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  • May 5, 2015, 10:09 AM
    Hi, last week my Father went to a hospice care center. I requested - up front - that my husband's ex-wife (who works there one day a month) not be allowed to see my father's chart as I didn't want her to know we were there. I was assured that no one HAD to see my Father's chart. Several days later the Clinical Director came to see my sister about another issue and brought up my request to have the ex-wife left out of the loop. She defended my husband's ex, saying she is very professional and that she had been there the day prior and that they had spent all day together. I had a bad feeling so I spoke to the Clinical Director and explained a little more about our scenario - that I didn't want her to know we were there, that I wasn't trying to put her under scrutiny or cause her harm, I just wanted privacy. I later found out that my husband's ex-wife was told not only that my Father was under care there, but that we had requested not to have her involved. We know this because she phoned my husband, yelling and verbally abusing him. I want to know if I have a valid right to a complaint. We will be punished by the ex wife for weeks to come for this info leak.
  • May 5, 2015, 10:29 AM
    This doesn't fall under HIPAA, and your request is a tough one to comply with. The ex works there, and cannot be ordered from seeing a chart, or from 'being involved.' How exactly this would be implemented, even if someone agreed (which they didn't), would require extraordinary work and would surely raise suspicions on her part anyway. It was bound to blow up the way it did, just because you brought it up. How on earth does it matter that a daughter visits her father, and brings her husband??? Why on earth will you be punished for visiting your own father?
    IF punished for asking that she not see his chart - sn't that asking for trouble?

    Maybe if we understood... but regardless - it's not a HIPAA complaint. Feel free to complain to the administration of the hospice. I wouldn't.
    As for being punished... this is between your husband and his ex, and your husband and you. It wasn't up to you to even start this strange request.

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