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  • Aug 28, 2017, 02:19 PM
    Is lord of light essentially eru illuvatar from arda?
    so, the children of the forest from GRRM call themselves "those who sing the song of earth" or the "singers" right?

    and lord of light, being the all mighty God is the song's origin?

    in Tolkien's world eru illuvatar has created EVERYTHING with a "song" and his first creations such as Melkor, all have their parts of songs which is originated from illuvatar and as HE himself says it all goes back to him and he makes beauty out of them.

    which essentially makes this :
    children of the forest = the singers
    lord of light = the origin of the song.

    first children of Eru illuvatar= singers
    eru illuvatar = the origin of the song.

    isn't that EXACTLY like Tolkien's world?

    or am I taking something wrong here?

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