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  • Oct 9, 2011, 04:38 PM
    Need a new roof limited income any advice please
    I need a new roof cause every time it rains water drips all over the problem is limited funds any advise ?
  • Oct 29, 2011, 03:54 PM
    Absolutely, call a roofing company to inspect your roof! It won't cost a thing, and if they find damages caused by "An Act of God" your homeowners insurance will buy you a new roof.
  • Oct 29, 2011, 04:00 PM
    I will follow up on the above, if the damage to the roof is caused by storms or other weather issues, yes your home insurance will pay according to its policy, so depending if you have a high deductable, is it 500 or 5000 deductable. It makes a large difference. Next if it is a old roof, does your policy cover replacement cost or does it depreciate the payment.

    Next if the insurance is going to pay for it, never give any roofer a check prior to them starting, make sure there is material in on the ground and roofers at the door before you pay even a penny, you may have to pay 1/4 of the amount the day they deliver the material, but not before it shows up. And never ever pay in full until the job is done.
  • Oct 4, 2012, 05:46 PM
    Old Soldier
    If the roof damage is due to age or "normal wear and tear," no matter how severe that damage is, insurance companies will not cover it; and if it is due to storm damage, expect the insurance company to reduce the amount they pay - in addition to your deductable - by a factor related to the age of the roof. Sorry.

    If you are 62 years old or older, some of the better credic counseling services know of institutions which will repair or replace your room for little or nothing. Hope this helps.

    - Old Soldier

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