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  • Oct 1, 2014, 04:59 PM
    Safest door (and accompanying hardware) for new home?
    We are buying a new (to us) home, and will replace the cheap old door with a new one. What's the safest door (and accompanying hardware) to get? We're leaning towards a steel door, and I've read we should buy a mortise for it at the same time. Does it matter if we buy an inexpensive ($99) steel door or a more expensive one, in terms of safety? Any other thoughts towards ensuring our exterior doors are as safe as they can be? Thanks!
  • Oct 1, 2014, 06:43 PM
    Safety from what, fire, intruders, storms, etc...
  • Oct 1, 2014, 06:51 PM
    Ah, good point. In terms of burglars.
  • Oct 1, 2014, 06:55 PM
    Will you be replacing door frame and all. Also adding a an additional security door, to replace any screen or storm type door.

    ** also, better doors only keep the more honest person out, they can always go though a window, unless you have bars on them.

    But, a better steel door, with high end locks, and a security door in addition you will want bars on the windows, a security system and a dog.

    Then, it is safer,.
  • Mar 7, 2016, 05:36 PM

    When it comes to your exterior doors, a steel door is one of the safest options you can go with, in comparison to a hollow core door or a solid wooden core door. The price point of the steel door does not matter that much, although the more expensive ones might be more secure.

    However, I would suggest going for the cheaper option on the door. The reason I say this is because you can always work around making the door much more secure. It helps to start with a door that has a solid core, which you seem to already be doing. Once you have done that you have pretty much won the battle. Now let's tackle the war.

    In addition to upgrading the material of your door you can increase its effectiveness by improving the locks that you will use on said door. Personally, I make use of two deadbolts, one that is facing the exterior of the door and one that is facing the interior. This is simply a way to be doubly sure that the door is offering up as much resistance as possible.

    You can also upgrade the locking mechanisms that your door uses in conjunction with the deadbolts. This can be done by employing the use of additional security pins as well as changing the material of the springs in the lock. Another thing you can try doing is affixing a strip of wood or metal to the door jamb (make sure it is screwed deep enough) this will make it a lot harder for anyone who attempts to kick the door down. Essentially it will make your door a lot stronger.

    I would also suggest being conscious of other elements of your home security. The reason being, that no matter how strong your door is, it is rendered useless if the other facets of your home security do not work well with it. Hope this information helps you in some way or form.

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