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  • Sep 25, 2012, 04:41 PM
    Lillie fisher
    Need resources for repairs
    I don't have a answer, but I have a question, I am a senior and is disable, trying to help take care of my 81 year old mom. We really need some help with our home. The window's are bad, the doors are too. The plumber fix all pipes out side but the kitchen and bathroom need some work. The tub is sinking, it's really hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Things are really hard for us, I try to do the best I can, but I have more bills than money. Please help us. I need help to get in and out of the tub's. Please help us. Thank you Sandra Jones.
  • Sep 25, 2012, 05:23 PM
    If you are in the US, call your village hall, your township, and your county senior services for information on volunteer groups and churches that help seniors with home repairs. Also ask about funding for special projects.
  • Sep 25, 2012, 05:42 PM
    Are you asking strangers on the internet to give you money?

    Let me tell you about my life. I have 2 kids, and I can't afford to get them to a dentist, and they both desperately need to go. My husband works, and I work, but we live paycheck to paycheck. The ceiling in my basement is falling apart from water damage due to the plumbing upstairs. I just hope it doesn't hurt someone, as a piece of drywall already fell off the basement ceiling because of this damage. But I don't have the money to fix it.

    So you want me to fix your problems? Sorry, but I'm too worried about my own. I suggest you do what I'm doing, and figure it out, or live with it, like 99% of the population is doing right now. You're not special, you're one person with issue like billions of others. You have to find a way to fix it, because I can't afford to help you, and I don't know anyone else on this site that can.

    I have to think of me and my loved ones first. I have to fix my issues, and you have to fix yours.

    Good luck.
  • Sep 25, 2012, 05:43 PM
    Sandra, in almost all communities there is handymen that are qualified, efficient and experienced to help you. Look online or in the Yellow pages. Start with the most necessary.
  • Sep 25, 2012, 05:45 PM

    Originally Posted by jazzyjjjj View Post
    Sandra, in almost all communities their is handymen that are qualified, efficient and experienced to help you. Look online or in the Yellow pages. Start with the most necessary.

    I don't think that's what she's asking. She wants money, she wants someone to pay for the repairs. She's not asking how she can find people qualified to do the work, she's asking for people to pay for the work.

    Are you willing to send her a cheque to pay for the repairs she needs? If so, I have repairs too, and I actually work hard to support my family.
  • Sep 25, 2012, 07:26 PM
    You start at your Senior citizen center and see if they have any resourses, I know in Atlanta there is some programs every year, the issue, there is enough money to do about 1000 homes and there is about 30,000 requests. So most people don't get helped.

    Most people get help from their local religious group, if you belong talk to the religious leader of your choice to see if they have help. Often people from those groups come and do the repairs ( not always as good as professional, but it is help) if you buy the material.

    Also Catholic Charities help many people regardless of their faith.

    Also talk to a few real estate brokers and see if they know of any programs in the area.

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