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  • Jul 17, 2014, 09:15 AM
    Need Help For A Riddle
    There are 4 people with hats sitting in a row. They are all facing the left. In order from left to right, their names are Jessica, Chelsea, Andrew, and Jack. They are all wearing a hat that is either red or blue.
    Jessica is wearing a red hat,
    Chelsea is wearing a blue hat,
    Andrew is wearing a red hat,
    And Jack is wearing a blue hat.
    There are 2 red hats and 2 blue hats, but none of them know what color hat they are wearing. When one of them knows what color hat they have on, they yell out the color. There is a wall between Jessica and Chelsea, so neither Jessica nor Chelsea can see any hats in front of them. Jack can see Andrew and Chelsea’s hat color, and Andrew can only see Chelsea’s hat color. Only one of them knows what color hat they have. Who is it? And why?
  • Jul 17, 2014, 09:30 AM
    First, draw a picture.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 10:29 AM
    Is that really necessary?
  • Jul 17, 2014, 10:36 AM
    Yes, if you want to solve it yourself. Or do you want me to give you the answer after I drew a picture?
  • Jul 17, 2014, 10:37 AM
    This is a logic problem. Drawing a picture or diagram can help you work out where each person is. Try it.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 10:52 AM
    I have drawn a picture lots of times but I still can not get the answer. Can you guys please tell me the answer?
  • Jul 17, 2014, 04:50 PM
    You need to draw one picture, not lots of them. If you are so desperate, Google your question. There are sites that explain how to figure this out.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 05:24 PM
    I have searched on Google but it's not there. My friend made this riddle. Please can you just give me the answer?
  • Jul 17, 2014, 05:34 PM
    It really doesn't sound like a riddle your friend made sounds more like some sort of school work. This is why you are not being given the answer.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 06:16 PM
    ... Really?
    Okay first of all I have summer vacation.
    Second of all why would I get a riddle in school? I'm not sure about you but I've never heard of getting riddles as homework.
    You guys don't know how important solving this riddle is... Can someone please just give me the answer?
  • Jul 17, 2014, 06:21 PM

    Originally Posted by Bookluver View Post
    Can someone please just give me the answer?

    Like I said, the answer can be Googled -- and is on more than one site. I Googled and found the answer.

    What do you get if you solve the riddle? (And it's not a riddle, by the way. It's a logic puzzle.)

    I was a teacher and handed out riddles and logic puzzles as homework. The students had to think and hopefully not ask someone to figure it out for them.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 06:31 PM

    Originally Posted by Bookluver View Post
    ... Really?
    Okay first of all I have summer vacation.
    Second of all why would I get a riddle in school? I'm not sure about you but I've never heard of getting riddles as homework.
    You guys don't know how important solving this riddle is... Can someone please just give me the answer?

    Summer outside of Canada or US...We don't know where you live.

    Not a riddle, a logic question as was already pointed out by WG.

    You seem really intent on having someone answer this...why is it so important?

    Again, it isn't a random riddle that your friend made up so it seems suspicious that you need an answer so badly and are unwilling to figure it out. It's not that hard. In fact, the time you have spent telling us you need an answer would have been more than enough time to figure this out.
  • Jul 17, 2014, 07:02 PM
    I live in Canada and I can assure I don't have Summer School.
    I can't explain why I need the answer as it's a bit personal..
    But okay as you all will not give me the answer can you at least help me get it? I got this riddle 1 day ago so I have been drawing it and trying to figure it out but it seems impossible..

    Wait! I think I finally figured out the answer.. Is it possibly Andrew? Please just tell me yes or no!
  • Jul 17, 2014, 07:30 PM
    Ok...first you need to think outside of the box a little bit. This isn't a simple math deduction or need to assume a little bit here.

    Draw the diagram...picture how they are sitting...what they may think.

    So yes, it is Andrew but according to your question, you need to know how he knows.
  • Jul 18, 2014, 02:26 PM
    Naturally it is Andrew - if Chelsea and Jack are both wearing red hats... need I go on?
  • Jul 18, 2014, 06:23 PM
    So you didn't fully read or comprehend the actual question, did you?

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