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  • May 6, 2014, 06:16 PM
    DandW Pollock
    How would I go about finding out who my birth grandparents are??
    I am 20 and wanting to start a family with my husband BUT I would like to find out about my past because of medical and heritage reasons. I know my father has bi polar and it was carried down to me... yay me... but I noticed he has a LOT of health problems and me wanting to start a family wanted to know if any of these health problems could be passed down to me or my children but I have also been told by my grandma (his adopted mom) one of his parents was full blooded indian and the other was half thus the heritage part of it I think that part of it would just be cool to learn about and it may give me more info on health and other things. I know my moms side there was indians so who knows I might be half or more indian. I don't talk to or about my father very much for what he did to me and my mom otherwise I would ask him. It sounds like it was a closed adoption as well but I don't have as much interest in meeting them as I do in finding out any health problems and other things me or my children might inherit or already have inherited
  • May 7, 2014, 01:05 AM
    What information does your parents have ? They and other family members will be the ones to discuss.

    Medical, have a complete physical and also have father do the same, the doctor will tell you which of those illness may or may not be passed down.

    Have a DNA testing done to determine heritage,
  • May 7, 2014, 06:40 AM
    I typed this whole huge long answer, but it disappeared.

    It boils down to this: Check your state to see if there are medical records for adoptees. Some states have non-identifying information available through their records offices.

    Register on reunion websites with as much information as you have. Be aware that you may be raising someone's hopes by going this route, however.

    And remember that this is your father's search. You may not be able to get much information without his involvement in the search. If it really is only medical information you are after, you may be better off getting genetic testing instead.
  • May 8, 2014, 01:08 PM
    DandW Pollock
    How would I go about getting a gentic test and how much would it cost I have heard it is expensive to get one but I would think it would be a lot less hassle and cost less in the long run especially since although I think it would be cool to meet my biological grandparents I don't want to open up any old wounds so to speak and if they are anything like my father I would rather just leave that book closed and besides that I have my adopted grandpa who is my grandpa as far as I am concerned but again I would just like to know because of health problems and to find out who I am or what race I am... I'm tired of not knowing lol
  • May 8, 2014, 01:36 PM
    Genetic Testing - Genetics Home Reference

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