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  • Mar 25, 2015, 02:33 AM
    How to lose weight for cheerleaders
    I'm fat I want to be a cheerleader but I'm too fat:( no guys like me I'm not hot:( PLEASE answers fast like NOW
  • Mar 25, 2015, 02:34 AM
    There's no need to be rude.

    What do you see as "fat" ?
  • Mar 25, 2015, 02:44 AM
    You will start with daily exercise, and a proper, three meal a day diet of proper foods.
    You stop all fast foods, and try eating more fresh foods.

    Also if you want to be a cheer leader, you will start taking any cheer practice available in area, also perhaps gymnastics.

    To be blunt, at least in my experience, being hot, means little long term in life, good grades and a good education serves you much better.

    The hot cheerleaders in my high school, got the cute boys on the football team and basketball team, who all ended up working in the factory or pumping gas, while the nerd boys became the engineers and doctors.
  • Mar 25, 2015, 02:46 AM
    Answers come when people have some time to respond. Don't expect a fast way to lose weight either, like it or not, it takes time, and a good deal of determination and usually some lifestyle changes.

    You likely gained weight over a period of time; losing weight is the same. Trying to lose weight too fast is unhealthy and it can put your body at risk. For cheerleading you want to think strong, healthy, and in good condition.

    How tall are you and what do you weigh? Whether you may need to just tone up or actually are overweight, Any good approach combines, healthy eating... good food/drink choices, with proper portion sizes, and regular exercise for both cardio and strengthening.
  • Mar 25, 2015, 07:02 AM
    Cheerleaders don't need to be rail thin. Your perception of being fat is mostly in your mind. You believe that, because you don't fit media's narrow vision of what beauty should be, you are fat. That's probably not the case. You need to be in a good mental state if you're going to change your body because if you're not then it is going to change to an unhealthy obsession with little numbers that have almost no meaning. Try out out anyway.

    The first thing you need to do is throw out your scale. The only thing that relates to you is how gravity is affecting you. Instead get a tape measure, identify the parts that you want to change, and measure them. This is how you're going to be measuring your weight loss and there is an important reason for this. Fat is not dense but muscle mass is. You could have two 160lbs people who look VERY differ one has low body fat and high muscle mass and the other have high body fat and low muscle mass. Weight is the same but other measurements are VERY different.

    The second is that you need to figure out a diet. I say diet not to mean, "Only eat grapefruit after dark diet", but as a collection of foods that give you all the nutrients and calories you need to maintain a healthy body. This is slightly different for everyone. If you want to do the leg work then figure out what is healthy for you and develop a diet that reflects your energy output and nutrient requirements. If you don't then you should visit a nutritionist.

    The last part is exercise. Cheer leading is a VERY demanding sport. You need to be toned with good cardio and good muscle strength. This isn't something you're going to be able to do on your own. You're going to need to go to a gym and work out. To get your proper work out I would recommend talking to a personal trainer. They'll be able to direct you and guide you to a good work out.

    What you need to avoid is just eating less. This will throw your body into starvation mode and you'll end up gaining weight and losing muscle mass. Do this smartly and remember the biggest battle here is in your head.

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