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  • Jan 5, 2010, 10:06 AM
    Leave my husband
    I really want to leave my husband of 6 1/2 years. We have 3 kids (ages 5 and under) and I have been a stay at home mom practically the whole time we've been married. We fight all the time, I sleep on the couch or my kids room. Since last year, we've lived with his sister since she has a house to herself in a small town where I know nobody (thanks to him and his sister being control freaks). My mother is in a retirement community 3 hours away. I don't have really any single friends to turn to and most of my family is all the way in Indiana. The truck belongs to his dad so I can't just pack up and go even if I did have somewhere for us. I need to leave and take the kids with me, but I don't know where to go or what to do. He doesn't work in or out of the house, we are always fighting. Recently, he pushed me up against a door frame got in my face and cussed me out (our 5 year old saw the whole thing). We live in Texas, can someone direct me as to where me and my kids can go for help? Are there other women who have left their husbands and have a place for us to go? Please help, this isn't good for my kids (ages 1,3 and 5).
  • Jan 5, 2010, 11:33 AM

    Is there a battered women's shelter in your area? Have you reported his abuse to the Police?

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