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  • Apr 20, 2013, 04:16 AM
    No foundations for my circumstances
    My family/I was very close & worked for what we wanted then without warning sickness & death went through my life like a wrecking ball. My 1st semester of college is when my mom got sick & I dropped out to work & care for her. God only gives us 1 mom and a mom like mine could never be replaced so I would do it again if I had to. My mom died after I got married & although I was told I could never have kids we had a beautiful baby girl. I was still trying to deal with mom dying then my grandma died, before I could start absorbing that my dad died. I was like OK God I need you because my world isn't complete without them so please give me the strength to go on. Things calmed down but then my daughter died & 3 months after that my husband died. I nearly lost my mind! The only one that I was sort if prepared for was my mom but everyone else was sudden. I worked but I didn't make the money my husband made so I lost my house. I couldn't draw anything from my husband because I was 29 then (I'm 33 now) and our only child died before him. My life hasn't been the same since & never will be again! I don't have anymore close relatives so when I don't have something I just don't have it. I'm finally ready to go back to school & get my life as back on track as I can but I need help getting the things I need. I have all of the proof and willing to answer whatever questions you want to ask. My name is Monica & my email address is. (Removed)
  • Apr 20, 2013, 05:29 AM
    Any answers pertaining to your question, which is I assume, a money plea, will be here. Please remove your e mail address, ours is an international site.

    My contribution is, no, there are no foundations for your circumstances, can you not work to support yourself?
  • Apr 20, 2013, 07:53 PM
    [QUOTE=tickle;3446538]Any answers pertaining to your question, which is I assume, a money plea, will be here. Please remove your e mail address, ours is an international site.

    I've always worked and I still do but understand that the 1st thing to go was our house taking my credit with it & without credit it's almost impossible to get anything that you don't have cash for. If a young person gets pregnant she can apply for WIC to feed herself/baby, she can apply for child care help while she tries to finish high school, she goes off to college and there are special facilities to accommodate her if that doesn't workout she can go apply for housing & get benefits that allows her to stay home with all bills paid while she decides what her next move is oh and Medicaid to cover all of her medical expenses all because she's young, single, & made a mistake. Teen pregnancy is at an all time high and the mystery of pregnancy/ prevention has been solved but the numbers won't come down because there are no consequences for it in fact it's greatly rewarded looking at it from their point of view. I was young before and I didn't always make the right decisions but if it involved ME having to go home and tell my mom that I got caught up in something that I KNEW wasn't going to happen because it just wasn't worth it! I would need 24/7 presidential security... my mom wasn't abusive (you'd wish she'd just hit & get it over with)but she believed that her job was to teach me & mine was to not only listen but learn & apply it. Anyway I'm open for suggestions, questions, and comments all I ask is that you be respectful
  • Apr 21, 2013, 12:48 AM
    I'm really not sure what you're asking for.

    You're right, there are no foundations for your circumstances, and I am sorry for your loss, but I really don't understand what you're asking us to do for you. We can't recommend foundations, since there aren't any. Are you asking us for money? If that's the case, I'm sorry, but the majority of people on this site live paycheck to paycheck, and don't have extra money to give to a stranger.

    Add to that the fact that we get sob stories all the time, and the majority end up to be fake. Not saying that you're not telling the truth, but when you've been lied to many times (one member faked her own death and that of her young child only to come back and admit it was a joke, after people sent money and flowers to her family), it's really not advisable to take anything that's posted at face value.

    This is your first post on this site. If you just want to vent, we're more than happy to offer verbal support, and encouragement. But if you're asking for money, you're in the wrong place. You won't get that here.

    Again, I'm sorry for your loss, and I wish you the best of luck.
  • Apr 21, 2013, 02:30 AM
    Perhaps what you are saying is that it isn't fair that a young single mother can collect welfare and you have no basis for it. You aren't mentally ill, so can't collect disability. There are no charities for a 33 year old who has lost both parents, husband, and only child.

    You lost your home and have to pay cash, something all too common for thousands. You can get your good credit rating back with time. You are working and I presume renting, not living in a shelter. Now you want to go back to school and want a charity (or strangers on the internet) to contribute to this, it sounds like. I just don't see that happening. Go back to the financial aid office of the school you had to drop out of, and talk to them, and look for scholarships. I know someone who got one from the DAR, and she isn't even a member.

    It isn't wise for anyone to believe what they hear on the net, and even 'proof' can be faked. That isn't disrespect at all; it's just a fact.

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