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  • Nov 13, 2007, 02:30 PM
    Should I leave My Husband
    I'm 28 and my Husband is 38 we have been married for 7 years. We've been trying for a family for 6 ½ .2 years ago we found out that we will not be able to have children without help. My husband worked a very high stress job that would follow him home. 9 months ago he started a new job with less stress with vacation and weekends off. I've been taking my BBT for 3 months and he refuses to read any fertilely information I bring home as he thinks that as he has a less stressful job that we will get pregnant soon. I have wanted children my whole life. Should I leave my Husband to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a mother or should I stay and see if it will ever happen.

    We both want children but it seams that I want one more. He thinks that trying for 7 years is normal and we'll have one soon. I'm getting frustrated that he won't go for more tests or look at adopting he says I can look into this if I want to but he thinks everything's OK. I've looked into adopting on my own and I give him all the information I find but he doesn't read it.
  • Nov 13, 2007, 02:52 PM
    I honestly don't think that I would just up and leave and divorce your hubby right yet. There are other ways of having a family. Check out the other options if necessary. I can understand you wanting kids. How does hubby feel about having kids?? I would think that that would be the big question. If he does not want kids and you do... well then that is something that you and he will have to sit down and decide what you will do to fix this problem. Good Luck to you and don't give up :)
  • Nov 13, 2007, 03:07 PM
    Whoa! Slow down-this is not grounds for divorce! I suggest the same as above-talk to him about your desire to have children-and his desires-they may not be the same-seee what happens first.
  • Nov 16, 2007, 08:06 PM
    Stay married! Stay married! Stay married!

    Did I say this enough. Take your vows seriously. Your dealing with another
    Soul, not problems with work.

    There are solutions to everything. Even difficult situations like yours. Divorce
    Is not a solution... trust me on this...

    Sounds like you are two great people. Just keep at it with this issue. He'll come
    Around. Your kids are waiting to be born!

    Best wishes.
  • Nov 16, 2007, 09:48 PM
    Maybe he is right... maybe the less stressful job WILL help and things will work out quickly. A lot of problems conceiving can come from not believing you can... change what you believe. If it is a definite biological problem that's a different story. My aunt and uncle 'couldn't have children' adopted one boy and 3 years later had a child of their own. Just a thought. I wish you well, don't give up x
  • Nov 18, 2007, 09:02 PM
    Our divorce rate is high because people don't even try to work things out any more.Don't leave and give up all the years you have already spent with him.You can't get them back.Talk to him find out how he feels about children.Maybe he feels like it's his fault and just can't tell you.Don't give up on the 2 of you.
  • Nov 18, 2007, 09:16 PM
    I am A big believer in staying married.

    I ask, Do you think someone else would be right for you, so far you have 7 years invested in a future,which by the sounds of, isn't all that bad! Your not talking about infidelity and the other issues most divorces occur over,as above, this isn't a divorce issue, it's communication and shared feelings.

    Devotion,love acceptance, these,it seems,you have for each other.Believe me, a lot don't.

    Count your blessings and try for happiness where you are first.

    Hope this helps,

  • Nov 27, 2007, 03:38 PM
    You can't leve your marriage just because one think just won't go your way! No wonder the divorce rate is so high. Did you not discuss this before getting married?! Have you thought about adoption? There is a lot of children waiting for a home you know!
    And the fact that you have been together for 7 years now! That is a big accomplishment! You should be proud of that. Think right now how you would feel if he got up and left right now and you never seen him again... you would feel devistated right! Sometimes couples loose that fire within each other and aren't grateful for the small things until they are gone.
    Be grateful for what you have right now.
  • Nov 27, 2007, 03:57 PM
    If your thinking of leaving your husband to go and find your happiness with some one to make babies with, then you shouldn't be married, and definitely shouldn't be making babies. Relax and give hubbie a chance and see what happens.
  • Nov 28, 2007, 11:48 AM
    If your want for children is the reason for divorce? Then you got bigger problems in this marriage than you are letting on. I suggest that you seek out some counselling really fast. Children will never keep a marriage together if you have too many problems. It is too bad you do not fess up to your real problems.
  • Nov 28, 2007, 01:09 PM
    I don't think you should get divorce. Hun stay married and god will help u with everything. I don't think this is a good reason to get divorce. Be patient and things will work out.

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