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  • Aug 28, 2015, 10:07 AM
    Cant get an erection
    I am 27 and have not been able to get an erection for the past 3 days. I was with a girl and she was amazing, there was plenty of foreplay and nothing not even a feeling down there. Happened again the night after that and the following night as well. Why cant I get an erection?
  • Aug 28, 2015, 10:11 AM
    Go see your doctor. Could be any number of medical issues that is causing it. And then after it happens you start worrying about it all the time and that doesn’t help either. So let your doctor help you out.
  • Aug 28, 2015, 10:24 AM

    Originally Posted by Oliver2011 View Post
    Go see your doctor. Could be any number of medical issues that is causing it. And then after it happens you start worrying about it all the time and that doesn’t help either. So let your doctor help you out.

    Yeah thanks to dam Obama care everything for me changed and I haven't found a new doctor yet, Ive been calling them up and the earliest anyone can get me in is November. Thanks Obama, last year it took me a couple of days to a week to see the doc now I got to wait 3 months what BS.
  • Aug 28, 2015, 12:21 PM
    Before this incident, how frequent were your erections? Is this sudden or gradual? If it is sudden it would be something greatly to be concerned about, maybe a trip to an urgent care if you can't get into your doctor in a timely fashion. Don't go to an ER. I don't think it is that serious.

    Most men don't see something like until their later years. Can your manually cause an erection by stimulating yourself?

    Side note. Let's stick to your issue at hand and leave the political bullcrap off the board shall we?

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