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  • Nov 8, 2010, 04:33 PM
    Poker issue

    My English isn't perfect, but I'm going to try to explain my problem the best way I can.. I'ld be sooooo happy if somebody could help me solving it!

    First of all, the situation at the table is as followed:

    -Person A, B en C are playing regular Texas Hold'em Poker.
    -Person A is the card dealer, B the small blind, C the big blind
    -Ok, so A calls the big blind
    -B also calls the big blind and C checks it, so the flop can be showed.
    -A checks
    -B raises
    -C says all-in (he has the smallest stack)
    -A calls
    -B wants to be clever and also puches all-in (he is the big stack)
    -Now A folds
    -The turn and river cards are being showed and eventually C seems to have the winning hand.

    Now my question is: Does C win everything what's on the table? Or does B has to get some chips too?

    Hopefully somebody can understand what I mean so I can be helped out..
    Thanks already!
  • Mar 2, 2011, 09:06 AM
    The answer is that C can only win what his stack is worth, at the point when C goes all in and A and B call that money goes into the main pot. For the rest of the time when B and A are exchanging bets this goes into the side pot. So at the end C wins the main pot and B wins the side pot.

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