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  • Feb 28, 2019, 04:32 PM
    Foster care
    Hi my name is Zoey and my mom has treated me like dirt. All she does is do what ever she wants. I try to spend time with herbut all she would do is make plans with her new boyfreind. She has takens every door of the hinges and I cant do anthing without her staring at me. Even when I'm using the bathroom she is in there with me for no reason. She curses her head off at me and says I'm a worthless girl. She has hit me before and kicked me out of the house.She has taken most of my friends away and it really bothers me. She always calls me a lier and I don't even lie. I cant even go to schoolwith out her calling them to make sure I'm there. Im never allowed to leave my house witch is awful. Well I hope someone can help me thanks.
  • Feb 28, 2019, 05:05 PM
    How old are you, Zoey?

    How long has this been going on?
  • Mar 1, 2019, 11:00 AM
    Hi wondergirl this has been going on for almost 4 years and I'm 15
  • Mar 1, 2019, 12:26 PM
    Do you have a social worker or an advocate during your foster-care situation? Usually there's a person who oversees your welfare.
  • Mar 1, 2019, 12:41 PM
    Are you currently in foster care?
  • Mar 1, 2019, 02:49 PM
    Report this to you teacher and/or the police
  • Mar 2, 2019, 10:23 AM
    It sounds like you're living with your biological mom, and you're hoping to be placed in foster care? Is that the situation?

    We can't help you get placed in foster care. First, we're online, we're not social workers, we're not CPS, and we have no influence over any of the organizations that would decide whether to send you to foster care. Even if we did, we're only hearing your side of the story. Your mom isn't here to defend herself against your alligations.

    If you feel you're living in an abusive household call CPS, go to the police, tell a teacher or trusted adult. CPS will come to your home and assess the situation. They'll talk to you and your mother to determine what's going on and whether or not you need to be removed from the home.
  • Mar 2, 2019, 03:45 PM
    I'm sure your going a million miles an hour right now, time to take a break and relax.
    Think, think what your putting your mother through, I'm sure she loves you and wants only the best for you.
    Foster care is not the Answer!

    Foster homes are full of teenage 'kids that can't handle it', at home anymore.
    Nobody is going to care for you like your own mother, not in this life.
    Raising a teenager is much harder on the Parent than it is 'being a teenager', believe that.
    Understand that...the reality of it.

    You are not alone in this, many teens are struggling this very same issue.
    Biggest thing is to try and talk to somebody face to face.
    Worse thing to do is talk to people your own age or move in with friends.
    But of course if your mind is made up and you want to be placed in Foster care, just keep headed in the same direction and you will achieve said goal.

    I urge you to relax and meditate on what you hope to achieve with your actions, what is your mother hoping to achieve by her actions?

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