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  • Oct 29, 2012, 05:33 PM
    I can't find this movie
    This was an HBO movie I saw in the 90s ( I am pretty sure it was made then too). It takes place in the desert. A killer is travelling and meets up with this lone blonde woman who has rabbits. He ends up killing her and moving on. Then he meets up with a dark haired woman (I remember something about the hood of a car and a train passing in the background) and they end up travelling together. They meet this married couple in a bar and are invited to their house. In a Straw Dogs type of mo, the guy takes the husband out into the desert under some pretense, and leaves him out there to die. The husband is somewhat of a geek at the beginning of the movie, but the situation turns him into this survivalist. The killer goes back and abducts the wife. I do remember a scene where the husband is trying to get back to the house, but the motor scooter he was riding on breaks down. Back at the house, the wife tries to alert a salesman that she needs help by writing help me on her chest... but the salesman is too busy looking at her chest.. and ends up getting killed. Finally the husband does make it back and the bad guys die. Does anyone have any idea what this movie was called?

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