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  • Apr 3, 2012, 08:08 AM
    Is ADD unbeatable ?
    I'm a 85 year old man. Back in the 30's in middle school I began to fail in most of my subjects. The teachers couldn't figuret it out so they gave me a IQ test. This just raised more questions since I had a high score,(133). I failed in every subject except Science,(A+) and shop,(B-) If I wasn't interested it would slip right past my grid of conscientious. But if it interests me I soak up the knowledge like a sponge.
    Long tail short I left school with a grade school education. As I needed the knowledge I taught myself and have done very well in life. It wasn't till I was much older did I learn about Attention Deficit Disorder that I realized what was wrong with me. What helped is that I loved to read and my house has over 1000 hard backed books and every one read. It took me a long time to find out what was wrong and I thought I'd share this with someone who like me. Has wondered all these years. ADD can be beat. I know because I beat it. Thanks for listening, Tom aka The Speedster
  • Apr 3, 2012, 08:42 AM
    Congratulations, Tom! Your experience is the reason today's medical and education professionals are busy identifying and getting help for kids with problems in socializing and reading and focusing. It's been figured out that, if the problem can be caught early and dealt with, the child will be taught how to compensate and adapt, and be able to get past the problem like you were able to all by yourself.
  • Apr 3, 2012, 11:29 AM
    Hey Tom, you know a little about my earlier life working with children. The only ones that reached my office frequently had some issue. ADD and ADHD are treatable but not beatable or curable. It's the way our brains are wired and some meds alter that way our wiring works but it is still wired . I have always had a theory everyone was a little bit. ADD, ADHD, LD/BD to some extent. If the issue prevents you from living a good life then you seek help. If the ADD is manageable in your life then that's all you need. Like WG says, compensate for the weakness, capitalize on your strengths
  • Apr 3, 2012, 12:13 PM
    We figured out about three years ago that my now-retired husband has Asperger's and that his dad did too. School had been a struggle for both of them along with sports and any large-muscle activities. Social life and dating had been a nightmare, but both ended up in jobs that featured a very small staff that performed very focused jobs and so they ended up with successful careers. I'm guessing many people, especially guys, from back when rocks were cooling and there were no social services, have similar stories.
  • Apr 8, 2012, 11:05 AM
    *hugs* that is awesome and amazing and wonderful!! Im so proud of you!

    I have ADHD. And I know it can be beat. I haven't gotten there yet :P but I know I will some day.

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