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  • Oct 14, 2019, 05:34 PM
    Do you agree that I have a right to be concerned?
    I would like to know if anyone would be concerned and worried for their grandson if: the mother, your ex daughter in law was 30 years old and chose not to go out and work to support her son, but chose online prostitution for income instead of working. Not only is she doing sex acts online for 3300 clients (and growing) but that she is careless in letting her address be known for these clients. She is also going against all the safety precautions that this sex sites tells the girls to follow. She is talking to some of these clients off camera and wanting them to be a part of her life. The one that she is most interested in bringing to her house wants to have sex with her online for the other clients to watch. My grandson was also diagnosed with Autism. His Early Intervention therapist suggests that he be enrolled in a school for Autism or have home therapy of 30 hours a week. The mother has blocked every attempt by my son to follow these recommendations. She enrolled him in public school. He is 4. Lastly we just found out that at 30 years old she has been addicted to oxy cotin for 11.5 years which explains her erratic behavior. She now has been on suboxone for last 1.5 yrs. with no plans of getting off that. This is just as addictive as oxy-cotin . Her parents act as if there is no reason to be concerned. Does anyone else see why I am concerned for my grandson's safety and well being. I have to ask where are her values, morals upbringing. FYI my son has 50 50 custody.

    He just spent 20K on an attorney. We went to court mid September. Judge denied full physical custody. She gave him legal custody over education only. We were shocked. Didnt have enough letters left to include in question
  • Oct 15, 2019, 04:59 PM
    I for one can certainly understand your concerns and wish you and your family the best during this hard struggle. Love and support your son.
  • Oct 15, 2019, 06:30 PM
    This is a more common occupation (world wide) than you may realize and in terms of income, she could easily bring in 6 figures.

    With that said, if the child is not in the room while she is doing it, and they child has housing, food and other nurishing, this would not be different from some dancing, and other semi sex occupations, online is not actual sex and with controls very legal work.

    It may be against your morals, but it is not something the court could restrict unless it is proved, it has or is harming the child.

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