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  • Nov 13, 2012, 07:22 PM
    Can a 15 year old start a Heavy Metal band?
    I'm 15 years old, and I am in 10th grade. I'm interested in starting a Heavy Metal band or joining one as a vocalist. I've taught myself how to do the "Screamo scream" and I've always wanted to be a singer. I'm not too good at regular singing, but I can do this type of vocals fairly well. However, I live in a very rural area where there are not many people into the same genre of music that I am, or are even interested in starting a band. Where I live is consisted of country and hip-hop music. The town that is near mine is a more urban and contains more people into rock, but I don't want to be in a band with 18-21 year old guys that are only in it for sex, drugs, and alcohol. Any suggestions on what you think I should do? Anything helps at this point. Thanks!
    -Quentin Moyer
  • Apr 24, 2013, 04:53 PM
    Hey. It's awesome that you're into metal. However it may help if you learn about the scene, (the fashion. The music and subgenres of metal and its fusions e.g. gothic doom metal) look at metal from the past and its subgenres on how it sounded in the past till today. Learn about the different types of unclean vocals,
    There's growls, grunts, pig squeals, screams including inhale screams). Practice and learn how to do them. If you want to enlist a vocalist do clean vocals, hold auditions and perhaps post in online. Look at other town and perhaps put in l limit and look and hold auditions for people ( do you have talented friends who may want to help and into metal?)

    Also, I like hip hop and rap can be really good. In fact there is rap metal and rap rock or rock bands that have rap singers like Linkin Park. Perhaps if you decide you like that too, get a rapper or someone who can rap and sing as well. Have it open to anyone including genders(but you know don't hire a 40 year old0

    Also figure out who's going to write the lyrics and make sure they're good quality.

    (starting a virtual band may help)

    Good luck and make sure you practice! And yes a 15 year old can start one.

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