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  • Dec 10, 2023, 06:19 AM
    FISA Sec 702
    I wrote about FBI abuse of this section here


    New revelations from unsealed FISA documents reveal that the FBI in cooperation with Bank Of America (BOA) ;(and most likely other major banks too big to fail), was illegally surveilling during the Jan 6,2021 protest and the racial justice protest in 2020 . 278,000 times !!!!!

    This is what they did . They turned over to the FBI EVERY bank transaction ;credit card use ,debit withdrawals etc that happened in DC on those days .

    Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act allows them to data mine foreigners outside of the US.. To use the tool for domestic spying is a gross violation of the law. The law expires at the end of the year and Clueless Joe wants it renewed . But there is a real need to restructure the law to protect the rights of American citizens . Even when they are targeting foreigners , Americans have inadvertently been a part of some searches.

    In this case there was nothing inadvertent about it .

    FBI Director Christopher Wray “told us we can sleep well at night because of the FBI’s so-called FISA reforms. But it was worse than we thought,” said Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, which has jurisdiction over FISA 702 renewal.
    Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.), said the newly disclosed opinion revealed “shocking abuses of FISA Section 702, in particular the FBI’s warrantless searches through 702 data for information on Americans.” Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said the opinion showed the need for additional changes beyond the Justice Department’s own reforms, “to ensure that the FBI, and other agencies, are faithful stewards of this powerful and irreplaceable national security tool.”

    FBI Searched Jan. 6 Rioters and George Floyd Demonstrators in Spy Database - WSJ

    Where can such activities lead if a rogue government has such powers over people executing their right of protest ? Ask the Canadian convoy truckers .

    Banks freeze millions in convoy funds under Trudeau edict - BNN Bloomberg
    Kangaroo Court exposed (

    This coming week the section of the law runs out . Congress must reauthorize to extend it.

    Created after 9-11 ;the section was designed to track terrorists and foreign spys

    But the DOJ has turned it into a domestic spying program.

    How often ? 2021 alone they used the warrantless search 3,394,053 times.

    2022_ASTR_for_CY2020_FINAL.pdf (

    How safe do you think your private phone and on line communications are ?

    Sec 702 makes this spying legal . But clearly constitutional rights are being violated .


    Fourth Amendment
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized

    Thurday the Senate passed a massive 3,000 page Defense Authorization bill . (Go ahead and read it . I dare you )

    FY24 NDAA Conference Report - FINAL.pdf (

    The bills leaves Sec 702 unrevised .

    2024 NDAA re-authorizes Section 702 without revisions, faces criticism - Deseret News

    The House Judiciary Committee voted to allow the bill to go forward with the recommendation that a warrant should be obtained.

    House Judiciary panel advances renewal of surveillance authority - Roll Call

    The House Intel committee has it's own version that splits the baby .

    Warren Davidson 🇺🇸 on X: "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 reauthorization will be debated in Congress next week. On Wednesday, Judiciary Committee passed a great bill with strong reforms. Yesterday, the Intel Committee (HPSCI) passed an expansion of warrantless surveillance to spy…" / X (

    The FBI would have to establish probable cause before they spy without a warrant. No chance of abuse there </sarc>

    Speaker Johnson is going to bring both versions to the floor .

    My guess is that the House Repubs will cave and allow the bill to pass without any added revisions ;and if they do ,the changes will be scrubbed in a conference committee before the bill goes to Clueless Joe's desk.

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