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  • Aug 21, 2013, 09:23 AM
    Am I about axed? Please support how to deal with work exclusion
    I recently joined company it was going on fine then we got new boss I don't know its look like he is not happy with me from day 1.

    He is not giving me work
    One of my friend going on leave he wants me to be his delegate boss refused his proposal
    Boss keeps adding and excluding me in official emails , announcements ,group emails
    Boss not adding only my email in meeting invitation.
    He is also bringing his guy to assist me in work from next month in fact I don't need any assistant
    I hardly have any conversation or fight with him

    Please suggest how to face this challenge I am facing this exclusion with no reason is he doing it to bring his friend and replace me ? Or is he doing it intentionally or by mistake should I talk to him? I just settled in new city 4 months ago this company specially hired me for work now after arrival of this new boss picture is very dark and gloomy? Is this it? Am I about to axed? Should I raise this issue of exclusion with higher management please help and guide me to come out of this crises. I am feeling very stresses and worried please help
  • Aug 21, 2013, 09:37 AM
    We need more details...

    What country is this in...

    Do you have a labor contract?
  • Aug 21, 2013, 09:41 AM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    We need more details...

    I don't need legal but verbal advice a general strategy how to deal with my boss
  • Aug 21, 2013, 09:45 AM

    Originally Posted by ijq View Post
    i dont need legal but verbal advice a general strategy how to deal with my boss

    The additional information matters...

    Because if you are an At-Will employee... the only thing you can do is start looking for another job. Though you might not be able to quit before a certain date on your own without having to repay relocation expenses... if they get rid of you they can't make you pay them back.

    So knowing the extra information will make a big difference in what you can and can't do. And that effects what options you have available.
  • Aug 21, 2013, 09:53 AM
    As I said company has nothing to do with his issue I am working as a contractor foustomer issue this company my new boss > boss hired me specially for customer services issues he is extremely happy with me things changed when this new divisional manager joined this company and I never indicated or raised my exclusion with my new boss till now I just need your advice should I talk to him , should I ignore this game and wait for his friend to join our team or should I talk to senior boss about this exclusion and request him to change my role in company
  • Aug 21, 2013, 10:02 AM
    I think you should bring up the issues with your higher ups that are pleased with your work. Do not make it out like he is a problem but that you are concerned that his having a problem with you may in some way jepordize your career
  • Aug 21, 2013, 10:10 AM
    Well if you are an At-will employee... simply going over your bosses head might be all the reason he needs to get rid of you.

    Incidentally... this actually IS about the company because all employees of the company are acting on behalf of the company.

    In fact if you treat this like a personal comnflict while your boss portrays it as something else to HR... guess who loses?

    First get your resume ready... because its likely to get ugly.

    What you can and can't say without repercussion will vary from country to country.

    What they can and can't do also varies from country to country.

    And Advice I will offer is therefore going to have to be based on assumptioons I have to make... and therefore would be assuming situations similar to those I have dealt with myself.

    What I could reasonibly be expected to be allowed to do as far as speaking to superiors where I have lived and worked... might get you fired in a different country. In several other countries in fact. Some supervisors and managers take it personally if you go directly over their heads... and lable you a troublemaker... (even if you really aren't) perception is everything... and you have to be careful to appear just the right way to people not intimately involved in the details.

    If you are in such a place like where I have lived and worked... you can speak with your immediate boss... who I understand likes you... and get the advice of him how to proceed if its his boss who is the problem.

    Understand if your boss stood up for you to his boss who dislikes you... his job would be at risk too. And for a new employee they would unliekly be do that... also you can not and should not assume what side your boss is really on... in a few months you really don't know him or the other office dynamics yet... and you can easily and quickly make a bad situation worse saying the wrong thing to the wrong people.

    I've actually seen bosses you are friendly to your face and will stab you in the back as soon as your head is turned.

    You have to assume the worst.. not knowing how much work experience you have... I do know its only a few months at this employer... they might be hesitant to consider you for a transfer to another group. Usually they frown upon this before you've been there for a year.

    Again assuming your situation and country are similar to what I have experienced the 32 years since I graduated College.

    However I am thinking you might be in India for some reason. My advice was based on the USA.
  • Aug 21, 2013, 12:05 PM
    So should I talk to this new boss or his superior boss about my case
    What do guys see as per your experience
  • Aug 21, 2013, 12:11 PM

    Originally Posted by ijq View Post
    so should i talk to this new boss or his superior boss about my case
    what do guys see as per your experience

    Anyone who is over both of them would be a person to talk to. Is there anyone like that in your company who is approachable and removed from that chain of command? Someone in human resources?
  • Aug 21, 2013, 12:12 PM

    Originally Posted by ijq View Post
    so should i talk to this new boss or his superior boss about my case
    what do guys see as per your experience

    Since we don't have enough information, it's really your choice. Do what you feel is right, and suffer the consequences, if there are any.

    Good luck.
  • Aug 21, 2013, 12:12 PM
    From my experience... we could do that... except for two bosses I've had at previous employers... the rest I could..

    But like I said... I am in the USA. There might be cultural diffeences if you are in another country.
  • Aug 21, 2013, 12:13 PM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    Anyone who is over both of them would be a person to talk to. Is there anyone like that in your company who is approachable and removed from that chain of command? Someone in human resources?

    Agree with smoothy, what country do you work in?
  • Aug 21, 2013, 12:50 PM
    I vehemently disagree with anyone who says go over his head.
    I NEVER does anything but get you fired (unless it's sexual harassment).
    It shows that you can't deal with people one on one, directly.
    You are expected to look the new boss in the eye and tell him that you want to stay, and what can be done to work any problems out.
  • Aug 21, 2013, 01:11 PM

    Originally Posted by joypulv View Post
    I vehemently disagree with anyone who says go over his head.
    I NEVER does anything but get you fired (unless it's sexual harassment).
    It shows that you can't deal with people one on one, directly.
    You are expected to look the new boss in the eye and tell him that you want to stay, and what can be done to work any problems out.

    Yes of course we could do that HERE (in US or CDA) but I think OP is either in Asia or India where that is frowned upon.
  • Aug 21, 2013, 01:43 PM
    It is?
  • Aug 21, 2013, 02:04 PM
    I think he is playing game to install his own guy and replace me as I am the only person who is responsible for customer care rest teams in different region don't have any customer care expert in first meeting they made same demand we also need same guy like me in their team and new boss saying new resource is out of option so the big game is get some guy who can do my work cheaply remove me and tell teams they also have to handle customer care by themselves no specialist required for this purpose although his superior boss who is also my big boss have different view I was part of vendor team he took me from there 4 months back when he was heading this division everything going fine but he got promoted and they hired this new guy and trouble started from that day!

    But many people suggested me to go and talk to new boss tell him how do you feel and even after this exclusion continues go to his big boss who knows me very well talk to him and tell you talked to new boss but still same situation please either change my department or help me find some solution for this issue.

    As far as country I am in gulf region :)
  • Aug 21, 2013, 02:06 PM
    My thinking is what does he have to lose anyway if he is sure he is being phased out anyhow.
    If he at least confides to the guy that likes his work that he feels this boss is not giving him as much work load as he feels he can handle then they may be able to think of some type of solution.
  • Aug 21, 2013, 03:40 PM
    Ok... Gulf region... that is culturally very different than the USA... I honestly don't know enough people from that region to know how they work.

    If you talk as you said... best to talk with the new boss... before going above his head to the bigger boss. Looking for a transfer to a different position sounds like a very good plan.

    Having a friend many times can make the transfer much easier...

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