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  • Sep 8, 2016, 01:04 PM
    I haven't made a car payment in ten years
    I haven't made a car payment in ten years I bought my truck brand new in 2007 made 6 months worth of payments then lost my job got behind blah blah blah well now its 2016 I still have the truck. Still driving it and I got 165,000 miles on it can I file for lost title? Or what's the deal?
  • Sep 8, 2016, 01:28 PM
    You can check but there may be a lien on it and if so you won't get a title.
  • Sep 8, 2016, 01:44 PM
    Plus, laws vary by state. Many states never give out a title until a loan is paid off.
    Then there's the loan. You probably have a judgment against you and don't know it. Yes, that's legal, especially if you moved and didn't notify the lender or much of anyone.
    So even if you drive the truck into the ground, you will have a warrant (judgment) against you forever. There's no SOL once they get a judgment.
    Then you're stuck with figuring out how to junk it.
    Start selling parts when it dies, I guess. Nothing with the VIN though, of course. Those need to take a long walk off a short pier.
    You will never be able to finance anything again in your life though, no vehicle, no home.
  • Sep 8, 2016, 07:21 PM
    The title will show a lien on it, so you can not sell it, until the lien is paid off.

    Also you still owe for the car and they may come after you when they want for the loan amount, plus interest plus late fees. My guess is you would owe about 4 times the cost of the car after 10 years.
  • Sep 9, 2016, 06:33 AM
    The truck came off my credit a few years ago and this year I Bought my first house and last year I financed a car for my wife and I am pretty sure my credit is good enough to get another truck loan for myself. I have checked locally for liens and judgments and have not found any. Back in 2008 I tried to give the truck back they told me to leave it in Walmart parking lot with the keys on the back tire and they would come get it. It sat there for almost a month. So I just went back and got it. The company I was financed through went out of business/bankrupt in 2009 i haven't herd from them since and not sure if they sold my loan to another company and don't know how to find out. The DMV doesn't care as long as I have insurance I have been pulled over by the police and the cops don't seem to care and even had it towed once and they didn't say anything either. Is it possible I fell through the cracks? I am afraid to stir the pot by asking for a title and not planning on selling anytime soon. What should i do?
  • Sep 9, 2016, 07:42 AM
    Stir the pot and ask for the title, OR carry on as you have and never know, OR the third option is try and trade it in and see what happens! It seems to have been written off by everyone but to find out what the real deal is you must take some sort of action and a lazy, scaredy cat like me would just Google "free vehicle title search" in whatever state you are in, and find a site that only needs a VIN to get information.

    Maybe a dealer friend [Or lawyer, PI "friend for a fee(?)]" can help in such a search for information since they would certainly have the tools to use discreetly. I charge $250 bucks and if no result in 24 hours you get $200 back. Of course Google is the best cheapest option to start with.

    Ever run a credit report on yourself? It's free and informative. Liens and judgments don't always mean financial rejection, nor are they revealed by these lenders unless asked for. Most never ask and are content with being accepted.

    How's that for FREE expert advice? QUESTIONS??
  • Sep 9, 2016, 09:15 AM

    Originally Posted by JoJobeans View Post
    The truck came off my credit a few years ago ... Is it possible I fell through the cracks? I am afraid to stir the pot by asking for a title and not planning on selling anytime soon. What should i do?

    Items are required to be removed from your credit report after 7 years. That does NOT mean you no longer owe the money.

    However, it does appear you got lucky and fell through the cracks. The lender going out of business (you helped push them there) is probably what saved you. It would appear they did not sell your loan since there are no judgments against you. And the SOL on filing for a judgement has probably passed.
  • Sep 9, 2016, 02:48 PM
    Wow are you LUCKY.
    I know people who got all the worst, that I described above.
  • Sep 9, 2016, 03:03 PM
    We are probably not hearing most of the story. And this is probably a troll pulling all of yr chains.

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