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Type: Posts; User: LearningAsIGo

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  1. Answers

    I'm not sure what your motives are to risk...

    I'm not sure what your motives are to risk becoming a teenage parent, but it's indeed sad to hear.

    I was 31, married to a 38-year-old, each with college degrees and a home I'd owned for 10 years...
  2. Question: Yoga

    by LearningAsIGo

    ^Agreed. If you go to a studio, it might be a...

    ^Agreed. If you go to a studio, it might be a requirement for some reason, but I never use one at home.
  3. As the spouse, you do have to learn to cope with...

    As the spouse, you do have to learn to cope with it. His anxiety and stress certainly affects you and being in an unfamiliar place, I'm sure, exacerbates it. Regardless of what he may or may not be...
  4. Answers

    It might be wise to use a simple mask when using...

    It might be wise to use a simple mask when using chemicals like hair dye and nail polish, acetone, etc. but it's probably not a serious risk. Just a quick call to her doctor's office should answer...
  5. We administer Solu-Medrol quite frequently here...

    We administer Solu-Medrol quite frequently here in my outpatient hematology/oncology clinic. I thought the OP sounded like she was presenting a 'homework' question. Ha
  6. The baby's heartbeat isn't detectable until 6...

    The baby's heartbeat isn't detectable until 6 weeks at the earliest, sometimes it takes a bit longer than that, so it depends on how far along she is.
  7. I'm glad to hear you have quit using and I...

    I'm glad to hear you have quit using and I certainly hope you never come near the stuff again.

    I implore you to please be up-front and totally honest with your doctor about EVERYTHING you've used...
  8. Answers

    Thanks, Doula. I seem to be "on track" now (as of...

    Thanks, Doula. I seem to be "on track" now (as of cycle day 75) but I do believe perimenopause is part of what I'm experiencing. Hindsight is 20/20 and I have all the signs. Since I don't feel...
  9. We can only guess on the Internet, but you could...

    We can only guess on the Internet, but you could be irritating your cervix during sex or have a hormonal imbalance. Your doctor should be able to determine the cause once you go to your appointment.
  10. Did they discuss your fertility with you after...

    Did they discuss your fertility with you after your tests? The simple answer is that removing birth control (especially after a long period of time) will cause a change in your cycle like your...
  11. Answers

    Definitely not pregnant. Even though I don't know...

    Definitely not pregnant. Even though I don't know if/when I ovulated, it's been so long since... a pregnancy test would definitely be conclusive by now.

    I feel like I'm regulating in the sense...
  12. Answers

    Thank you kindly, Doula. The loss of an ovary...

    Thank you kindly, Doula.

    The loss of an ovary was due to low-stage ovarian cancer. I was 19 and suffice it to say, another "shouldn't have happened" on my chart! I only had surgery, no chemo,...
  13. Answers

    Sorry! CD = Cycle Day. So, my last period started...

    Sorry! CD = Cycle Day. So, my last period started 12/2/15 ;)
  14. Answers

    I'm also having intense hot flashes. Thanks,...

    I'm also having intense hot flashes.

    Thanks, Joy. I'm actually part of a GYN practice that has 7 other physicians, they're just in flux. Mine is retiring this month, one passed away suddenly and...
  15. Answers

    Thank you, Doula. My second tube remains but...

    Thank you, Doula.

    My second tube remains but it's entirely closed off. It's hard to explain, but at the time my right ovary was removed (1998) the oncologist left that right tube to preserve as...
  16. Answers

    Crazy cycle post D&C/Salpingectomy

    I'm looking for some ideas/feedback. My GYN is retiring, office is moving and I'm not sure how much I need to rush getting in... I'll try to keep this as concise as possible

    1998, one ovary...
  17. Question: Breast

    by LearningAsIGo

    Are you pregnant or had a baby in the last year?...

    Are you pregnant or had a baby in the last year? Is there any pain involved?
  18. Answers

    I don't have any experience, but what I've...

    I don't have any experience, but what I've learned over the years is not to ask for other people's experience.

    What I mean is, everyone is different and will have a different result. Some may...
  19. Answers

    Contact a doctor ASAP. To bleed that heavily for...

    Contact a doctor ASAP. To bleed that heavily for that long, requires a visit with a doctor.
  20. Specifically regarding sponge baths vs. showers ...

    Specifically regarding sponge baths vs. showers

    Back then, sponges and bath water was often shared. One person may bathe, then the next without getting fresh water or sponges. Showers, of course,...
  21. FYI: Women's bodies change CONSTANTLY. Each month...

    FYI: Women's bodies change CONSTANTLY. Each month we gain and loose weight and breasts feel and look differently.

    I may be wrong, but you sound very young and inexperienced. A period would almost...
  22. How to Test a Diamond | Tell a Real Diamond...

    How to Test a Diamond | Tell a Real Diamond The link provides ways to test the diamonds at home. Your best bet though, is to take it to a jeweler to get an appraisal.
  23. Answers

    As doula stated, you can sometimes feel light...

    As doula stated, you can sometimes feel light cramping at the point of ovulation.

    Also, once your egg is fertilized, it takes several days to implant and put off enough hormones for a home...
  24. Based on timing, it's possibly your fertile...

    Based on timing, it's possibly your fertile window and that's why you're feeling the discomfort.
  25. Answers

    Having a tubal ligation does't have anything to...

    Having a tubal ligation does't have anything to do with spotting.

    Spotting can be due to many reasons, mostly hormonal related. You'll have to consult a doctor to know for sure. Is it red spotting...
  26. Generally, bleeding isn't a sign of pregnancy but...

    Generally, bleeding isn't a sign of pregnancy but since you did not take your birth control, there most certainly is a chance. I faithfully took birth control pills and got pregnant... hell, I had my...
  27. Answers

    I had the same thought path as Doula. Not saying...

    I had the same thought path as Doula. Not saying you are in the wrong, but I have issues with my mother and it's amazing to me how differently she views the past from how I do. That said, I'd never...
  28. Answers

    You could be pregnant, but reporting symptoms "2...

    You could be pregnant, but reporting symptoms "2 days" after sex is far too early. That may have actually been ovulation. That still poses an increased risk of pregnancy since sperm can live inside a...
  29. Question: Help .

    by LearningAsIGo

    I would venture to guess it could be a...

    I would venture to guess it could be a coincidence, like gas pain. Either way, a week after sex will not likely be pregnancy or STD related if that's what you're thinking. See a doctor, who can do...
  30. Answers

    You really must go to the doctor as soon as...

    You really must go to the doctor as soon as possible. It may be absolutely nothing but hormone shifts after all your body has been through, but its impossible to say without a physical exam and...
  31. Answers

    While femur length is an indicator of down...

    While femur length is an indicator of down syndrome, it sounds like your results were normal and not of concern. I promise you, if there was cause for alarm, your physician would have said something....
  32. Question: Irritation

    by LearningAsIGo

    It's possibly a urinary tract infection, but...

    It's possibly a urinary tract infection, but you'd be smart to see a doctor to confirm.

    In the mean time, push clear fluids like water and cranberry juice. Go often, even if no urine is produced...
  33. There are many possibilities to explain what you...

    There are many possibilities to explain what you are experiencing.

    Have you yet seen a doctor about why your periods are unusual at this age? If you're fairly athletic and have low body fat, that...
  34. It's too hard to say, only time will tell. As...

    It's too hard to say, only time will tell. As long as you're fairly good taking pills, a few hours won't matter. They aren't 100% effective though, so keep that in mind.
    Mid-cycle spotting can occur...
  35. There are many possibilities. I suspect that your...

    There are many possibilities. I suspect that your family doctor could possibly run the blood work necessary to diagnose or rule out early menopause or a hormonal imbalance, but it may require a...
  36. Answers

    I wouldn't attribute this to pregnancy, I also...

    I wouldn't attribute this to pregnancy, I also wouldn't call it normal.

    That said, it may be nothing to worry about, but I recommend talking to your doctor to get to the bottom of things.
  37. I think more detail is needed. It was...

    I think more detail is needed. It was approximately 30 years ago and MANY pop stars in the 80's were attractive with blonde hair. Have you tried searching "80's female pop stars" and scanning...
  38. As others said, you really must see a doctor. It...

    As others said, you really must see a doctor. It may be something fairly simple to manage, but you'll continue to suffer without knowing for sure. I know a very clean, well groomed nurse with...
  39. I bled during early pregnancy and home tests can...

    I bled during early pregnancy and home tests can have many issues.

    Test again with first morning urine and follow the directions carefully. If there is any doubt after that, contact your physician...
  40. If you're sure of your ovulation date, it is too...

    If you're sure of your ovulation date, it is too early to tell if you're pregnant or not. Although it's possible to get an accurate result on a pregnancy test by 10 DPO, it's best to wait until your...
  41. Wow, I'm scheduled for the same thing and my...

    Wow, I'm scheduled for the same thing and my quote (US dollars) was $823.00 for the entire workup. I might just come to the UK!

    Here, they are billed separately. The root canal will take place,...
  42. Answers

    Urge your sister-in-law to register if she hasn't...

    Urge your sister-in-law to register if she hasn't already.

    As J_9 stated, he may not be a match. Siblings are more likely to match each other, but it doesn't guarantee they will.

    Your concerns...
  43. Answers

    I just want to add that giving you an estimate...

    I just want to add that giving you an estimate within one week (Aug 25 - Sep 3) is perfectly normal. I often heard the same thing and I knew exactly what my LMP and ovulation dates were. All of the...
  44. Answers

    There are a multitude of reasons, as Fr_Chuck...

    There are a multitude of reasons, as Fr_Chuck pointed out. Most likely, you'd see signs of pregnancy by now, but on the rare occasion, you might get a false negative (meaning you are pregnant).
  45. Answers

    Because it has been so heavy for so long, it's...

    Because it has been so heavy for so long, it's time to follow up with your doctor. At the time, she was right to say a heavy period can happen, but it shouldn't last this long without getting checked...
  46. Answers

    This reply is quite late, but in the interest of...

    This reply is quite late, but in the interest of yourself or others who might see this, Americans can call The American Cancer Society at 800-227-2345 for assistance in financial concerns, etc.
  47. Answers

    As the others said, two months is no time at all....

    As the others said, two months is no time at all. It only becomes a potential issue if you go more than a year with no results. Try to enjoy the process... stress can negatively affect fertility.
  48. Answers

    I'm sorry for your loss. That is certainly very...

    I'm sorry for your loss. That is certainly very traumatic for anyone to go through and being bullied on top of it is something you shouldn't have to deal with. Please don't take those awful words to...
  49. Have you received any physical therapy or has a...

    Have you received any physical therapy or has a doctor looked into inflammation, tendon/muscle strain, etc? There are many things an X-ray won't see, but a MRI might...
    I'm not sure what kind of...
  50. Question: Cold

    by LearningAsIGo

    angelajohn is incorrect. You can certainly use...

    angelajohn is incorrect. You can certainly use cold medicine if you choose and the temperature of water you drink doesn't matter in the slightest, though you may notice warmer drinks like hot tea...
Results 1 to 50 of 500