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  • Mar 20, 2017, 03:29 PM
    Clothing pattern sizes
    Hi all my sewing friends. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice.

    My daughter is taking fashion studies again this year, she's in 9th grade. They each got to pick the next project they're doing, and she chose to make a dress.

    It's a fairly simply pattern, and I know she'll do a great job, the problem we're having is determining her size.

    She's very petite, in most clothing she takes a small. In clothing that is numbered she's normally a size 6 because of her height, but a 6 is usually a bit large on her.

    So, when we bought the pattern and the material to go with it, we bought a pattern that goes from size 6-14, and bought enough material to do a size 8, which I was thinking wold be too large, but just to be safe we got extra.

    Well, the back of the pattern, which we read when we got home, tells you which size to choose based on bust, waist and hip size, and according to that, she's a size 12-14. No way!

    She would drown in size 12-14 clothing off the rack.

    So I'm asking, is the sizing for patterns the same as regular sizing when you buy off the rack? If so, they're way off, and how the hell do people choose pattern sizing if they're that far off regular sizing?

    Should she cut it to the size 8, or go to the size 12 which I think would be way too large on her?

    Also, if we go to the size 12, we don't have enough material, since we bought the recommended amount for size 8.

    So confusing.

    Any advice? She wants to cut the pattern and the cloth tonight so she can start sewing in class tomorrow. Only problem is, we have no idea what size to cut.
  • Mar 22, 2017, 10:47 AM
    With all clothing the sizes tend to change even within the same brands. Is this something we can reference online like from the makers website to see what they say about it. Maybe they are saying to over cut the pattern then trim it as needed for fit.
  • Mar 22, 2017, 01:44 PM
    That's about what I was thinking.
  • Mar 22, 2017, 02:41 PM

    Originally Posted by cdad View Post
    With all clothing the sizes tend to change even within the same brands. Is this something we can reference online like from the makers website to see what they say about it. Maybe they are saying to over cut the pattern then trim it as needed for fit.

    That's what a dressmaker does--cuts larger than probably needed, has the person try it on, pins the dress to fit, later bastes the dress together, has the person try it on again, adjusts with pins, then finally sews the dress with regular stitches. The last thing a dressmaker wants to do is rip out stitches and refit the dress.
  • Mar 23, 2017, 08:01 AM
    Hi Alty,

    In addition to having a fabulous wealth of knowledge regarding sexuality, programming, and biology in general, I am also a avid tailor, seamster? Teamster?

    What I would do, if you have the funds, is go to fabricland (The one in Northland Mall is good.) OR your local fabric store and go to the Clearance section. Buy the required amount of fabric plus a yard or so. Doesn't matter the colour or pattern just get a similar type to the final product.

    When cutting the tissue paper pattern, so a quick mock fitting of the pattern on your daughter. See if the size 12/14 is the way to go. If you find that the size six is the way to go, then do a mockup on the clearance fabric. When you're putting the pieces together, bast them with a stitch length 4, don't back stich. You can easily take this out afterwards.

    Fit the dress. Look at the cut it si supposed to have and then adjust to fit. Might be a two person job. Once you're happy with the fit of the mockup. Use the mockup as a pattern on your Good fabric.

    It will take a little longer, but you should get a better fit.

    Good Luck.
  • Mar 23, 2017, 05:05 PM
    Cravenmorehead, you never cease to amaze me!

    Sadly I wrote this post, and then didn't get a quick reply so Syd and I ended up cutting the pattern to size 12, because the difference between the sizes really wasn't a lot.

    I then called a friend that's a seamstress, and she told me that regular store sizing and pattern sizing, two very different things. It's very confusing to people that are just beginning sewers. You go in a size 4, end up buying a size 12 pattern. I really find it all very confusing and irritating. How is a regular person that's just starting, supposed to know that?

    Her advice was to always go by the measurement in patterns, because every pattern is different. Some go by conventional sizing, others just go by the beat of their own drummer and make up whatever sizing they want and the number means nothing, it's all about the measuring.

    Syd already took her cut pattern and cut material to school, and I'm hoping her fashions teacher is good enough to help her with the rest, like fitting it on her properly.

    She has fashions around 3 times a week, and hour every time, so it will take some time for the finished product, but when it's done I'll load a picture. So proud that she's trying this. At first I thought it was an easy pattern, until we cut it out. Her teacher said it was a very ambitious project. I know she can do it, I have faith, and I can't wait to see how it ends up. I'll share it with all of you when it's done. :)

    Thanks so much for all the help, especially Craven. Just wow. Is there anything you don't know?
  • Mar 24, 2017, 07:17 AM
    Jack of all trades, but master of none. :-)

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