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  • Nov 2, 2014, 09:00 AM
    Nutritional food planning
    Is there a web site available that I can punch in all that I like to eat and it will create some good nutritional food menus?

    I live alone and just find I do not know what to make for myself not liking a lot of vegetables etc. I wish I could fill in a 'like and don't like food chart and get some easy receipes.
  • Nov 3, 2014, 08:20 AM
    If there is one out there I haven't found it. Cooking shows are a good start. I would also experiment. That is the art of cooking, take what you like and try to put it together into something healthy. A good start for this is finding good take out. Instead of just shoving it into your face look at what you're eating and try to dissect it. Get a good idea of the flavour, i.e. curry, italian, pizza, savoury, sweet. Then look for recipes. This is going to be a do it yourself. Look up things and just give it a try.

    Maybe invest in a cooking class or two. This is one of those things where there isn't really an easy answer. You need to figure it out for yourself.

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