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  • Feb 6, 2013, 09:39 AM
    Work Worry
    I had to give up my part time job the other week as my manager said to my supervisor something very derogatory about me at work which was not true. We have all had a lot of problems with him not just me and were beginning to think he is unwell. He has the staff fighting and arguing amonst themselves, complains about one person one minuite then someone else the next. Staff have tried doing something about it but he is obviously still employed at the company. Although I'm not going back and have other employment also I wrote a letter to his manager and the director of the company. After a week I have had no reply yet. Do I give it a bit longer before I write again? Im not going to let it go as lots of staff even at the office I worked in said something should be done about him. We were working three hours and getting paid for four hours. Is this not fraud? Also people have been given overtime when he was told to cut down on staff. I have told his manager all about this and other things that have been going on that I do not think his managers know about. So all in all do you think I should wait a bit longer to write again? And can I sue him for slander? I don't know how to go about this so advice would be welcome. Thank you.
  • Feb 6, 2013, 10:06 AM
    Personally I think you should let go and move on.

    Why do you feel that they need to reply to your letter? Why do you feel that you should write to them again?

    Why do you feel you can sue for slander? You have given us nothing to work with here.

    Why did you leave? Did you quit or were you fired?

    If it was me, I would learn from it and forget about it. You have another job and that's what matters.
  • Feb 6, 2013, 10:17 AM
    I say drop this and maintain self respect. The longer you dwell on this, the longer you carry baggage around with you. Forget about it and do yourself a favour.
  • Feb 7, 2013, 07:19 AM

    Originally Posted by odinn7 View Post
    Personally I think you should let go and move on.

    Why do you feel that they need to reply to your letter? Why do you feel that you should write to them again?

    Why do you feel you can sue for slander? You have given us nothing to work with here.

    Why did you leave? Did you quit or were you fired?

    If it was me, I would learn from it and forget about it. You have another job and that's what matters.

    Firstly yes I do want to move on But my boss said to my supervisor I had been going around saying something to staff members OK. This is untrue. Therefore is this not slander? I also think this was made up by him which he does do to other staff members. Ok right, is this OK to do this then?

    Secondly in my letter I said I wanted an apology from my boss or whoever was spreading despicable things about me which I have a right to ask for.

    This man has gone round at work causing no end of trouble between good workers in my place of recent employment and something should be done about it.

    Also I am asking is it fraudulent to pay staff for more hours than they have worked continuously.?.

    I am sticking up for myself although I cannot work there any more. The treatment of staff is very bad. This is not how you carry on in a workplace, making up stories about staff.?. Or am I missing something here??


    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    I say drop this and maintain self respect. The longer you dwell on this, the longer you carry baggage around with you. Forget about it and do yourself a favour.

    Im just trying to stick up for myself that's all. But yes I do want to move on as there has been so much trouble between staff at this workplace and so many people have left.
  • Feb 7, 2013, 09:07 AM
    Hi "Bubbles" - this isn't on a legal board so I see more than one side (the legal side) to this. Basically, in order to claim/sue for slander you need to be financially harmed by what was said AND the person who said it has to know it was untrue but say it anyway AND it has to be believed. For example, someone tells me you're a serial killer. I don't believe it. You don't lose your job because it. It's not slander. (Bad example, but you get the point.)

    Why people who are working 3 hours are being paid for 4 hours and management is either oblivious or just plain doesn't care is beyond me. Do you have any idea OR is this just the "favored" employees?

    I see two sides of this. When there's a wrong a no one steps up the wrong continues. I worked in animal rescue. It's like banging your head repeatedly into a wall, but someone has to try to make a difference. I see that aspect of this situation.

    I also see that you've made contact, maybe nothing has been done or maybe something has been done and you don't know about it. Either way I don't know that continuing to pursue the issue will make a difference in the long run.

    What's your feeling on things?
  • Feb 8, 2013, 07:03 AM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Hi "Bubbles" - this isn't on a legal board so I see more than one side (the legal side) to this. Basically, in order to claim/sue for slander you need to be financially harmed by what was said AND the person who said it has to know it was untrue but say it anyway AND it has to be believed. For example, someone tells me you're a serial killer. I don't believe it. You don't lose your job because it. It's not slander. (Bad example, but you get the point.)

    Why people who are working 3 hours are being paid for 4 hours and management is either oblivious or just plain doesn't care is beyond me. Do you have any idea OR is this just the "favored" employees?

    I see two sides of this. When there's a wrong a no one steps up the wrong continues. I worked in animal rescue. It's like banging your head repeatedly into a wall, but someone has to try to make a difference. I see that aspect of this situation.

    I also see that you've made contact, maybe nothing has been done or maybe something has been done and you don't know about it. Either way I don't know that continuing to pursue the issue will make a difference in the long run.

    What's your feeling on things?

    Thanks JudyKayTee. Yes I think I get your meaning. When this slur on me was mentioned my boss said something to the effect of I can't sack her* straight afterwards. He knows that the statement was not true therefore he could not sack me I suppose.

    I was also being paid four hours and only being told to work three as were the other two members of staff. If I'm honest I have told his manager this in the letter to blow the whistle on him I suppose. He should not be doing this with any members of staff but he hands out overtime and money when he has been told to cut down on these things.

    I have written to them again today to say I want a reply and an apology about the untrue statement. To my mind managers should not have a right to make personal comments about staff. It was not about the job it was personally about me. Im hoping maybe even if I don't hear anything back then maybe they have still done something about it. All of this is basically bad company behaviour and it won't be the last time something like this occurs so it will get sorted eventually.

    I have walked out of this job before as similar things have happened but I went back and gave it another chance. This time is time to move on for me as I have other employment where I am valued and treat with respect.
  • Feb 8, 2013, 07:11 AM
    Good that you've walked away and moved on. As I said, this is one of those occasions when "do I try to help someone else or just save my tail" enters into things.
  • Feb 9, 2013, 05:39 AM

    Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Good that you've walked away and moved on. As I said, this is one of those occasions when "do I try to help someone else or just save my tail" enters into things.

    You have helped and thank you.
  • Feb 9, 2013, 08:32 AM
    Any time - as you know I enjoy your answers, the way you present yourself. We may not always agree - does anyone? - but I do look forward to your responses.
  • Feb 9, 2013, 08:39 AM
    Work three get paid for four. ** no idea the rules where you worked, but I have worked places where you were guaranteed four hours, if you came into work, you got paid for 4.
    If they are clocking or signing in and out, the records will show this.

    Over time, if a manager can not handle things in certain ways, they often have to work people over time, This would be easy to tract and see, so company would be aware of this,

    It is a management issue, not an employee issue. But sometimes a manger can not get work done and have to work people over.

    The do not respond and most likely will not, since this is a personnel issue and you are not even an employee any longer. The best answer you will get is a thank youour nofo for providing y

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