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  • Dec 3, 2016, 11:35 AM
    My teacher interrogated me with personal questions?
    My teacher interrogated me?
    Today my friend and I were getting ready for lunch at school so we went to the closet to get our coats and lunches and it smelled like straight up wet cat food. Just an FYI our hooks are right next to each other. So we told our teacher and she looked in the closet and she asked me by myself if I had any cats. I was embarrassed because my whole family has four cats but I only had one so I said one. She said well who changes the litter boxes? And I said who ever owns a cat and she gave me a stern look and said how many cats are total in your house! I said 4 and she looked at me weird and she said how many people are in your house? I said 8 and she said why? At that point I'm like why did any of this matter!! Like just ask me if I have cats and that's it like you don't need to ask me ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS? She said do you seriously have 6 siblings? I said no I have two brothers and one sister but my sister has kids because my siblings are a bit older then me. She said OK that makes sense and THEN says it's cat urine. Like if it was cat urine ask me if my family had a cat and say it was cat urine instead of asking me personal questions. I said oh OK and she put my lunchbox up to my face for me to smell. It smelled like tuna not urine?? In my head I'm like lady I have 4 cats in my family I know what cat pee smells like from litter boxes and that's not it. It made me really embarrassed. Everyone in my family except my nephews I told in my house and they all said all those questions were stupid. My mom said she wants me to have a different teacher. Anyone have any opinions?

    I forgot to mention that the boy next to my hook had tuna for lunch.
  • Dec 3, 2016, 01:30 PM
    Yeah... get over yourself... they have the right to ask questions... you opened yourself up to questions when you complained.

    Also people WITHOUT 9 cats are going to be way more sensitive to cat related odors than someone bombarded by them most of the day. Every see the commercial on TV about being nose blind? That IS a very real thing.

    And sorry 9 cats... I don't believe NO cat in your house has ever peed on anything outside of the litter box. I don't know anyone with ONE cat that has never happened to.
  • Dec 3, 2016, 01:42 PM
    Smoothy's right!

    We've had as many as four cats at one time who did occasionally have an accident. In fact, we asked our younger son who lives nearby to drop in occasionally to smell the household air when he first walked in, just to make sure we wouldn't offend a visitor. We were used to it, so couldn't tell, even after being outdoors for a while. Most of our floors are covered with tile for easier cleanup.
  • Dec 3, 2016, 02:56 PM
    It's like living with people who smoke. They swear they have no smoke on their clothes and hair and in their cars, but they do.
    I got up this morning and the smell from my cat's litter box was awful. I don't know why it was extra bad; it just was. Just one cat!
    Your teacher might have been a little more polite, I suppose, but she has all the other students to get settled too.
    Let it go, Sweetie!

    Schools these days HAVE to know about you because in so many ways they are responsible for you, and if there is something at home that's wrong, you can say that you told her and nothing was done. Neglect could be one. Have you seen hoarder shows on TV? Often a hoarder will have dozens of cats who go all over the house, and it's a health hazard.
  • Dec 3, 2016, 05:22 PM
    If you or your coat or your lunch box has a smell it could be considered a hygiene issue. That is part of a teachers issue.
  • Dec 4, 2016, 05:02 AM
    I know I shouldn't have said I've never smelt pee before outside of the litter box.

    No, but it wasn't pee if I have 4 cats I'm certain that's tuna. A boy had tuna for lunch and every day he does.

    Sweetie, let me correct you because you got this mistaken I have 4 cats not 9!��
  • Dec 4, 2016, 05:43 AM
    Sorry, I deleted the sentence of me saying my cats have never peed on anything I know it offended some people. Now, to get into it I would like you to look at it in my perspective. There was a brown tan stain on my jacket which smelled like straight up tuna. My friend had a stain on her jacket that smelled like tuna. That's why I think it's tuna.

    Another thing is, if I had any cats at all just ask me that not a million other questions about my personal life. If I was I teacher and had this issue I would ask if they had cats and then say it was cat urine if they had any cats. But in my case, asking one million questions that doesn't apply to urine is well, inappropriate to me. For example: How does asking about how many people live in your house have to do with pee? It doesn't and that is why I'm disgusted about why she would think she could ask me all those questions in that particular time frame. I totally understand that teachers do have to know about a child's life just in case anything happens but I think for that time it wasn't a good time to bring on all those questions.
  • Dec 4, 2016, 09:27 AM
    I agree with the others. YOU opened this up by reporting the smell. That gave the teacher the right to ask you questions.

    You seem to think you have some extraordinary rights here. You don't! I see absolutely nothing wrong in the exchange between you and your teacher. I think you and your mother are over-reacting.
  • Dec 4, 2016, 09:53 AM

    Originally Posted by abbyoscar77 View Post
    Sweetie, let me correct you because you got this mistaken I have 4 cats not 9!��

    In your original post, you said there are nine cats in your household. You've since changed what you first wrote.

    As a former teacher, I agree your teacher was being responsible in asking about your household after you brought up the smell problem.
  • Dec 4, 2016, 03:15 PM
    Teachers should ask a lot of questions. I need to know about my students, and to make sure they have a safe place to live. It sounds like your teacher cares about you.
  • Dec 4, 2016, 03:23 PM
    You complained about the smell, then you lied about how many cats are in your home, so of course the teacher asked questions, and none of the questions were personal, or invasive.

    Get over it. If you don't want people asking questions, don't invite them to ask questions.
  • Dec 5, 2016, 05:51 AM
    No I didn't lie. I have 4 cats in my home but she asked me how Many I have. I answered with honesty. And we soon found out today that the boys tuna juice spilled on our coats and that was what it was. So she had no rights to ask those questions
  • Dec 5, 2016, 05:55 AM
    Abby, you came here asking for opinions from wiser heads. You get several opinions, ALL of them saying that you overreacted and that the teacher was within her rights.

    And your response is to ignore all that advice and continue to maintain (incorrectly) that she didn't.

    This leads me to believe that you are an obstinate person which may have led the teacher into trying to get info from you.

    But the bottom line is YOU ARE WRONG!! Get over it and get on with your life.
  • Dec 5, 2016, 06:08 AM
    "Sweetie, let me correct you because you got this mistaken I have 4 cats not 9!"
    You said you have 9 cats in a home with 8 people. We all saw that for a day. You also deleted the sentence about each of you taking care of your own cat's litter box.

    Now you have changed it to 4 and are thinking you can throw it back on us for being mistaken?
    What are we supposed to believe now? It's no longer worth concerning myself with. Sorry.
    If you want to grow up with a chip on your shoulder, feel free.
  • Dec 5, 2016, 08:34 AM

    Originally Posted by abbyoscar77 View Post
    I know I shouldn't have said I've never smelt pee before outside of the litter box.

    No, but it wasn't pee if I have 4 cats I'm certain that's tuna. A boy had tuna for lunch and every day he does.

    Sweetie, let me correct you because you got this mistaken I have 4 cats not 9!😀

    You seem to be adapting facts to fit what you want to hear. That does not fly on this site. It tells us that you may be more interested in getting someone in trouble than you are being truthful about the events.

    You did say that there are nine cats in the household. That you changed your story here makes me wonder if you have a history of not being completely truthful at school. Your past honesty does play a part in how the teacher investigates your claims.

    Your evasiveness when she asked about cats is what opened up the other questions. She smells more than tuna and asks about cats in your house. You tell her there is one cat. She asks who cleans the litter box. You say whoever owns a cat which implies there are more cats and/or no one is taking responsibility for the cat. Like here, when stories change or the person seems evasive about the facts it brings up other questions.

    Another reason she may have asked more questions is because what you were saying contradicted other information she has. If that happened then she definitely needed to find out more.
  • Dec 5, 2016, 10:14 AM
    I agree... YOU stated 9 cats... then you get evasive and try and change what you originally said. Now I believe nothing you say. I too think you have a history of telling lies and half truths instead of being honest and direct. Adults see this and they remember it. Once caught in a lie anything you say after that is rightfully looked at with suspicion. If we see this you teachers as others at the school know it even more. THey talk to other teachers and the school administrators and this will follow you class to class and grade to grade, And its a difficult reputation to get rid of.

    Did your parents ever tell you the story about the boy who cried wolf? It applies here.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 03:01 PM
    It said I had 9 people in my house. On the 4th I edited it and wrote 8. ❄️️

    I'm confused... so you're stating that you know I said that, because I said 4 not 9 at first I said 9 people not cats your get yourself mixed up... I recently changed it to 8 to be correct.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 03:06 PM
    Well excuse me you're the one who BLOCKED ME off this site for someone else's name that was Abby commented on this site I got blocked for 3 days because you reported it. For saying I have "multiple accounts"! I don't even remember you looking on this site. You're just basing it off the others! I have been getting 20's to 30's of comments that I have to report and be taken down because they are saying they are hating on my family and saying it's retarded so... I would like les hate guys. Please.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 03:08 PM
    Abby, who cares? I know I don't.

    So you complained about a smell to your teacher, instead of figuring it out yourself. Because of your complaint the teacher had to investigate, and part of that investigation was asking you questions, which you didn't like, and answered evasively. Now you're all upset because the teacher you complained to, actually tried to do something about your complaint?

    Get over it! My God you're a lot of work! I feel sorry for your teacher.
  • Dec 6, 2016, 03:12 PM
    That actually hurt my feelings. I am not a lot of work. That's obviously why I get awards almost all the time for deliberation in studies and strait A's. Sorry if I didn't make this clear but it was my friend's idea to tell her not mine.

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