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  • Apr 7, 2011, 02:32 PM
    Should I call to ask if I got the job, or will I come off as desperate?
    I applied for a job, and have recently gone through 4 interviews with them. They called me yesterday to go in for a Hard hat tour (Place has not yet opened, but will be opening soon) they have not directly offered me the job, but have spoke to me about when training will start and approximately how much pay will be, and how many employees they are looking to hire and other subtle hints. Now my question is, would it be improper to call or email the gentleman who called me and ask him if I got the job? The suspense is killing me! I don't want to sound desperate, but I don't think I can wait any longer! I would really appreciate your input on this. Thanks!
  • Apr 7, 2011, 03:12 PM

    Definitely follow up - you have to ask for the job in most situations. If you have his email address, perhaps send a note that says, "Thank you for the time and courtesy you have extended to me in the hiring position for (official job title). Each time we've talked or met, I have been left with an increasingly positive and promising impression of the company, the people and the opportunity itself. I would greatly enjoy the job, feel I can do it very well and look forward to your decision. In the interim, I wanted to ask your time frame for making a decision, and whether there is anything more I might do or provide to assist in the process". Sign off, "Sincerely" with your name, phone number and email address.

    Some employers wait for the potential employee to ask for the job and if they don't ask, it's not offered. They are looking for initiative.
  • Dec 16, 2012, 05:27 PM
    eda medina
    I have similar question. I interviewed with the plant manager for a job. He then brought me back to interview with 6 managers. He the called me and told me that he and his tem liked me for their team. Now, I'm flying to Illinois (all ezpenses paid)to meet with corporate, the HR Director and the staff. Do I assume I got the job? Why would they spend so much money? Also, only two people were considered but the other was not bi-lingual. Any comments.
  • Dec 16, 2012, 08:17 PM
    I would treat the trip as a final round of interviews. It may just be a formality but be on your best behavior and be prepared for these meetings, just as much as you were for the prior interviews.

    I would think in the meeting with HR they will outline policies and so on and will make a formal offer. Some companies will spend the money to fly a few people in for interviews - it's a lot cheaper than hiring the wrong person would be.

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