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  • Feb 11, 2014, 05:24 PM
    Is it OK for wives to dressed in a sheer see through top in public?
    A female musican who's in an orchestra performs at a rap artist bash party, dressing different way for a change. See through black sheer top. Showing her bra and some of the flesh. Taking pics with the artist and other musicians. Husband is not at gig. Just want options. I think its cool.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 05:40 PM
    A woman can wear whatever she wants, and her husband really has no say in it. Of course he can express an opinion, and if the wife cares about her husbands opinion she can take his into consideration, and choose to dress appropriately when going out to keep her marriage happy. But she doesn't have to choose that course.

    You stated that the husband wasn't at the event. It's entirely possible that he knows what his wife was wearing, and had no problem with it, or she decided to use her right to do what she wants, without asking anyone's permission, to dress the way she wants to dress. Thankfully that is every human beings right, male or female. She doesn't need her husbands permission.

    In other words, of course it's okay. A woman doesn't become property when she gets married, at least not in most countries, and doesn't have to ask her husbands permission for anything she does. Women long ago fought for the right to be human, and have the same rights men do.

    This is a very odd question indeed.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 05:56 PM
    Yeah what Alty said.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 06:01 PM
    Both answers great but its not odd.if you look I said I thought it was cool.Just discussion came up at work that's all.Aime people say opposite.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 06:05 PM

    Originally Posted by lisa1471 View Post
    A female musican who's in an orchestra performs at a rap artist bash party, dressing different way for a change. See through black sheer top. Showing her bra and some of the flesh. Taking pics with the artist and other musicians. Husband is not at gig. Just want options. I think its cool.

    So she dressed appropriately for the venue. She may have been a guest but it seems she was also performing. Choice of clothing may have been influenced by her working as well as relaxing at the party.

    I don't see what her husband has to do with anything.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 06:29 PM

    Originally Posted by lisa1471 View Post
    Both answers great but its not odd.if you look I said I thought it was cool.Just discussion came up at work that's all.Aime people say opposite.

    Then continue the discussion with those that have opposing views, and actually think this is a concern. The majority of people won't have a problem with this.

    It is an odd question, because most of the people on this site live in countries where women have rights, and can dress how they want, even if they are married. Their husbands don't own them, they're human beings with the same rights as any other human being, despite their sex. So what's to discuss?

    Then again, this is your post, and I have to admit that the fact that you posted it, had the hair on my arms standing straight up the moment I saw it. After all, you think that your husband having a mistress is okay, and your only concern with his mistress is that he loves you more than he loves her. That's warped! Most normal women would never put up with their husbands cheating on them. Most normal women would have left that marriage long ago. Basing my opinion on all your past posts, you are far from normal. You're also not the brightest star in the sky. That's just my opinion.

    So far I have yet to see something you posted that didn't strike me as odd, because your views just aren't normal. You are a very frustrating person to give advice to, and all of your posts aren't what a normal person would even think about, much less ask about.

    But, as for this question, I posted what I thought. Since this was just a post asking for opinion, I posted mine. You don't have to accept my opinion, like my opinion, or even read it. I have the same right. I don't think it's cool, I don't look at it that way. I view it as her right, cool or not is up to her, and no one else. If someone doesn't like the way she dressed, they can choose not to dress that way themselves. They have no right to tell her not to dress that way. If they want to waste time debating it, all the more power to them. Me, I'd rather not waste my time worrying about things like that. There are far greater things to worry about, or discuss.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 06:51 PM
    No one has to waste their time but its my didn't have to answer.just discussion at work.your making federal case.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 07:03 PM
    I too find that you live an existence very strange to me, asking lots of questions about your husband's mistress that seem almost childlike. I do understand that this is a world site and that some parts of the world live this way, but I find the questions about jackets for sons and kisses on New Year's and who wears what to be petty to an extreme.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 07:41 PM
    Joyoulv you are so confused. Get with it.Where does it mention a mistress? Are you slow this is a married woman.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 07:59 PM

    Originally Posted by lisa1471 View Post
    No one has to waste their time but its my didn't have to answer.just discussion at work.your making federal case.

    UM... you did read the site rules when you joined? You post the question... but anyone and everyone that's a member of this site is free to post their answers and viewpoints... even if they might conflict with your own... as is often the case here.

    Its not a discussion if people of differing opinions aren't free to offer them. That would be an affirmation session....and we don't do those. We even frequently disagree amoung ourselves on various things.
  • Feb 11, 2014, 10:23 PM
    Seriously? Who cares?
  • Feb 12, 2014, 12:12 AM
    I find it odd she had a bra on, under the sheer top at a venue like that. A bra, with sheer, I see as much or more at Walmart or at the beach.

    Not even of interest to worry about. A photo with someone at an event. We all do it every day. I got mine with Cheer leaders the other day. "go team"

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