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  • Sep 13, 2019, 07:11 AM
    Are there any signs when someone has feelings for you?
    I have known my sex partner nearly 20 yrs. We had lost contact after moving 5 yrs after we met. We picked it up again few yrs. later. Sometimes I think he's jealous then other times I don't. I say if a man really likes you he would not let anyone else in the way. If he is not contacting you then he doesn't care.

    Mine walked up to me couple yrs ago after seeing me out at a pub nearby. Came over to me while I was talking to another guy to say hi. The latest thing was going through my cell phone.I text him to say hi he says hi back but then he isn't very conversational.I don't think he really into me like that but why the jealousy at times? Hands up I'm confused.
  • Sep 14, 2019, 06:04 AM
    Homegirl 50
    What difference does it make. You guys are fwb. You are not dating. If you want to know if this is jealousy, ask him.
    You keep reframing the same question looking for a different response.
  • Sep 14, 2019, 06:18 AM
    Don't know many guys that wouldn't protect their long time piece of tail they have enjoyed for years, or be jealous if they thought someone else was sniffing around it. You think you're in love, and wonder if he feels the same and just FWB's or not you have gone years without working things out to define what to do about YOU'RE feelings let alone HIS.

    Till then you got nothing, and will wither in emotional limbo until you TALK, like any other healthy couple would be doing. Why you have not is a mystery to me and that's my question, how can you share bodies and not you're minds? You aren't kids any more, so act like adults and handle your business.
  • Sep 25, 2019, 03:31 AM
    Yes if someone is into you definitely you could have a feeling that person is trying to connect with you. I think he is still into you but strange that he does not show it all the time.
  • Sep 25, 2019, 05:55 AM
    yea I think it is strange too. Us females we not letting another female get to someone we like with not communicating with them we won't even let that happen. To much space creates opportunity

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