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  • Dec 20, 2014, 02:52 PM
    Positive Alcohol test
    I recently found out that I tested positive for alcohol on a ETG test. I did not drink for over a year, but then had one night of drinking. I drank about 6 shots of tequila and three beers. I had to test 11 days later so I figured I was in the clear. Knowing that the window is 80 hrs I told my probation officer that it was impossible and to have the test confirmed. I am worried because I am also bulimic and purge sometimes everyday. Would my disorder have caused my metabolism to slow down to the point that the ETG could be detected even after 11 days? Or is it a gigantic coincidence that I have produced a false positive from something else? I am still waiting to hear the results from the test confirmation. Please help me understand if it is at all possible for my body to take up to 11 days to metabolize the alcohol/ETG. I am 36 yrs old female approx 130 lbs.
  • Dec 22, 2014, 01:12 PM
    IT is possible, but unlikely. There are secondary sources of alcohol that could have caused the positive. The most notorious is hand sanitizer absorbed through the skin, but there are various other products that can put alcohol into your system including hair products. Anything that is quick dry is also a source. As well founds that contain alcohol will likely have trace amounts to not so trace amounts depending. I would go back over the previous days to figure out what could have happened. Regardless I would prepare for the consquences of the positive test. You did violate your parole after all.
  • Dec 22, 2014, 01:26 PM
    You have no choice but to wait for the results of the test. In the meantime document all product you use that contain alcohol, and review any paperwork on the requirements for you testing policy and procedure. Does your doctor know of your eating disorder? Does he know of your testing requirements? Do you even have a doctor for your disorder?

    It's very likely throwing off your bodies balance was a factor in this and drinking made it much worse. No way to tell until the final results are revealed and at what level range you fall in to.

    The 80 hours is NOT an absolute, and MANY factors can change the equation. Now you know and should never assume again.
  • Dec 22, 2014, 04:15 PM
    There's really no way for anyone to tell you if your metabolism has slowed down and that's why you failed 11 days after drinking excessively.

    Bottom line, you failed, and you did drink 11 days prior to testing, so it was a deserved fail. It's not like you're innocent. You drank, you failed, you're caught.

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