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  • Dec 3, 2021, 09:35 AM
    Myty Myky
    No driving license due to lien now at 55 lien isn't seen so so mean
    ***TRAFFIC LAW*** HELLO COMMUNITY, I HAD AN AUTO ACCIDENT AT THE AGE OF 17, I had no license, or insurance, so the brand new car that hit me, ya hit me, was totalled It didn't matter,I got hit with the full cost of the car $ 11.000, or so 38 years ago, at 17 it may of well been $11.000.000, It wasn't getting paid so the years went by got married had kids I still drove since wife had legal car got a few driving under suspension fines through out the years, well now the lien is gone. I remember they said the lien holder had to renew it every year or it would seize, I guess nobody renewed. so how do I go about getting my license finally ?
  • Dec 3, 2021, 11:42 AM
    While the lien may have not been renewed there may have been fees and penalties that applied. A visit to your local DMV can guide you as to your status, or calling the court clerks office that administered the lien. Local laws do apply.

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