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  • Mar 17, 2008, 08:53 PM
    Everyday Weird Coincidences
    I was wondering if anyone has experienced what I have almost everyday.

    I experience little bits of coincidences, as an example: I'll be reading the newspaper and right at the moment I'm reading a particular word, I over-hear someone around me say that same word. Or another example would be, I'm driving around and I read a store sign and I hear the radio mention that exact word that I just read.

    I don't know how else to describe this. Since this has happened to me since I was younger, only now I've been becoming more aware of this and started to write down every instance that it happens.

    I'm looking forward for anyone's feedback.

  • Mar 17, 2008, 09:00 PM
    Things like that have happened to me on more than one occasion within the past couple of months.

    2 days ago, I'm running in a park, listening to music on my iPod... after my run, I walk to my car, take off my iPod, start the car, and the radio's continuing the song I was listening to... right at the spot when I took off my earphones.
  • Mar 17, 2008, 10:32 PM
    I've been doing more research and found that many people experience this. The definition is listed below.

    Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are causally un-related. In order to be synchronous, the events must be related to one another conceptually, and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small.

    What does this mean for someone like me? What should I do about it, if anything? Is there a way to be used in tests and somehow get paid for being a study specimen? :)
  • Mar 30, 2008, 03:18 PM

    Originally Posted by adelable
    I was wondering if anyone has experienced what I have almost everyday.

    I experience little bits of coincidences, as an example: I'll be reading the newspaper and right at the moment I'm reading a particular word, I over-hear someone around me say that exact same word. Or another example would be, I'm driving around and I read a store sign and I hear the radio mention that exact word that I just read.

    I don't know how else to describe this. Since this has happened to me since I was younger, only now I've been becoming more aware of this and started to write down every instance that it happens.

    I'm looking forward for anyone's feedback.


    You are a special person. This happens to gifted and "extra-ordinary" people. Do not be alarmed though, the other people like you have experienced the same things.
  • Mar 30, 2008, 03:30 PM

    Originally Posted by Pharaoh_10
    You are a special person. This happens to gifted and "extra-ordinary" people. Do not be alarmed though, the other people like you have experienced the same things.

    I think it is odd and interesting but really what is it worth?? For awhile I was finding dimes... creepy amount of dimes like I would get change back it would be all dimes or put money in a machine instead of getting back 2 quarters or 4 dimes and 2 nickles I would get back 5 dimes. What was it worth?? I just marked it up to another of lifes puzzles:confused:
  • Mar 30, 2008, 03:41 PM
    Years ago I read a book titled The Tao of Psychology: Synchronicity and Self. In it, the author, Jean Shinoda Bolen, talks about [Carl] Jung who "believed that all people and all animate and inanimate objects are linked through a collective unconscious. Synchronicity, [Jung] said, was a connecting principle that manifests through 'meaningful coincidences.' Bolen proposes that synchronicity is the Tao of psychology; it relates the individual to the totality."
  • Jul 25, 2009, 09:39 PM
    OMG, This has happened to me all of my life. Especially when I learn a new word. I told my parents about this and they think it's nothing. I'll read a word in a book that I've never seen before and then I'll hear it in something completely unrelated like when someone is talking to me or in a movie. I've even posted about this in another forum because I thought I was being haunted or I'm cursed or something even though it isn't really a bad thing. I can't believe someone else has the same thing I do. No one I know has this happen to them and it's so difficult to explain.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 09:59 PM
    Even better. Let me give you an example of a coincidence I had. I recently had to replace a fan belt for my car that had become cracked. I was debating on whether to bring it to a mechanic or fix it myself so I went onto a website that tells you how to replace one yourself. While reading the directions I came across a word that I have never read. The word was "taut" meaning: tight or without slack. Since I didn't know the word I looked it up on to get the meaning. That's not the coincidence, this is. About 5 minutes later I turned on TV and watched an episode of fraiser. Then I went on YouTube and looked up fraiser episodes and found a funny skit of fraiser characters on the star trek voyager. During the video, one of the characters says the same word. "taut" and in the same way. I heard a word reused that I have never heard in less than an hour. In 2 unrelated things. Here are the websites for each.

    The fan belt website. The word "taut" was used right under number 6 where it says helpful hints.
    How To Replace a Fan Belt | How To Do

    The fraiser skit on YouTube. The word "taut" is used at 2:26.
    YouTube - Star Trek Frasier

    I've heard the word thought before but never taut, and never used in this context.
  • Jul 25, 2009, 10:20 PM

    Originally Posted by kalc View Post
    I've heard the word thought before but never taut, and never used in this context.

    I have no doubt the word was said within your hearing before, but, since you didn't know it and had no previous encounter with it, it went in one ear and out the other. "Taut" is not an unusual word.
  • Jul 28, 2009, 10:01 AM

    It's that you have a heightened awareness and are in what I call sychronicity.
    Many people go through life complacent with tunnel vision though.

    I know this happens to me all the time that I will be saying something and then at the same time somebody on the TV or radio will be saying the same word sequence that I am saying at the same time. Sometimes it will even be words that aren't everyday words too.

    I will think something and then it happens a lot of times.
  • Aug 4, 2009, 09:38 PM

    Something like this happens to me all the time! Except my experience is with numbers. The number 227 follows me everywhere! Far too often I'll look at the clock and it'll be 2:27. The kitchen timer, I'll happen to look at it when it has 2:27 minutes left on it. I see it on busses (their route #), addresses (my first husband lived at a 227), countless times I've bought lotto tickets and got the ones numbered 227, things like that! Strange.
  • May 29, 2010, 02:54 PM
    For years almost every day of my life, this weird 'coincidence' thing has been happening. I've talked with people about it and they just nonchalantly dismiss it. Is it that we just acknowledge things more? Are more in tune with what is going on? I try to find reason to it all. Every day, many times a day for years and I still have no answer. But, let me tell you that it is an uneasy, confusing, frustrating and searching feeling that now I am glad I am not the only one experiencing it. Is there some kind of code or message we are receiving or just what purpose if any is happening? Somewhere there is an answer. There has to be. I don't talk about it anymore with people cause they think I'm weird upon mentioning it. I feel safe here with you all.
  • May 30, 2010, 04:37 PM

    I too have had this experience over the duration of my life. I have never heard the philosophies on it before, however, I've heard synchronicity before (there it is again!! ). ;)

    I am not trying to attack anyone (or their belief for that matter) by the following sentences. The common belief for these types of situations coincide with the "heightened awareness" statement as posed before. Most people would say that since you are freshly exposed, that you are now more aware. You use the word "the" all the time. If it were something you just learned, you may find a massive instance of the topic of this thread.

    If you read certain psychological reports you will find this type of thinking is extremely common in people who also experience higher than normal levels of paranoia, self consciousness, and déjà vu. From my personal experience, people I know who also find synchronicity a commonplace are also people who believe the government is watching you always, most conspiracy theories are true, and enjoy science fiction.

    Other theories being thrown around include attention to detail and higher than average memory skills.

    Just listing a few things associated with the topic, interpret them as you will.
  • Jun 27, 2010, 06:44 PM

    I think it means you are doing what you should be doing, chances are you are a very good person and theirs allot of good your life! It's a very interesting thing.
  • Jun 30, 2010, 09:20 AM
    Maybe it just means we are just smarter and more observant than other people! LOL! I don't see it as a problem or a wierdness, I think it's just heightened awareness. I think maybe , such aas myself with the number 227, that maybe it's just the fact that I started to see it as a regular occurrence and since then I noticed it even more when ordinarily I probably wouldn't have.

    Try this as an experiment... think of something else, like a word or a lesser seen kind of car and so on, and see if that becomes a "coincidence" just the same. That would be a great experiment! I think I'll try it too!
  • Aug 5, 2010, 06:11 AM
    I think it is something to be enjoyed, like seeing a beautiful yet fleeting sunset. You obviously have a good eye, or ear, for it. Stay tuned in and it will continue. In my personal experience, it happened a lot when I was younger, but less frequently as I have grown older.
  • Oct 26, 2010, 05:33 PM
    I have the same thing but as I been getting older it's been getting stronger like when I was little I saw a man have a heart attack and die and was driving and crashed in a movie and then I think about my grandpa and then we get a call saying my grandpa died in a car crash due to a heart attack.

    Another happen at 16 I'm 17 now but what happen in my dream my friend was shot and killed and I woke up and then my mom sat me down and told me my friend is died. I asked how and she didn't know but we got news later on that day that he was shot. I have the same as you guys but mine seem to be more dark.

    I wonder sometimes if I'm crazy. What's wrong with me?
  • Jan 8, 2011, 06:15 AM
    wow.. found other people like this. Ive had these crazy coincidence's in my life. Most of my friends jokeingly call me psychic. Ive never claimed to be one but I do have constant crazy coincidence's again and again. When I was younger I always would do the whole, think or mention a subject or/movie/song/event in a normal conversation with someone or just a thought to myself and then a lot of the time that something (whichever it was) would come up somehow soon after. In my later teens it grew to the point to where I could almost bet money (with friends or family that noticed it over the years)that when in some conversation that was randomly brought up about somebody we haven't mentioned in a while or some word I've never heard, I would say "now watch,.. now that we mentioned that its gonna happen today". Or "now watch, now that we mentioned him/her were gonna see them somewhere today". And it would just about always happen. In my early 20's it got weirder like one slow-night when I was at work me and some of my co-workers were having a random conversation about which animals would suck worst to be eaten by. The animal I said was any type of large snake.. I said it would suck to be swallowed slowly by one lol. Well a few minutes after that we closed that conversation and we closed the store and I went home. When I drove home I pulled in the driveway, parked the car, gathered some stuff from the car and got out. When my feet landed on the ground I felt something and looked down and was standing on a snake in the driveway. Of course I flipped out and jumped and got my brother and he caught it. The really weird thing is I've lived in a suburban neighborhood my whole life and never seen a snake in my yard or on my street but this one night. And of course it was a pretty big snake. A few feet, but that's big enough to scare me... that's just one of the many. Another one soon after that is one night I was Hanging with a couple of friends in a friends room and we were talking about movie's we liked and I said I felt like watching "The Terminator", and of course when one of them grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. a minute or so after-wards "The Terminator" just happened to be coming on and was on the opening credits.. I had no idea of knowing that, or knowing what channel their t.v. would be on once it turned on. It was just crazy to us all. We still joke about that day... however I'm 25 now and there's many more stories than that, but the one that brought me to this sight today and write any of this for the first time is yesterday I had 2 weird ones in one day. First when I was getting ready to leave home for work I was looking for my sunglasses and I asked my friend if they seen it and I said they "your aviators?" and I jokeingly said "yeah my Top Gun glasses". Well after that I found it, got in my car, when I started it up, my radio came on (which also my radio hasn't been working in my car for 2 months so that was also random) started playing and the radio was playing that Danger Zone song from the movie "Top Gun"... Then later when I got off work last night on my way home I was driving down a dark road I use every night to get home and I never use my bright lights because my normal lights are always good enough, but for some reason I got strange goose bumps and I turned on my bright lights then instantly spotted 2 large deer running out in front on my car and I hit the breaks just in time... if it wasn't from the goosebumps I wouldn't have turned on the brights, wouldn't have seen the deer as soon as I did, and would have hit them... it spooked me out. So I researched this on the internet tonight and found this site... sorry for the long story... never typed it before. Don't know if this is some sort of advanced or above average awareness or just weird coincidences that follow me every week or what but I find myself telling people around me all the time and most just don't get it or see the crazyness in it. A lot do though, so who knows??
  • Jan 14, 2011, 11:44 AM
    I'd recommend you read this NYT puzzle column. Follow and understand the math, and you'll see why coincidences happen at an apparently alarming rate.
  • Feb 19, 2011, 12:09 PM
    This also happens to me a lot! The most recent was today which prompted me to search online if other people experience this. I recorded a documentary on Bob Marley last night and put it on this morning just to have a quick flick through, intending to watch it later, anyway one of the songs I did listen to was 'Let's get together' which I love. I then switched it off and flicked through the TV channels and settled on Glee, I hardly ever watch this but there was little else on, at the same time, I then picked up some recipe and kids party planner books (daughter birthday coming up :) and flicked through the pages of one book from the pile and was just reading a page on invitation ideas and the one I focused on was a jigsaw invite with the words 'Lets get Together... ) and at the moment I read those words the Bob Marley song came into my head but then I realised that the Glee crew were actually singing it on the TV.

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