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    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jun 16, 2023, 01:48 AM
    DeSantis v Newsom Bring it on .
    California Guv Newsom continues to hurl spitballs from the cheap seats at Florida Guv Ron DeSantis .
    Headlines :
    Newsom threatens DeSantis with kidnapping charges after illegal immigrants are flown to Sacramento

    Newsom demands information from Florida regarding text book revisions ....“California deserves to know whether any of the companies designing textbooks for our state’s classrooms are the same ones kowtowing to Florida’s extremist agenda.”

    Newsom attends Disneyland's Pride Day. Newsom discusses Disneyland expansion with CEO Bob Iger .

    This trolling of DeSantis by Newsom has been going on for a year.

    Gavin Newsom goes on the air against Ron DeSantis as political rivalry grows amid 2024 chatter | CNN Politics

    It is shaping up to potentially be the heavyweight fight of the election cycle pitting 2 influential Governors who arguable represent the political divide of the country.

    It is a fight that DeSantis appears to welcome.

    Newsom has already challenged DeSantis to a debate .Hannity asked him if he would debate DeSantis for 2 hours . Newsom said "I'd make it 3"

    But that is not enough .
    DeSantis countered with his own digs of Newsom .

    "He has a real serious fixation on the state of Florida," DeSantis said about Newsom during a news conference to sign the state budget. "I mean, I think it’s just bizarre that he does that. What I would tell him is, you know what — stop pussyfooting around.
    "Are you going to throw your hat in the ring and challenge Joe? Are you going to get in and do it? Or are you just going to sit on the sidelines and chirp ?”

    Ron DeSantis questions why Gavin Newsom won’t challenge Biden (

    This is the debate the nation needs . It may not rival Lincoln v Douglas debates .

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates - Background, Summary & Significance (

    But it would be much more useful than the shout fest that Trump Biden was .

    Of course in ways the results of the debate are already in. People are deciding with their feet.
    The question .....California's coercion versus Florida's freedom
    The answer .... People are fleeing Newsom’s progressive California debacle and flocking to DeSantis’ freedom-loving Florida.

    The debate is needed ;and it would be a must see event . But DeSantis is right . He should not give Newsom a free ride. Currently Newsom has nothing to lose ;whereas the debate performance could affect DeSantis' election prospects . The debate should happen only after Newsom challenges and defeats Clueless Joe in the primaries ;and DeSantis does the same against Trump.

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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Jun 16, 2023, 07:16 AM
    But DeSantis is right . He should not give Newsom a free ride. Currently Newsom has nothing to lose ;whereas the debate performance could affect DeSantis' election prospects . The debate should happen only after Newsom challenges and defeats Clueless Joe in the primaries ;and DeSantis does the same against Trump.
    Very true. Newsom should first challenge this pres we currently have. What a debate that would be between two of the biggest governmental failures a person can imagine.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jun 16, 2023, 05:43 PM
    Reporter that finished an assignment in Ukraine for ABC was warned against going to downtown San Francisco because it was unsafe

    ABC reporter Matt Gutman warned by 'GMA' to avoid 'dangerous' downtown San Francisco (

    California Guv Gavin Newsom oversaw the destruction of the city as mayor before moving on to destroy the state .
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jun 17, 2023, 02:00 AM
    Or this could turn into just another American soap opera/reality show.
    DeSantis is Trump's biggest rival
    Gavin Newsom's 1st wife was Kimberly Guilfoyle .
    She is now fiancée of Donald Trump Jr.
    Gavin Newsom is playing up his good relations with Donald Trump

    "I didn't have a closed fist, I had an open hand. We actually had an incredible relationship during COVID," Newsom said.
    "He was incredible – he played no politics during COVID with California – none whatsoever. It's a fact."
    The governor said that some in his own party criticized him for declining to attack Trump during the pandemic.
    Newsom offers surprising response to Trump indictment | Fox News

    Newsom and Trump both have a common interest in taking down DeSantis

    Sometimes you need a Venn diagram to understand American politics

    Kam the Sham explains Venn Diagrams
    venn diagram kamala harris - Google Search

    BTW if Clueless Joe is not the Dem candidate then Kam the Sham and Newsom will most likely be the leading contenders . What do they have in common ? They are both San Francisco politicians who cut their teeth in the 'Downtown Willie Brown 'era.
    Shortly after becoming mayor in 1996, Brown appointed Newsom ; whose father and grandfather had long-standing connections in San Francisco’s political community, to the city’s Parking and Traffic Commission. The rest is history

    Kam the Sham had an affair with Willie .He gave her a start in politics . The rest is history.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Jun 17, 2023, 02:18 AM
    It all just makes me glad I'm not a dem. The possible repubs are a good field. I would be happy to have Ramaswamey as opposed to JB or KH. He doesn't have much in the way of experience, but he is smart and seems to be strong on the common sense side. But I think it will come down to DeSantis. Trump is very likely to self destruct.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jun 17, 2023, 02:49 AM
    People I respect about their knowledge of the law ;Andrew McCarthy ,author of the book about the Russian Hoax 'Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency' ...and legal scholar Professor Richard Epstein of NYU Law and Hoover Institution ,both say that IF the Trump case is decided strictly on the law ;that Trump has no defense.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jun 17, 2023, 06:48 PM
    Newsom proposed a 28th amendment to ban guns .

    Governor Newsom Proposes 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution | California Governor
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jun 26, 2023, 04:37 AM
    Fifty years ago, everybody wanted to move to California. Housing prices weren’t cheap — even back then — and with no such thing as public transportation, an automobile was absolutely necessary. Traffic was a nightmare, and getting around southern California’s freeway system was difficult.
    But these were inconveniences, and placed on a scale next to the benefits of living in The Golden State, it was a no-brainer. It was no accident that “California Dreamin'” was the state’s anthem and the Beach Boys were the top pop group in the country.
    It’s too easy, too pat to explain California’s decline into third-worldism as a product of liberal government alone. More to the point, California fell in love with excess — and not just excess government. Everything in California had to be the biggest, the most outrageous, the prettiest, and the sexiest. It was logical then to take fashionable liberal ideas from the East and make them California’s by taking the issues to the most extreme degree.
    Environmentalism became a religion to the point of ludicrousness. “Criminal justice” became shorthand for thugs to game the system. The state began to act as an entity answerable only to itself.The result was catastrophic. Much of the state has become, if not unlivable, far less of a “paradise” than it used to be. And the consequences of that reality are beginning to be experienced by a large number of Californians.
    Nearly Half of Californians Are Considering Moving Out of the State – PJ Media

    Newsom has an over sized ego to match what he believes is the over sized importance of his state. Like many California Guvs ;he believes (and he has said it ) that "California lights the territory for the rest"

    Governor Newsom Inaugurated to Second Term in Celebration of California’s Values, Diverse Communities | California Governor

    He is not alone . Arnold compared the state to ancient city-states .Brown travelled the world doing diplomatic and economic deals with other nations for the state.

    The green new steal uses California policies about emissions as the camel's nose in the tent . The state has the clout to force auto makers to comply to their standards.

    It is scary to think of this model as a national model. California once the colossus on the left coast ....instead of building the California dream for the next generation, is instead digging it's grave.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 4, 2023, 04:50 AM
    DeSantis accepted the challenge I still say he should've waited until Newsom was a declared candidate.

    However clearly Newsom is running .He is a fund raising dynamo. His PACs are spending money at a rapid pace delivering his message . Not sure if he is building an organization for a national campaign yet

    DeSantis said

    “And here’s the thing Sean, I mean in one respect, the debate between California and Florida has already been had,” DeSantis said. “As you suggest, people have been voting on that; they’ve been voting on it with their feet. They have fled California [in] record numbers. Florida has been the No. 1 state for net in-migration.”
    “But in another sense, this is the debate for the future of our country,” said DeSantis, who is running for the GOP presidential nomination. “Because you have people like Joe Biden they would love to see the Californication of the United States.”
    DeSantis accepts Newsom’s debate challenge: ‘Just tell me when and where’ (

    All the grandstanding and politicking by governors and candidates aside, there could not be a better debate for this country coming out of the pandemic.
    Florida versus California is the election we should be having - The Spectator World

    I'll give Newsom his due. Sean Hannity is an admitted partisan; and it could be a risk going into the lion's den for Newsom . That being said Hannity is an experienced interviewer who has shown that he can be a fair moderator .
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Aug 4, 2023, 05:29 AM
    I would think that the dismal performance of Cali under Newsom would be a major problem for him in a national election.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Aug 28, 2023, 08:52 AM
    This is hilarious !

    Kam the Sham and Clueless Joe are angry that Newsom and DeSantis will debate (at some future date on FOX . Details of the rules are under negotiation)
    • Several Biden and Harris advisors have reservations about a potential Newsom-DeSantis debate, per NBC News.
    • Some Democratic advisors think the debate could boost DeSantis' struggling presidential campaign.
    • And some of Harris' allies think Newsom would use a debate to elevate himself ahead of 2028.
    Kamala Harris allies are privately grumbling that Gavin Newsom's plan to debate Ron DeSantis is 'disrespectful' to the VP as they see the move as early jockeying for 2028, report says (

    The pair think the debate is disrespectful and leaves an impression that the Dem nomination campaign is not a settled deal and could distract from the Clueless Joe -Kam the Sham campaign .

    Kam in particular feels threatenednot only because of 2024 ;but she also sees Newsom as a 2028 threat .

    Kam had her shot at DeSantis . He offered to debate her over Florida's Black history curriculum . She turned it down.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Aug 28, 2023, 11:16 AM
    He offered to debate her over Florida's Black history curriculum . She turned it down.
    Considering that the entire "controversy" is just a bunch of hooey, she made a cowardly decision and yet the only one a dishonest person could really make and survive. Being unwilling to simply say she was mistaken, she had to turn it down or be made to look completely foolish.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 3, 2023, 03:35 AM
    The last time a California Guv running a shadow Presidential campaign debated a Presidential candidate was May 15 1967 . Ronald Reagan debated Robert Kennedy (father of current candidate Robert Kennedy Jr) on television in a town hall format . The subject was the Vietnam war.

    Kennedy was at a disadvantage because he was at the time trying to defend the war and his brother's advisor's policies.

    What it demonstrated was how good Reagan was and how he was underestimated throughout his political career. Reagan handed Kennedy his lunch . He handled mostly hostile questions with intelligent rebuttal and class.

    RFK and Ronald Reagan: Town Meeting of the World - CBS News - May 15, 1967 - YouTube

    The DeSantis Newsom debate is tied up in negotiations over format. DeSantis wants a live audience. If it happens at all ;it wll be in or around November.

    I still contend that DeSantis should not do this debate until at a minimum Newsom throws his hat in the ring.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 25, 2023, 08:20 PM
    Sean Hannity to moderate groundbreaking debate between Governors Newsom, DeSantis. Debate will air Nov 30 on ‘Hannity’
    Tom, what do you think the deal is with this? I'm shocked that Newsom would agree to do this on Hannity's show, and very surprised that DeSantis would agree to it. What does he think he stands to gain? I like DeSantis, but he doesn't seem to be a particularly able debater to me.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 26, 2023, 01:55 AM
    The debate should've occurred closer to June when it was proposed ;and before the clown car show Repub debate. Then he was Trump's leading [and it could've been argued ,only credible challenger . Since then he has plummeted . So now the Newsom debate will not have the same impact.

    DeSantis is actually a decent debater . But in the Repub August format he had to be loud to be heard .That is not his style. He did not do badly .But he did not stand out.

    If the debate had happened at the time of the challenge ;right after he sent the illegals to Martha's Vinyard ,he would've been the face of the opposition to Clueless Joe's open border policy. As it stands now Abbott has seized those reins .

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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 27, 2023, 01:17 AM
    In the literary world this would be foreshadowing. In this case foreshadowing of the potential 2024 contest . No matter the reality now ;the parties have the final say on who their standard bearer is going to be.

    The tale of the tapes

    In one corner you have DeSantis and his Florida record By every measure Florida out performs Newsom's California.

    In the other corner you have polished, telegenic, and smooth talking Gavin Newsom He has done well in the past in tough interviews with conservative personalities like Bill O'Reilly and dares to venture into the red state lion's den to take them on. This is in sharp contrast to Clueless Joe who hid away in his basement in 2020 ..... and appears to be adopting a similar playbook for 2024. Newsom took on Hannity one on one in June and held his own. But in all honesty ;it was not in Hannity's interest to do a hard hitting interview. He scored a coup by doing the interview and is now on his way to restoring his position as the top dog at Fox after the Tucker ouster . It would be more telling if Newsom had an interview with an honest California journalist (if there is one)

    The wild card . Bill O'Reilly ,Sean Hannity ;Gavin Newsom share Irish Catholic backgrounds. Hannity and Newsom like each other
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 27, 2023, 04:49 AM
    If DeSantis can't blow Newsom away in this debate, then he needs to drop out of the race.
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 27, 2023, 08:09 PM
    Interesting debate tonight. I didn't see all of it, but I thought DeSantis did much better than the first one. Pence did not do well. I think he's finished. The ND governor had some really intelligent answers. I liked what Christie had to say on the pro-life question. Scott and NH argued too much.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 28, 2023, 02:41 AM
    DeSantis won for what it is worth . The loser was Fox. Why in hell do they invite Univision hosts to push the narrative leftward ? Overall it was a big loss for all the Repubs who participated. Why ? They hit Trump on the periphery , How many miles of wall was built ? Who cares ? How many weeks does Trump think it is ok to wack a kid ? Only Christie gave the right answer. Did the budget increase under Trump ? Of course it did . He had a built in excuse for doing it with the pandemic. They were silent on the issue that Trump is in his heart a North East big spending central master planner .

    None of them moved the needle. They are all competing for scraps . Why did NONE of them hit Trump on his biggest vulnerability ? He is indicted 4 times over ;and his conduct during the 1/6 riot showed a complete irresponsible lack of leadership. Why even bother debating ?

    Fox lost control of the format AGAIN.If the candidates want to act like clowns in a car ,Fox should let them . Don't try to interrupt Instead have a video screen with this

    Clown Clowns GIF - Clown Clowns Care - Discover & Share GIFs (

    and play this music.

    Circus Clown Music - Sound Effect (HD) - YouTube
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 28, 2023, 04:23 AM
    Btw it is clear that the Dems have already decided that Newson is their candidate. They sent him to the Reagan library last night to stalk the Repubs. His emerging alliance with Clueless could position him to be the successor if Clueless takes a dive ;is sent packing because of corruption ;or at very least for a 2028 run.

    In the last few days he has reinforced his ultra-lib credentials . He signed the 1st ever state tax on guns . He signed a law to protect doctors who mail order abortion pills .He signed a law to prevent schools from banning transformer enabling books. He signed a bill to keep child mutilation requests confidential from parents .

    He signed a law to make bathrooms gender neutral. He signed a bill setting implementation timelines for LGBTQ++xyz "cultural competency" training by public school staff and teachers(whatever that means ).[/COLOR][/FONT]

    On the positive sign he did toughen California sex trafficking laws (if they will be enforced that is a good thing).

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