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  • Jan 4, 2018, 08:51 AM
    Attic Trapdoor / Hot Cold / Condensation...
    The usual January Deep Freeze had arrived a few days before Christmas and has hung on to date... Our problem is Condensation dripping down from the Attic Trapdoor Access.. Yes the Hot meeting the Cold and the only area where the condensation is forming is around the attic side of the Trapdoor, everywhere else the rafters and all are Dry... The Insulation is held back by 8" high side boards which are wet causing the wood to swell and make it tricky to push the Trapdoor up and out of the way..

    Other than applying some good weather stripping around the ledge the Trapdoor sits on when Closed.. Is there any other possible way to prevent the Condenstion from getting through... Cheers Thanks
  • Jan 4, 2018, 09:50 AM
    I'd get some sort of insulation on the other side of the trap door for starters, and second get some weatherstripping on it to prevent as much hot moist air from getting up there in the first place.

    Depending on how well it fits that ledge, you might have to get creative with the weather stripping. To assure what you have enough compress-ability to close and seal any gaps.
  • Jan 4, 2018, 11:55 AM
    I discovered some years ago that the attic trapdoor (with folding stairs) was the biggest place that heat got out, as evidenced by snow melt right above it on the roof. I tried to wrap a cheap tarp around some insulation, but the folding stairs shoved it around with the stairs are closed. So I insulated under the trap door using figerglass wrapped in plastic and taped to the ceiling. It looks ugly but I don't care. I'm going to get rid of it someday. With more insulation all over the attic now, no one could move around much up there anyway. It's a low ridge. There are shaped 'domes' to put over the folded stairs but they cost too much.

    If yours is just the trap door with no stairs, I would wrap the thinnest possible plastic around fiberglass and place it right about the door, making sure it's making contact on all 4 sides, yet not too tight that it's squished. Make it 2" wider on all 4 sides. When moisture hits, the plastic should stop it before it condenses, and it just stays part of the house warm air.
  • Jan 30, 2018, 11:18 AM

    Smoothy.... To assure what you have enough compress-ability to close and seal any gaps..
    Yes there's a super thick chunk of styrofoam Glued to the underside of the Trap Door.. Because of the Swelling due to the Condensation it can be a chore pushing up on the Door, getting it past the 12" high plywood side boards that hold back the Insulation.. Yes with Thick Weatherstripping applied properly and some form of latch mechanizium that could pull down causing sufficient seal, maybe that will do the Trick (???)
  • Jan 30, 2018, 11:30 AM
    Whatever it takes, you can lose a LOT, and I do mean LOT of heat into the attic and outside unless you get that to seal up sufficiently.

    I have a trap door that sounds like just lifts up and out, not hinged or spring loaded. I glued some extra wood onto the back to give it an extra couple of pounds of weight and that's all mine needed to compress the weatherstripping I used, the plywood square on its own didn't weigh nearly enough to do it.

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