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  • Sep 12, 2016, 10:56 AM
    africa road
    I have recently purchased 60 acres in Bidwell, Ohio and need to have an arborist help us to determine which trees should be selectively harvested. Is there someone who is provided by the state free of charge or do I need to find a local certified Arborist and pay for their help?
  • Sep 12, 2016, 11:22 AM
    Every state has an agricultural extension, often with several locations around the state. They will do things for free, such as pest identification and soil pH, but you have to send it in. They don't visit your property. What I would do is study tree identification and health for quite a while, either online or at a local library, or on your state website, and then pay an arborist for the minimum consultation time. 60 acres is going to take time to walk around, however, so I would bide my time for a year or two, learn on my own, get to know people around the area, and you may find people who know a lot without being certified specialists. Plus - it's more satisfying.

    You say you 'need' to know which trees to harvest - why the need in the first place?

    BEWARE of loggers who offer to clear land in exchange for the logs. Not all are honest and might leave you with a mess.

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