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    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Nov 1, 2007, 07:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Hi Elliot,

    I guess the difference may lie in how we view this site. I view it as a lark from work and pop in to help with the folks who have computer problems, try to protect people from getting scammed and other quick and dirty fixes. I really am not inclined to write up up 300 word retorts and search for sources to back them up. I'm a point-form kinda guy. You may have noticed that since you guys move in here hardly any new members ever venture to stick around for fear of getting gang-raped by you guys. I absolutely understand their feeling. I don't care about that stuff because, well, this is just another internet discussion board, no big woop. I try to offer a different opinion now and then to counter the almost fanatical neo-conservative slant this whole forum has taken. It's fun to get you guys riled up. :)
    "since you guys move in here hardly any new members ever venture to stick around for fear of getting gang-raped by you guys."

    Poor babies. With all due respect you seem to have the same problem as those poor, gang-raped babies. You drop in and try to get us "riled up" then avoid the facts presented. Sure it's a place to waste a little time, have a little fun and maybe help someone in the process - but it's also a place to discuss serious issues.

    I think it's telling though - a little sad and even a little funny - that so many people love to "rile up" conservatives then whine when they're put in their place. If you can't stand the heat... don't fuel the fire.
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Nov 1, 2007, 07:59 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    You may have noticed that since you guys move in here hardly any new members ever venture to stick around for fear of getting gang-raped by you guys. I absolutely understand their feeling.
    Hello again, Need:

    You're great. I think you personify the liberals of today.

    Did you read the thing about Barry Manilow?? You know it's true. Liberals would rather check their feelings out first. Look, I understand. You know that I'm a screaming lib (sometimes). I HAVE feelings, whereas my right wing friends obviously DON'T.

    But, I know how to fight a knock down. I actually love it - and it doesn't hurt that I'm RIGHT. So, no - I don't understand why new members DON'T stick around. This is the most stimulating political discussion I've EVER had. Most wingers, call names. These guys cite facts. I can deal with facts. I can't deal with names. Before these guys showed up, this board was BORING!!

    What's great about these wingers though, is they fight fair. They don't resort to name calling and sniveling. Well, some of them do, and you know who I'm talking about. When the arguments get personal, I leave too.

    AND, if the lilly livered libs in congress acted more like ME instead of like YOU, Bush would be toast by now.


    PS> (edited) Something else that blows me away about these guys. After having been corrected for going on 10 years now, I'm still waiting for one of them to say - yeah, I get it... It ain't never happened. But, I'm still hoping.
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Nov 1, 2007, 08:24 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon
    Hello again, Need:

    You're great. I think you personify the liberals of today.

    Did you read the thing about Barry Manilow??? You know it's true. Liberals would rather check their feelings out first. Look, I understand. You know that I'm a screaming lib (sometimes). I HAVE feelings, whereas my right wings friends obviously DON'T.

    But, I know how to fight a knock down. I actually love it - and it doesn't hurt that I'm RIGHT. So, no - I don't understand why new members DON'T stick around. This is the most stimulating political discussion I’ve EVER had. Most wingers, call names. These guys cite facts. I can deal with facts. I can’t deal with names. Before these guys showed up, this board was BORING!!!

    What's great about these wingers though, is they fight fair. They don't resort to name calling and sniveling. Well, some of them do, and you know who I'm talking about. When the arguments get personal, I leave too.

    AND, if the lilly livered libs in congress acted more like ME instead of like YOU, Bush would be toast by now.

    Ah ex, you're a hoot. We have "no feelings" because they've been seared by years of written and verbal abuse by flaming libs (other than you). Actually I do have feelings though, I still miss my dog remember? I even feel a little bad sometimes for being harsh with one or two of those flaming libs - but then I usually come to my senses. :D

    I'd wager you're probably right, though (but not always like you think) that if more libs acted like you Bush would be toast by now. You, we respect. It's difficult to respect screaming hit and run libs that wouldn't acknowledge something that contradicts them if their life depended on it.

    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 1, 2007, 08:56 AM
    Well I guess that explains me: a bastard with feelings (makes me a great dad of course). But how does that explain the total lack of excon's type here?
    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    Nov 1, 2007, 09:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Well I guess that explains me: a bastard with feelings (makes me a great dad of course). But how does that explain the total lack of excon's type here?
    Good question.

    I've stopped trying to figure out how liberals think, though. Maybe you can explain it a little better. There are some smart ones out there, like ScottGem, who cite facts and stick around for an argument. I like Scott, even though I don't think I've ever agreed with him on any issue except support for Israel. He cites facts and uses logic to make a point rather than hit & run insulting. In that sense, he and Excon are two of a kind.

    At the opposite end of the spectrum is Chou, who puts forth opinion as if it were facts, ignores data, insults anything conservative, does nothing BUT name calling, and when called on it all, threatens to no longer accept posts from us or tries to report us for "abuse". She provides no facts of her own, and when confronted with facts, she resorts to insult and simply shouting the same thing over and over again.

    Most people are somewhere in the middle. Skell (a liberal) falls within that spectrum as does Dark Crow (a moderate). DC is also great at "devils advocate" arguments, which are a lot of fun.

    Frankly, I've been having fun here. I don't see what I do as "hijacking" the board or "raping" the other side. I call it communication. I call it discussion. And I call it educational.

    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    Nov 1, 2007, 09:15 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon
    After having been corrected for going on 10 years now, I'm still waiting for one of them to say - yeah, I get it...... It ain't never happened. But, I'm still hoping.
    After you have been corrected for 10 years why would we say we were wrong? :cool:

    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Nov 1, 2007, 09:17 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Well I guess that explains me: a bastard with feelings (makes me a great dad of course). But how does that explain the total lack of excon's type here?
    Hello again, Need:

    I'm sure you're a great dad.

    But we got Choux. She makes a lotta sense sometimes. We got Skell, he's great. We got you, and you're great too. We got Ash, he's a newbie who's kicking the Wolverine's butt. We got ScottGem. He's good. We got the ordinary fellow. We got the Wonderchick - she kicks butt. I have no idea what DC is saying half the time. We got RubyPitbull, although I think she's a closet righty. We got others. I don't know. I think we got 'em outnumbered.

    They're just louder, and they're rich and don't have to go to work like most libs.

    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    Nov 1, 2007, 10:32 AM
    I think we got 'em outnumbered.
    So what else is new?
    speechlesstx's Avatar
    speechlesstx Posts: 1,111, Reputation: 284
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    Nov 1, 2007, 10:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon
    Hello again, Need:

    I'm sure you're a great dad.

    But we got Choux. She makes a lotta sense sometimes.
    Calling us fascists 6 times a day makes sense? That hurts, bro. :D

    They're just louder, and they're rich and don't have to go to work like most libs.
    'Bout choked when I read that one. I work most of the day at the computer, and I'm certainly rich - just not financially :)
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Nov 1, 2007, 10:51 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by speechlesstx
    Bout choked when I read that one. I work most of the day at the computer, and I'm certainly rich - just not financially :)
    Hello again, Steve:

    Yeah, that was just to soothe my base.

    kindj's Avatar
    kindj Posts: 253, Reputation: 105
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    Nov 1, 2007, 11:12 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by excon
    I HAVE feelings, whereas my right wing friends obviously DON'T.
    Yeah, we have feelings. We just don't lead with them most of the time. But they're there.

    My dad left the ranching bidness to become an accountant. He can be the most cold, analytical, and logical person I know. He has feelings, but he just doesn't apply them to situations where feelings don't contribute to solutions.

    My mom, on the other hand, typically leads with her feelings. I guess that's what made her such a, well, a mom.

    I kind of got a mix of both of them, I guess. It's hard to harmonize emotions with logic so much of the time, so it's easy to fall back on the "dad" side of me and stick with logic if emotions don't contribute anything useful.

    Then again, pure logic with ZERO emotion makes for a rather Orwellian society, so I try to avoid the extremes of both.

    I love your "hang-on-like-a-pitbull" style, though. You make me actually think, unlike some others I've encountered in my lifetime.
    Skell's Avatar
    Skell Posts: 1,863, Reputation: 514
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    Nov 1, 2007, 04:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ETWolverine

    Most people are somewhere in the middle. Skell (a liberal) falls within that spectrum as does Dark Crow (a moderate).

    Funny you should say that. Down under here I'm a Labor man, not Liberal. But our Liberal party is centre-right and Labor is centre-left. Id have to to say I swing to the right side of the left too. Even so much as I have swung to the right and voted for the Liberal party, despite my misgiving about Howard.

    Im a swinging voter with swinging opinions on all matters. I vote according to who I think will do best for my electorate and most times that isn't the left wing Labor candidate. I may seem a little more left than I actually am. I do have a problem with some policies of the current administration in the US and I am against guns and the death penalty. However 95% of Australians share this opinion, left or right!

    Im dizzy!!
    Skell's Avatar
    Skell Posts: 1,863, Reputation: 514
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    Nov 1, 2007, 04:08 PM
    And for the record the politics board is the first place I come these days. I enjoy it. I stay out of a lot of the threads because they are understandably dominated by US political discussions that I am uninformed on. Even those I get involved in I'm probably uninformed in :), but I find it a board full of very intelligent people and I have learnt a lot despite how biased some of these blokes are :) It has encouraged me to broaden my horizon and study more. And despite how hard I try I can't get these other guys to broaden there horizons though but ill keep trying :)

    I tell you it beats listening to the women sleeping with married men over on the Relationships board where I used to hang out all the time!
    ETWolverine's Avatar
    ETWolverine Posts: 934, Reputation: 275
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    Nov 2, 2007, 06:31 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Skell
    Funny you should say that. Down under here I'm a Labor man, not Liberal. But our Liberal party is centre-right and Labor is centre-left. Id have to to say I swing to the right side of the left too. Even so much as I have swung to the right and voted for the Liberal party, despite my misgiving about Howard.
    That's why I used "liberal" with a lowercase "L"... to denote political philosophy, not a specific party.

    Im a swinging voter with swinging opinions on all matters. I vote according to who I think will do best for my electorate and most times that isn't the left wing Labor candidate.
    As any politically astute person should. Good for you.

    I may seem a little more left than I actually am. I do have a problem with some policies of the current administration in the US and I am against guns and the death penalty. However 95% of Australians share this opinion, left or right!

    Im dizzy!!
    I never said that one must share a majority opinion. As I said to ITB, I am aware that many of my opinions do not share popular support. That's no reason to shy away from them.

    And for the record the politics board is the first place I come these days. I enjoy it. I stay out of a lot of the threads because they are understandably dominated by US political discussions that I am uninformed on. Even those I get involved in I'm probably uninformed in :), but I find it a board full of very intelligent people and I have learnt a lot despite how biased some of these blokes are :) It has encouraged me to broaden my horizon and study more. And despite how hard I try I can't get these other guys to broaden there horizons though but ill keep trying :)

    I tell you it beats listening to the women sleeping with married men over on the Relationships board where I used to hang out all the time!
    Thank you for the compliments, Skell.

    And yes, it does beat people whining about relationships that they shouldn't be in in the first place getting questionable advice from people who are not relationship counselors or experts about how to maintain these relationships they shouldn't be in in the first place. I spent a week one day on the relationship board. (Yes, I wrote that as I meant it... it was a day that felt like a week.) I'll take the politics board any day.

    Dark_crow's Avatar
    Dark_crow Posts: 1,405, Reputation: 196
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    Nov 4, 2007, 04:15 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ETWolverine
    Good question.

    Most people are somewhere in the middle. Skell (a liberal) falls within that spectrum as does Dark Crow (a moderate). DC is also great at "devils advocate" arguments, which are a lot of fun.

    Frankly, I've been having fun here. I don't see what I do as "hijacking" the board or "raping" the other side. I call it communication. I call it discussion. And I call it educational.

    It’s always good to hear an opinion on my perspective. I thought of myself as a moderate Republican who believes in personal responsibility, self-reliance, capitalism, and the power of free markets. As opposed to social conservatives; that is, the religious right who believe in nation-building enterprises, is against individual choices, for deficits, and rejects scientific research that holds promise for mitigating diseases.

    Hope this clarifies my position. :)

    I've been having fun here too, although that's not my purpose here.

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