not your mom, but yea I read it usually comes from family.
  • Aug 19, 2009, 08:52 AM
    Hi I have been reaseachind and found that thesse are called Fordyce's check on wiekpdeia
    Also I am so glad it isn't caner or any deises but I am still up set to have it
  • Aug 29, 2009, 07:54 AM
    Hi I'm 14 and noticed Fordyce's spots quite long a go and left it thinking it would go away but it didn't and I am worried it has something to do with the amount of times I masturbate a day and if so should I consult a doctor.
  • Aug 29, 2009, 08:05 AM
    Hi I'm 14 and noticed Fordyce's spots quite long a go and left it thinking it would go away but it didn't and I am worried it has something to do with the amount of times I masturbate a day and if so should I consult a doctor.
  • Oct 13, 2009, 02:33 AM

    I am a certified vaginologist so this is not my field so to speak, but I have observed a similar symptom on the area around the vagina.
    It turned out to be whipped cream splatters.
    Have you had any contact with whipped substances?
  • Mar 17, 2011, 07:53 PM
    I have like on the top by the head of the penis and I have 2 bumps there skin color and there not to big but there noticeable and I'm freeked some one help!! There by the forskin by the head by the way thanks please help
  • May 29, 2011, 07:35 AM
    To find out the cure of
    Fordyce spots read the article on
    <a href="">Fordyce spots cure</a>.
    You will find a easy way of cure fordyce spot

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