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    asking's Avatar
    asking Posts: 2,673, Reputation: 660
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    Dec 19, 2008, 10:51 AM

    But why do you say it's only women who do this?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Dec 19, 2008, 11:02 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by asking View Post
    But why do you say it's only women who do this?
    Where did I say that was the case?

    Another reason for a guy to do this is if their wife or girlfriend is incessantly complaining, or b1thching at them... a consistently unhappy or vicious woman can send a man out of the house to another woman pretty effectively as well. People have "off" days. But when they threaten to outnumber the "good" days you are well into a real problem.
    artlady's Avatar
    artlady Posts: 4,208, Reputation: 1477
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    Dec 19, 2008, 11:05 AM

    What I have heard chronic cheaters say their reason for cheating was is because the new woman made him feel special.. stroked his ego.He felt appreciated.That is a common reason

    It has nothing to do with looks.Haley Berry's husband cheated on her and Christie Brinkleys did also.Its not about looks.

    Some men just never grow up and they are like kids with a new toy... they must have it and then after a time they get bored and want a new toy.At any cost because as you know children can be very selfish.

    Don't blame yourself... that is letting him off the hook.
    The responsibility is his.

    I had a man cheat on me and I left him and 20 yrs.later he was still pining over me and realizing what a mistake he made.I treated him well and he crapped on me so I left.

    You don't need another man to replace this man... that is foolish.Learn how to be content by yourself as its only then you will be worthy to share yourself with someone else.A man does not complete you.You complete yourself and then he compliments you.

    Blessings... Michele
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Dec 19, 2008, 12:30 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    And yes I was with one woman that was so absolutely horrible in bed that I snuck out at 3 am while she was assleep rather than face her in the morning....yeah I could have handled that one better but I was a lot younger then. She was otherwise a nice woman that was enamored with me and I couldn't find the words to tell her.

    To add a touch of levity to all of this - and this is absolutely true - my husband once referred to a mutual acquaintance as a coyote woman.

    I, of course, asked what a coyote woman is.

    He said it's a woman where if you wake up in the morning and she's asleep next to you, on top of your arm, you chew your own arm off in order to leave without waking her up.

    Sometimes I laugh through my tears - and this is one of those times.

    And as far as discussing and practicing and telling your partner what you want/need/would like to experience - I think more women are willing (for lack of a better word) to perform oral than men are willing to perform oral. For whatever reason I think a lot of men - again, not all men, certainly - are willing to receive but not give.

    Then there's the whole issue of "my nipples are not doorbells. Stop ringing and twisting them."

    And then there are the biters - nothing to get a woman in the mood like having her partner suddenly chomp on her.

    And as far as anal - it's been my experience (and only my experience) that men who enjoy/want anal talk about nothing else - ever.

    I don't think either sex has the market on jerks. And some people just don't want to learn. Maybe they've watched too much porn, I don't know.

    And while I'm on a roll here, there's something about being peeled off the ceiling, toes still tingling, and he turns and says, "So, was it good for you?" You have to wonder!

    If I ever date again I'm going to have flash numbers made like they use in the Olympics and I'm going to rate people following the sex act(s). You know, 9.9, 7.1, 3.0.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Dec 19, 2008, 12:50 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    To add a touch of levity to all of this - and this is absolutely true - my husband once referred to a mutual acquaintance as a coyote woman.

    I, of course, asked what a coyote woman is.

    He said it's a woman where if you wake up in the morning and she's asleep next to you, on top of your arm, you chew your own arm off in order to leave without waking her up.

    Sometimes I laugh through my tears - and this is one of those times.

    And as far as discussing and practicing and telling your partner what you want/need/would like to experience - I think more women are willing (for lack of a better word) to perform oral than men are willing to perform oral. For whatever reason I think a lot of men - again, not all men, certainly - are willing to receive but not give.

    Then there's the whole issue of "my nipples are not doorbells. Stop ringing and twisting them."

    And then there are the biters - nothing to get a woman in the mood like having her partner suddenly chomp on her.

    And as far as anal - it's been my experience (and only my experience) that men who enjoy/want anal talk about nothing else - ever.

    I don't think either sex has the market on jerks. And some people just don't want to learn. Maybe they've watched too much porn, I don't know.

    And while I'm on a roll here, there's something about being peeled off the ceiling, toes still tingling, and he turns and says, "So, was it good for you?" You have to wonder!

    If I ever date again I'm going to have flash numbers made like they use in the Olympics and I'm going to rate people following the sex act(s). You know, 9.9, 7.1, 3.0.
    I didn't use the term Coyote with this one... she wasn't unattractive... but she was unresponsive to numerous pleasant requests and preffered to lay there like a corpse ( I'm NOT exaggerating either). But during the day she was such a gushy, sweet type of person it was hard to be blunt with her, at night I felt like I was committing necrophillia except she was not room temprature.

    Don't assume all guys that want anal only want anal... heck while its on our menu and has been nearly our entire marriage... she actually asks for it more often than I do. And she loves oral at least as much if not more than I do. And yes I really do like it.

    Can't comment on guys unwilling to go down on women... I've always been one that would in an instant... but a few times I got a noweful of stink that I can't get out of my nose to this very day over 20 years later :eek::eek::eek::eek:.

    For gods sake douche women or at least wash if you know you aren't really fresh when sex MIGHT be an option.

    Damn now I have that odor stuck in my mind again... I think something crawled up in that one and diied there. I almost lost my lunch that time (yes it was that bad)... and yes I got up and informed her of it. Assuming she wasn't aware. That ended the date and no we never went out again.

    In 17 years of marriage I have never once smelled such a foul odor on my wife.
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Dec 19, 2008, 12:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    I didn't use the term Coyote with this one...she wasn't unattractive...but she was unresponsive to numerous pleasent requests and preffered to lay there like a corpse ( I'm NOT exagerating either). But during the day she was such a gushy, sweet type of person it was hard to be blunt with her, at night I felt like I was commiting necrophillia except she was not room temprature.

    Don't assume all guys that want anal only want anal.....heck while its on our menu and has been nearly our entire marriage....she actually asks for it more often than I do. And she loves oral at least as much if not more than I do. And yes I really do like it.

    Can't comment on guys unwilling to go down on women.... I've always been one that would in an instant.....but a few times I got a noweful of stink that I can't get out of my nose to this very day over 20 years later :eek::eek::eek::eek:.

    For gods sake douche women or at least wash if you know you aren't really fresh.

    Damn now I have that odor stuck in my mind again.....I think something crawled up in that one and diied there.

    Well, the cleanliness goes both ways. As far as anal, I didn't mean that's all they want. I meant they just don't about anything else - sort of like nagging.

    The woman I'm referring to wasn't unattractive - apparently she was making plans for the rest of their lives together based on however many times they had dated.

    And the necrophilia comment - PRICELESS! Holding up my flash card and giving you a 10.

    Now I'm really rolling - I don't know if other women have gone through this or maybe I've just kissed a lot of toads BUT has anyone else ever met the guys who (by means of the approach) say, "You know, I can take you places you've never been." Well, I've never been to Hell, that doesn't mean I want to go there.
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    Dec 19, 2008, 01:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    Well, the cleanliness goes both ways. As far as anal, I didn't mean that's all they want. I meant they just don't about anything else - sort of like nagging.

    The woman I'm referring to wasn't unattractive - apparently she was making plans for the rest of their lives together based on however many times they had dated.

    And the necrophilia comment - PRICELESS! Holding up my flash card and giving you a 10.

    Now I'm really rolling - I don't know if other women have gone through this or maybe I've just kissed a lot of toads BUT has anyone else ever met the guys who (by means of the approach) say, "You know, I can take you places you've never been." Well, I've never been to Hell, that doesn't mean I want to go there.

    Thanks.. :D

    Well the "corpse" was surprisingly also one of the most openly affectionate friendly women I ever knew in public... a real Jeckle and Hyde that one was. By day she could make you feel like a king and at night? Well, words can't explain.

    And yeah... Cleanliness most definitely does go both ways unless specific odors might be what rings your bell. And I am aware it is for a few.

    I've always had a good nose... and I've never hopped in the sack without a shower first. Unless of course we were outdoors for a quickie at the time.

    I've never had to nag about anything... we've always done what the other had an itch for at any particulare time. Thus there was never any big production before one of us did what the other requested, and we never tried to make it appear like we were doing a favor for the other.

    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Dec 19, 2008, 01:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post

    Well the "corpse" was suprisingly also one of the most openly affectionate friendly women I ever knew in public......a real Jeckle and Hyde that one was. By day she could make you feel like a king and at night? Well, words can't explain.

    And yeah....Cleanliness most definately does go both ways unless specific odors might be what rings your bell. And I am aware it is for a few.

    I've always had a good nose....and I've never hopped in the sack without a shower first. Unless of course we were outdoors for a quickie at the time.

    I've never had to nag about anything.....we've always done what the other had an itch for at any particulare time. Thus there was never any big production before one of us did what the other requested, and we never tried to make it appear like we was doing a favor for the other.


    And while we're on the subject - shall we all, how to phrase this, do a little trim now and then? Sometimes you really can't find the forest for the trees!
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Dec 19, 2008, 01:45 PM

    Hey now... my philosophy on trimming and shaving is that I do it when *I* feel like it, and if he wants it more than that, then he can darned well do it for me.

    Of course, I don't shave my legs that often in the winter either.

    This isn't a new thing, though--I was up front about it when we first got to the pants-off stage of our relationship.
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    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Dec 19, 2008, 01:52 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    And while we're on the subject - shall we all, how to phrase this, do a little trim now and then? Sometimes you really can't find the forest for the trees!

    You don't know what's behind my name then... Both my wife and I dislike stray hairs in our mouths...

    And except for the crotch and armpits... she just isn't a hairy woman naturally. Meaning no dark arm hair and little leg hair.

    I very much do not like furry women. Not that it really carries much weight being married. My wife is no cavewoman and that's all that really matters.

    This is one thing I am so happy about that isn't like the 60's or 70's. We invented razors for a reason. So we didn't resemble neanderthals.
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    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Dec 19, 2008, 02:12 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Synnen View Post
    hey philosphy on trimming and shaving is that I do it when *I* feel like it, and if he wants it more than that, then he can darned well do it for me.

    Of course, I don't shave my legs that often in the winter either.

    this isn't a new thing, though--I was up front about it when we first got to the pants-off stage of our relationship.

    When we were discussing shaving legs Alty told me that if I stopped shaving not only would I save a lot of time but I wouldn't have to wear pants.

    I'm just throwing that into the conversation for what it's worth.

    I'm more comfortable, umm, shaven. Long pause - and my husband, umm, was always happy to assist.

    (You don't think my mother is reading this, do you?)
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Dec 19, 2008, 02:15 PM

    It's sheer laziness on my part.

    Plus I'm cold and chubby. Trying to be um... smooth... in the winter when I'm already goosepimples all over just isn't my idea of fun.
    asking's Avatar
    asking Posts: 2,673, Reputation: 660
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    Dec 19, 2008, 04:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by JudyKayTee View Post
    And while I'm on a roll here, there's something about being peeled off the ceiling, toes still tingling, and he turns and says, "So, was it good for you?" You have to wonder!

    If I ever date again I'm going to have flash numbers made like they use in the Olympics and I'm going to rate people following the sex act(s). You know, 9.9, 7.1, 3.0.
    Boy, is this ever true! I'm always stumped when they ask that. Even if it wasn't a 10, what am I supposed to say? "A modest orgasm with hints of anxiety and a bit oaky in the aftertaste"?

    You can now get a cell phone app that lets you preprogram in little messages such as:
    "I Luv U" or "Yes, it was good!" or "9.8" so you could just push a button and hold it up. :)
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Dec 19, 2008, 10:04 PM

    We're rating lovers now? Hmmmmm, what rating to give hubby? ;)

    I don't know where or when the anal sex talk came into play but I have to say, as a women, I like anal sex, if it's done right. I've had guys that had no clue and really, if they don't know what they're doing it can hurt like hell.

    Oral, I have issues with oral because of things that happened to me in my younger years, but I will perform oral, I just have to be in a certain mood and drunk doesn't hurt either. ;)

    As for receiving, I can take it or leave it, it's up to hubby, I'm not going to beg for it. There are other things I enjoy much more than oral sex.

    Wow, I'm being way too honest here! ;)

    I do shave my legs all year round but I have to admit, not as much in the winter. I don't have a lot of hair on my legs as it is though, so it never gets really bushy.

    Anyway, more info on me. I really should write a book, it would be easier! :)
    JudyKayTee's Avatar
    JudyKayTee Posts: 46,503, Reputation: 4600
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    Dec 20, 2008, 08:32 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Altenweg View Post
    We're rating lovers now? Hmmmmm, what rating to give hubby? ;)
    I do shave my legs all year round but I have to admit, not as much in the winter. I don't have alot of hair on my legs as it is though, so it never gets really bushy.

    Anywho, more info on me. I really should write a book, it would be easier! :)

    I always used flash cards in the bedroom - kept my husband on his toes (so to speak). Posted the ratings. After he had his first heart attack after "knowing me" for a couple of weeks he insisted on introducing me to every medical professional we ever met as, "My wife, Judy, the woman who caused me to have the heart attack." They always smiled somewhat weakly.

    Our claim to fame is - and keep in mind we got married in ICU - that HE thought HE disconnected HIS heart monitor and HE did not and WE were in the hospital bathroom getting acquainted and HIS monitor went off a the Nurses' Station and the room flooded with Nurses and WE got a very stern lecture and HE got shipped back to bed (and ordered to stay there) and I got called to the Supervisor's Office. Bad, bad Judy. We had some degree of fame for a little while - or notoriety, one or the other. They also shipped him off to the next level of care the next day - I guess if he was well enough to disconnect his monitors, lock himself in the bathroom and set off the cardiac monitor he was well enough for a regular floor.

    My husband laughed about that all the time.

    Aren't YOU the one who told me to stop shaving my legs so I didn't need to wear pants in the Winter, girlfriend?
    Kickprivate's Avatar
    Kickprivate Posts: 18, Reputation: 7
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    Dec 20, 2008, 08:52 AM
    This post is hawt!
    Handyman2007's Avatar
    Handyman2007 Posts: 988, Reputation: 73
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    Dec 20, 2008, 02:08 PM

    If the idiot is using the phoine in your home to make these connections, that should tell you a lot about his lack of character. Lose him. Get rid of him. He is an Idiot and obviously does not have your interests at heart at all!!
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    Dec 20, 2008, 02:32 PM

    Shaving legs is good. I don't have a lot of hair on them. Lost my trickle of hair from my bellybutton down to my pubis after having a baby. I shave *everything* and have been known to institute a *landing strip* and sometimes a heart shape I n my pubic area. I like the feel of a clean shave down there especially in the summer months.

    Oral is so much nicer when *everything* is shaved. Both him and me :) I would like to think that my adventurous shaving techniques has something to do with keeping his interest in the bedroom, although I am not naïve enough to think that is the only reason which I don't think it is necessarily to elaborate here.

    ms.*big smile from happy memories* tickle
    Leolynetta's Avatar
    Leolynetta Posts: 3, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 10, 2009, 10:23 PM

    Plain and simple get out now while you can. He has cheated before and he probably will again. Just thank your lucky stars he hasn't given you and std.
    You are making the right decision to just walk away and find someone who will love you unconditional.
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    Jan 11, 2009, 07:46 AM

    Hi Alty, 'a heart how ?' you ask. Well, it helps to have a pretty flat stomach, or just suck it in, while standing, use a mirror and trim all long hair off, then very carefully with a new disposable razor, gently trim away all hair until you get a vague outline of a heart. It is never perfect but works. You can do it with depilatory as well. Patience helps.

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