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  • Feb 5, 2015, 03:22 PM
    Where are you, John and others who fight with this white bug?
    Here are my questions:
    1. Did you find something to kill these bugs for your absent 3 years?
    2. Someday can I live without them? Is there hope!
    3. Do I spread these bugs to the other places and people?
    4. Do those who come to our apartment catch these bugs?
    5. Do we eat these bugs with foods we eat?
    6. This white thing and black spots are related?
    7. I saw the spider web on the wall and under the sofa, and cocoon. Is this related this bugs?
    8. Have you ever seen the nest or eggs?
    I need help, and talk to someone, otherwise this bug makes me crazy.

    I’m glad to find this site. I need help, help, help! There are no hope, it make me so depressing. The bugs John mentioned in his post, dated April 2011, are in my house, too. I like to hear again from those who wrote in this site because all are seriously fighting with this bug. This bugs are real, and biting and poking all over my body and nesting in my clothes. Where are you, John and others? The last article posted in November 2013. This is 2015. Please come back to this site to teach me and help me.

    This bugs have been invaded whole our apartment rooms last November. We were out of country whole October2014. When we came back the first step in our home made big, big surprise. Everywhere looked dirty, and something flying around my face. I started to cleaning the rooms (3 bedrooms and I’m 80 years old, and living with Social Security). It was expensive to buy all kinds of sprays and cleaning stuff. Finally, owner of the apartment called an Orkin Inspector for us at the middle of December. He came and said spiders were taking over all the rooms. I showed him the black spots and some white things to him, and he said they were all lint. The white things started to notice, and at the same time I was bitten and poked. The inspector came twice and his final word was they would be gone away when the cold weather come. The Chicago’s zero weather came, but something are still flying around in this apartment rooms as of 5 February, 2015

    My intensive cleaning and fighting with these bugs started last November but when I think back it might be started with HP computer, made in China, October 2010 purchased date. Whenever setting the computer I felt something around my head and hair. I sprayed many things and throw the furniture away and moving around the computer. I went to hardware store, and consult what I should do. The man suggested that put the computer and keyboard in the plastic bag with “Hot Shot No Pest Strip2” for 4 weeks. So I did. But it was too late that the bugs have been invaded whole apartment rooms.
  • Feb 5, 2015, 03:42 PM
    Spiders and spiderlings could account for the bites, but from your description springtails, thrips, or fungus gnats are also possible. The most common insect/arachnid to cause these symptoms are dust mites, but they are microscopic so seeing them flying around doesn't happen.

    Other causes can include static electricity(from the computer) charging paper fibers from a printer (you didn't mention if you had a printer), allergies to different species of mildew (spores can be visible and float in the air), or a delayed reaction to something you were exposed to overseas.
  • Feb 15, 2015, 08:58 PM
    All those bugs mentioned in Catsmine’s reply are not THE same bugs I have in our apartment. Those bugs are killed and there are many remedies which I made over twenty different things and tried THE bug, but they weren’t working. I throw all my precious plants, and furniture and clothes. No remedies for THE bug I have. Does Casmine have any another idea of remedies for THE bug I have? If so I have willingly to try them. THE bugs in my home are REAL. I have many marks on my body of THE bugs bites and pokes. I see the things all the time and have been experiencing many things.
    I wish Catsmine and others who can’t believe THE bug we have in our home, comes here and lives for weeks. Then, they will find out how woeful THIS bus is. Many of those who have THE bug are feeling like there is no hope in our lives, and the thought make us depressing. Some are expressing to think about death. I agreed. Actually I was thinking about it twice. Some are getting sick from THIS bug, or infection.
    Hopefully, the Ministry of Foreign Affair, or the Ministry of Health and Welfare, or the Ministry of International Trade Industry of the U.S. Government, or HP, or Target, or those importing trading companies should investigate and work about THIS bug. THIS bug will be spreading all over the U.S. soon.
  • Feb 16, 2015, 01:55 AM
    Did you ever get rid of the spiders?
  • Feb 20, 2015, 10:51 PM
    Thanks to Catsmine! Kayosan is glad to hear from you with this kind of question. To her this is positive thinking question, so Kayosan can think and see what she is doing. Thanks again.

    The spiders or the spider mites must be in this apartment as the respectable Orkin Inspector said. However, Kayosan did not to see any actual spiders, but saw the spider web on the walls, and under the sofas, dozen cocoons, and the bugs flying around with inches long webs. Orkin Inspector said all those from spiders. Kayosan think that there have seen no more those things after throwing all the precious collection of her plants. That was taken place around New Year.

    However, there were black dots, more tiny white specks (these one is bite and pike), and flying bugs around her face, especially nose and mouth. Around the time Kayosan noticed bite and poke on her body; the top part of her back, around her private place, under the breast, the back of hand, the armpits, etc.

    The bugs are anyone's house, but once the bugs contact with human, bite or poke, it has to think twice, Kayosan heard. So Kayosan stop going to church, visiting people, attending any celebrations, etc. It is very hard to live with this bugs.

    Thanks again, Kayosan

    PS Do you think those spiders ate the white specks? There were some white specks at the time, but no bath room and kitchen. Right now, white specks are taking over Kayosan's apartment.
  • Feb 21, 2015, 12:46 AM
    Does anyone suggest calling a professional extermination company, who can ID the bugs. Many bugs can come from US warehouses or on boats in transit. But if home empty a long time, most possible came from neighbors homes, or perhaps some traveled back to your home.

    I know my wife and I had issues at some hotels this last month, and ended up with some bug issues that traveled back with us and luggage.
  • Feb 21, 2015, 03:45 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    Does anyone suggest calling a professional extermination company

    Kayosan does mention Orkin inspectors several times.
  • Feb 22, 2015, 08:07 PM
    Thank you to Fr (are you Father)_Chuck and Catsmine for taking time to post your concern words. Sorry for let you think about Kayosan, but your words gave Kayosan comfort and peace. Kayosan feel so shame to say, “I'm a Christian, believe Jesus Christ is my Lord God and Savior.” Kayosan is coward to think about death to escape from her hard life. Kayosan's Pastor sent her very long (16 pages) prayer, “Standing Firmly: Prayers for God's People,” by Dr. Mark W. Anderson which made her realizing how much she had sins. Kayosan should do the confession and talking to the Lord God, more often.

    Fr_Chuck and Catsmine, Kayosan will promise to walk through THE bug problem in her life with the Lord through this prayer, and so many people's concerned hearts and prayer.
    Also Kayosan has to take care her husband right now. Kayosan can't think about the death. Kayosan's husband is hardly seeing anything because of his eyes' infection.

    Well, it is getting long again. Please check Kayosan sometime and let Kayosan know the special good remedy to catch THE bug or some spray to kill THE bug. Kayosan'll post again how she is doing

    Thanks Kayosan
  • Mar 16, 2015, 10:08 PM
    Dear Catsmine
    This is Kayosan. Today The bugs bite and poke me my face and feet lots. Last 3 or 4 days I thought there is no bugs, but now today. I'm still vacuum everyday.
    I'd like to know what are these white things?
    1. Last Friday I noticed white spots (1/4 inch diameter) on the dinning room wooden floor, and today about 12 inch wide white things at the wooden bottom of the wall in the front room. Dinning room's spots I made mistake because I used bleach and wiped it. The spots are still on the floor. 12 inch wide white things I used water and scrabbled with the green kitchen scrabbled pan thing (I don't know what it call). After scrabbling the white things and wiped with a cloth, the cloth became ugly black. It was really black. But the white things came out very good. I took the pictures of those but I don't know how to put the pictures in this article.
    2. There still have carpet in our front room. While cleaning the white thing on the wood, I found around 1/4 inch white hard things with many shapes were on the under carpet form. About 6 or 7 weeks ago, I saw the same things on the form, so I took all around the forms, then I felt number of THE bugs had been reduced. So I took the white things from the forms today. Carrying them with my hand wearing thin gloves, I felt biting by the white things.
    Please let me know what those things.

    I kept the white hard things. I really like to throw them away, though. Do you think I should send them someplace to find out what it is?
    I have already said the number of the bugs reduced after I took many those white hard things in many shapes from the carpet form 6 or 7 weeks ago, and also I notice THE bugs are changed. NOW bugs are smaller and not biting my body (not totally sometime I feel biting), but mainly NOW the flying bugs bother my face; nose, mouth, eye, and ears. Do you think I have different bugs? I feel like I have 3? May be 4 different bugs since 2014 September.
    I will insert photo tomorrow.
  • Mar 17, 2015, 02:03 AM
    That sounds a lot like a mildew or fungus. The dimensions you list, from 1/4 inch to 12 inches, do not sound like bugs. As I have said, fungi spores do float around and some are just barely visible.

    I won't comment any further until I see the pictures.

    Click on this link: for posting instructions
  • Mar 17, 2015, 03:58 AM
    Aside from fungus, what about the 1/4" white things under the carpet form (foam?) that are hard, and can be picked up...?

    Any chance of mealy bugs as the fungus, which deposit long threads of white, and can bite?
  • Mar 17, 2015, 06:20 AM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    Aside from fungus, what about the 1/4" white things under the carpet form (foam?) that are hard, and can be picked up...?

    Any chance of mealy bugs as the fungus, which deposit long threads of white, and can bite?

    Mealy bugs feed on plants though. If they bite they would have a taste for blood, which they don't. They are more prolific in warmer climates.

    Do we know where OP lives ?
  • Mar 17, 2015, 09:14 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Do we know where OP lives ?

    In the original post, Kayosan mentioned Chicago
  • Mar 17, 2015, 11:18 AM

    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    In the original post, Kayosan mentioned Chicago

    That would rule out mealy bufs then. Would it not ? They so fit the bill. Wonder if OP has a lot of plants in their house?
  • Mar 17, 2015, 06:36 PM
    Thank you for your input, Catsmine, and others.
    I throw all my beautiful flowers and plants last January because of Spiders or Spider Mites. :(

    Here are photos:
    3/13 Friday's one (I'd already wipe several times, so it is not clear)
    By the way the white things on the HP key board, too.
    Attachment 47157
    Attachment 47158
    3/14 Monday
    Attachment 47157
    Attachment 47158
    1/2 inch white one in many shapes on the carpet foam
    Attachment 47159
    Attachment 47160
    Attachment 47161

    Did I do Okay? Hopefully you can see them for better understanding.
    Thanks! Kayosan
  • Mar 17, 2015, 06:44 PM
    I made mistake. I insert same photo twice.
    Here is Friday's one (I'd already wiped couple time, so it is not clear)
    Attachment 47162
    Attachment 47163
    Attachment 47164
    Attachment 47165

    SORRY! Kayosan
  • Mar 18, 2015, 01:31 AM
    There seems to be some trouble with the website. Your pictures are listed but do not show. I will contact the technical people. Your patience is appreciated.
  • Mar 18, 2015, 07:12 AM
    Good Morning, Catsmite
    Thank you for your kindness.
    I can open those first photos, but I can't open seconds 4 photos. I'll try to insert again in here.

    Attachment 47166
    Attachment 47167
    Attachment 47168
    Attachment 47169

    Thank you! Kayosan
  • Mar 18, 2015, 08:03 AM
    6 Attachment(s)
    Kayosan, I am posting your pictures that are still showing up for so that others can see them.
    Can you 'insert' your pictures instead of 'attaching' them?

    Attachment 47170
    Attachment 47166

    Attachment 47171
    Attachment 47167

    Attachment 47172
    Attachment 47168

    Attachment 47173
    Attachment 47169

    Two other pictures from a post from last night:

    Attachment 47174

    Attachment 47175
  • Mar 18, 2015, 08:09 AM
    Thanks, Cat.

    Kayosan, Mildew is a possibility, although the white stains look as if a mildew was cleaned up and discolored the wood. Those were not made by insects.

    Have you considered a dehumidifier to make it harder for mildew to grow?

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