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  • Sep 11, 2018, 05:13 PM
    Is it too soon to message him again?
    So I spent 4 months working at a summer camp. There I became friends with others who were working there for the 4 months like me. I became good friends with a guy was friends more with girls than guys. We talked a lot during the summer and became close friends ( I shared things about my life with him that few people know , and he talked openly with me about his life as well). Now I’m back home and he is traveling far away. I told him that I wanted to hear about his travels and he said he wanted to hear about my life being home and to stay in touch.
    So I messaged him a week after getting home and he replied a few hours later telling me that he is visiting family before he leaves next week on his year long solo trip ( backpacking and exploring some of the far away parts of the world ). He also mentioned that he was going to be visiting a girl soon before he left ( who visited for a week at the camp we worked at, and he talked to lots ), and that he really liked her. He also said that he missed me too and lov ya talk soon.
    So it’s been 4 days since that and we haven’t messaged each other again. I want to message him again ( we had some great chats at camp and he gave me a different perspective on my problems, and I miss talking to him . I think of him as a close friend and someone I would never date, but I don’t think of him as like a brother like my other guy friends , we talked almost every day at camp.)
    So is it too soon to message him again , should I wait for him to message first, or should I wait until at least a week since the last message before messaging him again ( as he is probably busy as he leaves for another continent in a few days).
  • Sep 11, 2018, 05:31 PM
    There are very few rules about contacting JUST friends, as long as you keep it real, and don't get carried away blowing up his phone with your messages. Especially KNOWING he has a girl he is interested in. Why obsess and ruin a "friendship"?

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